Large text files are not previewed, as they would take up too much useless vertical space and disk memory/bandwidth.
"use strict";

let dolog = false

const globals = {};

if (typeof performance === 'undefined') {
  // Fuck, I can't find how to make this browser/node portable more nicely.
  // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/28635
  // https://github.com/browserify/perf-hooks-browserify
  // eval('require') because react-scripts build from web/
  // calls webpack, which for some reason cannot find it.
  globals.performance = eval('require')('perf_hooks').performance;
} else {
  globals.performance = performance;

const katex = require('katex');
const lodash = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const pluralize = require('pluralize');

// consts used by classes.
const HTML_PARENT_MARKER = '<span class="fa-solid-900">\u{f062}</span>';
const NOSPLIT_MARKER_TEXT = 'nosplit'
const SPLIT_MARKER_TEXT = 'split'
const TOC_MARKER_SYMBOL = '<span class="fa-solid-900">\u{f03a}</span>'

class AstNode {
   * Abstract syntax tree node. This is the base node type that
   * represents the parsed output.
   * @param {AstType} node_type -
   * @param {String} macro_name - - if node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT or AstType.ERROR: fixed to
   *                                AstType.PLAINTEXT_MACRO_NAME
   *                              - elif node_type === AstType.PARAGRAPH: fixed to undefined
   *                              - else: arbitrary regular macro
   * @param {Object[String, AstArgument]} args - dict of arg names to arguments.
   *        where arguments are arrays of AstNode
   * @param {SourceLocation} source_location - the best representation of where the macro is starts in the document
   *                        used primarily to present useful debug messages
   * @param {Object} options
   *                 {String} text - the text content of an AstType.PLAINTEXT, undefined for other types
  constructor(node_type, macro_name, args, source_location, options={}) {
    if (!('count_words' in options)) {
      options.count_words = true;
    if (!('first_toplevel_child' in options)) {
      options.first_toplevel_child = false;
    if (!('from_include' in options)) {
      options.from_include = false;
    if (!('from_ourbigbook_example' in options)) {
      options.from_ourbigbook_example = false;
    if (!('force_no_index' in options)) {
      options.force_no_index = false;
    if (!(Macro.ID_ARGUMENT_NAME in options)) {
      options.id = undefined;
    if (!('header_parent_ids' in options)) {
      options.header_parent_ids = [];
    if (!('header_tree_node_word_count' in options)) {
      options.header_tree_node_word_count = 0;
    if (!('is_first_header_in_input_file' in options)) {
      // Either the first header on a regular toplevel input,
      // or the first header inside an included include.
      options.is_first_header_in_input_file = false;
    if (!('numbered' in options)) {
      options.numbered = true;
    if (!('parent_ast' in options)) {
      // AstNode. This is different from header_tree_node because
      // it points to the parent ast node, i.e. the ast_node that
      // contains this inside one of its arguments.
      // header_tree_node on the other hand points to the header tree.
      // The header tree is currently not even connected via arguments.
      options.parent_ast = undefined;
    if (!('split_default' in options)) {
      options.split_default = false;
    if (!('split_default_children' in options)) {
      // This header is not split_default, but its children are.
      options.split_default_children = false;
    if (!('synonym' in options)) {
      options.synonym = undefined;
    if (!('text' in options)) {
      options.text = undefined;
    if (!('xss_safe' in options)) {
      // If true, force this particular instance of the macro to be safe.
      // even if the macro is unsafe by default.
      // This is used for autogenerated elements like incoming links, which.
      // are guaranteed to be safe through other means.
      options.xss_safe = false;

    // Generic fields.
    this.node_type = node_type;
    this.macro_name = macro_name;

    // For elements that have an id.
    // {String} or undefined.
    // Includes scope. Ideally, we should remove that requirement to not duplicate.
    // the information. But it will require a large hard refactor... lazy.
    this.id = options.id;

    // Current running scope. This is inherited from the scope of the ancestor headers.
    // An element with {scope} set does not get this option set (except if due to ancestors),
    // only its children do.
    this.scope = options.scope;
    this.subdir = options.subdir;

