= Ourbigbook hello world Welcome to Ourbigbook! Here's the table of contents: == Paragraphs, links, code, math My first paragraph is amazing! Implicit link with body equals URL: https://examle.com This works because we automatically recognize the `https://` prefix. Implicit link with custom body: https://examle.com[example website] Implicit link immediately followed by a period by using an empty argument: https://examle.com[]. After period. Explicit link with `\a[]`: \a[https://examle.com][example website] And the second one with inline code `f(){}` and inline server-side rendered maths with KaTeX: $\sqrt{1+1}$. But if we want block code here it is `` f() { return 1; } `` and here is some block maths: $$ \sqrt{1+1} \\ \sqrt{1+1} $$ OurBigBook loves maths, and so equations can have titles, and references to math equations just work! See e.g.: my favorite equation> $$ \newcommand{\mycmd}[1]{\nabla \cdot #1} \newcommand{\divergence}[1]{\nabla \cdot #1} \divergence{\overrightarrow{E}} = \frac{\rho}{\mycmd{\overrightarrow{E}}} \\ \divergence{\overrightarrow{\mathbf{B}}} = 0 $$ {title=This is my favorite equation in the entire world!!!} {id=my-favorite-equation} We try to make anything escapable with a backslash, e.g.: * literal backslash \\notmacro * code and math: \` and \$ If you want more than three backticks in your shorthand code block, you can add more to the open: ```` Here are three backticks: ``` Nice! ```` or you can also use the equivalent sane macro literals. When you open and close a macro argument with more than one square bracket `[` or curly brackets `{`, it becomes a literal string and does not get parsed further: \C[[ Here are three backticks: ``` Nice! ]] And here's an example of named `title=` argument with multiple curly brackets `{` which makes its content literal: $$ x = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} $$ {{title=My \notAMacro is nice.}} == Lists, tables, quotations Meh, the usual. Shorthand list: * first item * second item * some nesting * and some more * third item Sane list with explicit `Ul`: \Ul[ \L[first item] \L[second item] ] And now for tables, see this one: <table my table title>. Try clicking next to the headers to sort the columns! \Table {title=My table title} [ || String col || Integer col || Float col | ab | 2 | 10.1 | a | 10 | 10.2 | c | 2 | 3.4 | c | 3 | 3.3 ] To escape the shorthand lists and tables just backslash them as usual: \* not a list \| not a table And a quotation: \Q[To be or not to be! Ourbigbook is the answer.] == References, headers, images OurBigBook loves headers and headers! Reference to a header: <paragraphs links code math>. Make it show the section number as well with `{full}`: <paragraphs links code math>{full}. Make it uppercase and plural: OurBigBook loves <Bananas>! Reference to the following image: <image my xi chrysanthemum>. \Image[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cirosantilli/media/master/Chrysanthemum_Xi_Jinping_with_black_red_liusi_added_by_Ciro_Santilli.jpg] {title=Xi Chrysanthemum is a very nice image} {id=image-my-xi-chrysanthemum} {source=https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lotus_flower_(978659).jpg} An YouTube video: <video sample youtube video>. \Video[https://youtube.com/watch?v=YeFzeNAHEhU&t=38] {title=Sample YouTube video.} === OurBigBook is awesome {c} === Banana === Unlimited header levels?! ==== My h4 ===== My h5 ====== My h6 \H[7][My h7] \H[8][My h8] \H[9][My h9] \H[10][My h10] \H[11][My h11] \H[12][My h12] \H[13][My h13] = Header parent determined by ID!!! {parent=my-h9} The parent of this header is determined by specifying it's ID with: `` {parent=my-h9} `` rather than by the number of `=` signs of this header. This means that you don't need to worry about counting equal signs anymore! And it is much easier to move large chunks of headers around! You only need to change the `{parent=}` of the toplevel one. This is why when creating large documents, you should use `parent` exclusively. == Tags These will show up on the metadata of a given header. Note that metadata is only visible when the header is the toplevel header of a page, otherwise it would clutter your headers too much, so it is not very easy to see in this single page example. But all headers get their own toplevel pages when using split headers: https://docs.ourbigbook.com/split-headers === Animal ==== Ant ==== Cow {tag=Mammal} Oh, and cows are also <mammals>. ==== Flying animal <Bats> can fly. But <cats> can't. ==== Mammal ===== Cat ===== Bat {tag=Flying animal} == Scopes Sometimes, nested header names would really start getting too long. For this we have https://docs.ourbigbook.com/#h-scope-argument[scopes], which add a prefix to the ID of all descendants. E.g.: * <Experiment how to measure temperature of a cow/Equipment> has id `experiment-how-to-measure-temperature-of-a-cow/equipment` * <Experiment how to measure temperature of a pig/Equipment> has id `experiment-how-to-measure-temperature-of-a-pig/equipment` so both "Equipment" sections can coexist in the same project. === Experiment how to measure temperature of a cow {scope} ==== Equipment Cow thermometer. ==== Setup Put cow thermometer in cow mouth. ==== Results The cow was cold. === Experiment how to measure temperature of a pig {scope} ==== Equipment Pig thermometer. ==== Setup Put pig thermometer in pig ear. ==== Results The pig was cold.