    // For elements that are of AstType.PLAINTEXT.
    this.text = options.text
    this.source_location = source_location;

    this.args = args;
    // The effetctive path of the the file counting from the toplevel directory,
    // coming either from the file=XXX or title if that is empty.
    // Examples:
    // - _file/path/to/myfile.txt.bigb: .file = path/to/myfile.txt, without the _file prefix
    this.file = undefined
    this.first_toplevel_child = options.first_toplevel_child;
    this.is_first_header_in_input_file = options.is_first_header_in_input_file;
    // This is the Nth macro of this type that appears in the document.
    this.macro_count = undefined;
    // A unique global index for this macro.
    this.macro_count_global = undefined;
    // This is the Nth macro of this type that is visible,
    // and therefore increments counts such as Figure 1), Figure 2), etc.
    // All indexed IDs (those that can be linked to) are also visible, but
    // it is possible to force non-indexed IDs to count as well with
    // captionNumberVisible.
    this.macro_count_visible = undefined;
    // Is this header numbered? Note that this is not set based on the numbered= argument:
    // that argument determines this .numbered of descendants only. This is analogous to scope.
    this.numbered = options.numbered;
    // {AstNode} that contains this as an argument.
    this.parent_ast = options.parent_ast;
    // AstArgument
    this.parent_argument = undefined;
    this.split_default = options.split_default;
    this.split_default_children = options.split_default_children;
    // {HeaderTreeNode} that points to the element.
    // This is used for both headers and non headers:
    // the only difference is that non-headers are not connected as
    // children of their parent. But they still know who the parent is.
    // This was originally required for header scope resolution.
    this.header_tree_node = options.header_tree_node;
    // For DB serialization since we don't current serialize header_tree_node.
    this.header_tree_node_word_count = options.header_tree_node_word_count

    // When fetching Nodes from the database, we only get their ID,
    // so we can't construct a full proper header_tree_node from that alone.
    // So we just store the IDs here and not on header_tree_node as that
    // alone is already useful.
    this.header_parent_ids = options.header_parent_ids;

    this.validation_error = undefined;
    this.validation_output = {};

    // The ID of this element has been indexed.
    this.index_id = undefined;
    this.force_no_index = options.force_no_index;
    // The ToC will go before this header.
    this.toc_header = false;
    // This ast is a descendant of a header. Applications:
    // - header descendants don't count for word counts
    this.in_header = false;
    // {String} the id of the target of this synonym header.
    //          undefined if not a synonym.
    this.synonym = options.synonym;

    // This was added to the tree from an include.
    this.from_include = options.from_include;
    // This was added to the tree from a ourbigbook_example.
    this.from_ourbigbook_example = options.from_ourbigbook_example;

    // Includes under this header.
    this.includes = [];
    this.xss_safe = options.xss_safe;

    // Array of AstNode of synonym headers of this one that have title2 set.
    this.title2s = []

    this.toplevel_id = undefined

    // Has this node already been validated? This cannot happen twice e.g. because of booleans:
    // booleans currently just work by adding a dummy argument with a default. But then we lose
    // the fact if the thing was given or not. This matters for example for numbered, which
    // inherits from parent if the arg is not given on parent.
    this.validated = false

    this.count_words = options.count_words
    if (this.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT) {
      this.word_count = this.text.split(/\s+/).filter(i => i).length;
    } else {
      this.word_count = 0;
    for (const argname in args) {
      const arg = args[argname]
      this.setup_argument(argname, arg);
      for (const ast of arg) {
        ast.parent_ast = this

   * Convert this AST node to an output string.
   * @param {Object} context
   *        If a call will change this object, it must first make a copy,
   *        otherwise future calls to non descendants would also be affected by the change.
   *        - {Object} options - global options passed in from toplevel. Never modified by calls
   *        - {bool} html_is_attr - are we inside an HTML attribute, which implies implies different
   *                 escape rules, e.g. " and ' must be escaped.
   *        - {bool} html_escape - if false, disable HTML escaping entirely. This is needed for
   *                 content that is passed for an external tool for processing, for example
   *                 Math equations to KaTeX, In that case, the arguments need to be passed as is,
   *                 otherwise e.g. `1 < 2` would escape the `<` to `&lt;` and KaTeX would receive bad input.
   *        - {HeaderTreeNode} header_tree - HeaderTreeNode graph containing AstNode headers
   *        - {Object} ids - map of document IDs to their description:
   *                 - 'prefix': prefix to add for a  full reference, e.g. `Figure 1`, `Section 2`, etc.
   *                 - {AstArgument} 'title': the title of the element linked to
   *        - {bool} in_caption_number_visible
   *        - {Set[AstNode]} x_parents: set of all parent x elements.
   *        - {String} root_relpath_shift - relative path introduced due to a scope in split header mode
   * @param {Object} context
   * @return {String}
  render(context) {
    if (context === undefined) {
      context = {};
    if (!('errors' in context)) {
      context.errors = [];
    if (!('html_escape' in context)) {
      context.html_escape = true;
    if (!('html_is_attr' in context)) {
      context.html_is_attr = false;
    if (!('db_provider' in context)) {
      context.db_provider = {};
    if (!('id_conversion' in context)) {
      context.id_conversion = false;
    if (!('ignore_errors' in context)) {
      context.ignore_errors = false;
    if (!('in_literal' in context)) {
      context.in_literal = false;
    if (!('in_x_text' in context)) {
      context.in_x_text = false;
    if (!('katex_macros' in context)) {
      context.katex_macros = {};
    if (!('arg_depth' in context)) {
      context.arg_depth = 0;
    //if (!('last_render' in context)) {
    if (!('macros' in context)) {
      throw new Error('context does not have a mandatory .macros property');
    if (!('source_location' in context)) {
      // Set a source location to this element and the entire subtree.
      // This allows for less verbose manual construction of trees with
      // a single dummy source_location.
      context.source_location = undefined;
    if (!('validateAst' in context)) {
      // Do validateAst to this element and the entire subtree.
      // This allows for less verbose manual construction of trees with
      // a single dummy source_location.
      context.validateAst = false;
    if (!('x_parents' in context)) {
      context.x_parents = new Set();
    if (
        this.from_include &&
        context.in_split_headers &&
      ) ||
        context.options.output_format === OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK &&
        this.from_ourbigbook_example &&
    ) {
      return '';
    if (context.source_location !== undefined) {
      this.source_location = context.source_location;
      for (const argname in this.args) {
        this.args[argname].source_location = context.source_location;
    if (context.validateAst && !this.validated) {
      validateAst(this, context);
    if (this.node_type === AstType.PARAGRAPH) {
      // Possible for AstType === PARAGRAPH which can happen for
      // insane paragraph inside header or ID during post processing.
      // Not the nicest solution, but prevents the crash, so so be it.
      // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/143
      return ' '
    const macro = context.macros[this.macro_name];
    let out, render_pre, render_post
    if (this.validation_error === undefined) {
      let output_format;
      if (context.id_conversion) {
        output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_ID;
      } else {
        output_format = context.options.output_format;
      let convert_function
      if (!macro.options.xss_safe && (this.xss_safe || context.options.xss_safe)) {
        let xss_safe_alt = macro.options.xss_safe_alt
        if (xss_safe_alt === undefined) {
          xss_safe_alt = XSS_SAFE_ALT_DEFAULT
        convert_function = xss_safe_alt[output_format]
      } else {
        convert_function = macro.convert_funcs[output_format];
      if (convert_function === undefined) {
        const message = `output format ${context.options.output_format} not defined for macro ${this.macro_name}`;
        renderError(context, message, this.source_location);
        out = errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
      } else {
        const opts = {
          extra_returns: {}
        out = convert_function(this, context, opts);
        render_pre = opts.extra_returns.render_pre
        render_post = opts.extra_returns.render_post
    } else {
      out = errorMessageInOutput(this.validation_error[0], context);

    // Add a div to all direct children of toplevel to implement
    // the on hover links to self and left margin.
      const parent_ast = this.parent_ast;
      if (
        parent_ast !== undefined &&
        parent_ast.macro_name === Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME &&
        this.id !== undefined &&
      ) {
        out = OUTPUT_FORMATS[context.options.output_format].toplevelChildModifier(this, context, out);
        if (render_pre) {
          out = render_pre + out
        if (render_post) {
          out = out + render_post

    context.last_render = out
    if (
      context.toplevel_output_path &&
      this.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
      this.is_first_header_in_input_file &&
      context.extra_returns.rendered_outputs[context.toplevel_output_path] !== undefined &&
      context.extra_returns.rendered_outputs[context.toplevel_output_path].h1RenderLength === undefined
    ) {
      // TODO This is a bit of a hack used for web where we want separate headers.
      // Ideally we should just render h1 and body separately neatly before merging the
      // two sources, e.g. at renderAstList. But lazy. Let's build on top of some technical debt.
      context.extra_returns.rendered_outputs[context.toplevel_output_path].h1RenderLength = out.length
    return out;

  add_argument(argname, arg) {
    this.args[argname] = arg
    this.setup_argument(argname, arg)

  /** Get all ancestors Asts of this Ast ordered from nearest to furthest.
   * @return {List[AstNode]}.
  ancestors(context) {
    const ancestors = [];
    let cur_ast = this
    let ancestor_id_set = new Set()
    while (true) {
      cur_ast = cur_ast.get_header_parent_asts(context)[0];
      if (cur_ast === undefined) {
      if (ancestor_id_set.has(cur_ast.id)) {
        // This fixes https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/204 so long as we are
        // rendering. Doing something before render would be ideal however, likely on the check_db step.
        const message = `parent IDs lead to infinite ancestor loop: ${ancestors.map(a => a.id).join(' -> ')} -> ${cur_ast.id}`;
        renderError(context, message, this.source_location);
      } else {
    return ancestors

  // Return the full scope of a given node. This includes the concatenation of both:
  // * any scopes of any parents
  // * the ID of the node if it has a scope set for itself
  // If none of those provide scopes, return undefined.
  calculate_scope() {
    let parent_scope;
    if (this.scope !== undefined) {
      parent_scope = this.scope;
    if (this.subdir) {
      if (parent_scope) {
        parent_scope += Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR
      } else {
        parent_scope = ''
      parent_scope += this.subdir

    let self_scope;
    if (
        this.validation_output.scope !== undefined &&
    ) {
      self_scope = this.id;
      if (parent_scope !== undefined) {
        self_scope = self_scope.substr(parent_scope.length + 1);
    } else {
      self_scope = '';

    let ret = '';
    if (parent_scope !== undefined) {
      ret += parent_scope;
    if (
      parent_scope !== undefined &&
      self_scope !== ''
    ) {
      ret += Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR;
    if (self_scope !== '') {
      ret += self_scope;
    if (ret === '') {
      return undefined;
    return ret;

  /* Get parent ID, but only consider IDs that come through header_tree_node. */
  get_local_header_parent_id() {
    if (
      this.header_tree_node !== undefined &&
      this.header_tree_node.parent_ast !== undefined &&
      this.header_tree_node.parent_ast.ast !== undefined
    ) {
      return this.header_tree_node.parent_ast.ast.id
    return undefined

  /** Works with both actual this.header_tree_node and
   * this.header_parent_ids when coming from a database. */
  get_header_parent_ids(context) {
    const ret = new Set()
    const local_parent_id = this.get_local_header_parent_id()
    // Refs defined in the current .bigb file + include_path_set
    if (local_parent_id !== undefined) {

    // Refs not defined from outside in the current .bigb file + include_path_set
    // but which were explicitly requested, e.g. we request it for all headers
    // to look for external include parents
    if (context.options.db_provider) {
      const parents_from_db = context.options.db_provider.get_refs_to_as_ids(
      for (const parent_from_db of parents_from_db) {

    // Refs not defined from outside in the current .bigb file + include_path_set,
    // but which were automatically fetched by JOIN our fetch all IDs query:
    // we fetch all parent and children via JOIN for every ID we fetch.
    // This is needed notably for toplevel scope removal.
    for (const header_parent_id of this.header_parent_ids) {
    return ret

  /* Like get_header_parent_ids, but returns the parent AST. */
  get_header_parent_asts(context) {
    const ret = []
    // We replace all parents of the current toplevel with the given one.
    // This is what we want for Web.
    if (
      this.id === context.toplevel_ast.id &&
    ) {
      const ast = context.db_provider.get(context.options.parent_id, context)
      if (
        // Can fail if user passes a parentId that does not exist on Web.
        ast !== undefined
      ) {
    } else {
      const header_parent_ids = this.get_header_parent_ids(context);
      for (const header_parent_id of header_parent_ids) {
        if (header_parent_id !== undefined) {
          ret.push(context.db_provider.get(header_parent_id, context));
    return ret

  is_header_local_descendant_of(ancestor, context) {
    let cur_ast = this;
    const ancestor_id = ancestor.id;
    while (true) {
      let cur_id = cur_ast.get_local_header_parent_id()
      if (cur_id === undefined) {
        return false;
      cur_ast = context.db_provider.get(cur_id, context)
      if (cur_ast.id === ancestor_id) {
        return true;

  is_last_in_argument() {
    return this.parent_argument_index === this.parent_argument.length() - 1

  /** Manual implementation. There must be a better way, but I can't find it... */
  static fromJSON(ast_json, context) {
    // Post order depth first convert the AST JSON tree.
    let new_ast
    let ast_head = JSON.parse(ast_json)
    const toplevel_arg = []
    const todo_visit = [[toplevel_arg, ast_head]];
    while (todo_visit.length !== 0) {
      const [parent_arg, ast_json] = todo_visit[todo_visit.length - 1];

      let finishedSubtrees = false
      let done = false
      for (const argname in ast_json.args) {
        const asts = ast_json.args[argname].asts
        if (ast_head === asts[asts.length - 1]) {
          finishedSubtrees = true
          done = true
        if (done) {

      let isLeaf = true
      for (const arg_name in ast_json.args) {
        const arg_json = ast_json.args[arg_name];
        if (arg_json.asts.length > 0) {
          isLeaf = false

      if (finishedSubtrees || isLeaf) {

        // Visit.
        const new_args = {}
        for (const arg_name in ast_json.args) {
          const arg_json = ast_json.args[arg_name];
          const new_arg = new AstArgument(arg_json.asts, arg_json.source_location);
          new_args[arg_name] = new_arg
        new_ast = new AstNode(
            text: ast_json.text,
            first_toplevel_child: ast_json.first_toplevel_child,
            header_tree_node_word_count: ast_json.header_tree_node_word_count,
            is_first_header_in_input_file: ast_json.is_first_header_in_input_file,
            scope: ast_json.scope,
            subdir: ast_json.subdir,
            split_default: ast_json.split_default,
            // TODO: Remove synonym from JSON, use Ref.type = synonym instead
            synonym: ast_json.synonym,
            word_count: ast_json.word_count,
        if (context !== undefined) {
          validateAst(new_ast, context)

        ast_head = new_ast
      } else {
        for (const arg_name in ast_json.args) {
          const arg_json = ast_json.args[arg_name];
          for (const ast_child_json of arg_json.asts.slice().reverse()) {
            todo_visit.push([arg_json.asts, ast_child_json]);
          arg_json.asts.length = 0
    return new_ast

  /** Calculate the output path for this Ast. */
  output_path(context, options={}) {
    let ast = this
    let id
    let input_path = ast.source_location.path
    if (input_path === undefined || !context.options.db_provider) {
      return {}
    } else {
      if ('effective_id' in options) {
        // Used for synonyms.
        id = options.effective_id
        ast = context.db_provider.get(id, context);
      } else {
        id = ast.id
      const ast_undefined = ast === undefined
      if (!ast_undefined && ast.macro_name !== Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME) {
        id = ast.get_header_parent_ids(context).values().next().value;
      let ast_input_path_toplevel_id
      const get_file_ret = context.options.db_provider.get_file(input_path);
      if (get_file_ret) {
        ast_input_path_toplevel_id = get_file_ret.toplevel_id
      } else {
        // The only way this can happen is if we are in the current file, and it hasn't
        // been added to the file db yet.
        ast_input_path_toplevel_id = context.toplevel_id
      let split_suffix;
      if (!ast_undefined && ast.args.splitSuffix !== undefined) {
        split_suffix = renderArg(ast.args.splitSuffix, context);
      const args = {
        ast_id: id,
        ast_input_path: input_path,
        context_to_split_headers: context.to_split_headers,
        path_sep: context.options.path_sep,
        splitDefaultNotToplevel: context.options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefaultNotToplevel,
        toSplitHeadersOverride: options.toSplitHeadersOverride,
      if (!ast_undefined) {
        args.ast_is_first_header_in_input_file = ast.is_first_header_in_input_file
        args.ast_split_default = ast.split_default
        args.ast_toplevel_id = ast.toplevel_id
      const ret = outputPathBase(args);
      if (ret === undefined) {
        return {}
      } else {
        const { dirname, basename, split_suffix: split_suffix_used } = ret
        return {
          path: pathJoin(dirname, basename + '.' + OUTPUT_FORMATS[context.options.output_format].ext, context.options.path_sep),
          split_suffix: split_suffix_used,

  setup_argument(argname, arg) {
    // TODO the second post process pass is destroying this information.
    arg.parent_ast = this;
    arg.argument_name = argname;

  // Recursively set source_location on this subtree for elements that
  // don't have it yet. Convenient for manually created trees.
  set_source_location(source_location) {
    const todo_visit_asts = [this]
    const todo_visit_args = []
    while (todo_visit_asts.length > 0) {
      const ast = todo_visit_asts.pop();
      if (ast.source_location === undefined) {
        ast.source_location = source_location
      for (const argname in ast.args) {
      while (todo_visit_args.length > 0) {
        const arg = todo_visit_args.pop();
        if (arg.source_location === undefined) {
          arg.source_location = source_location
        for (const ast of arg) {

  // Set attrs to this AstNode and all its descdendants.
  set_recursively(attrs) {
    const todo_visit_asts = [this]
    const todo_visit_args = []
    while (todo_visit_asts.length > 0) {
      const ast = todo_visit_asts.pop();
      Object.assign(ast, attrs)
      for (const argname in ast.args) {
      while (todo_visit_args.length > 0) {
        const arg = todo_visit_args.pop();
        for (const ast of arg) {

  // A simplified recursive view of the most important fields of this AstNode and children,
  // with one AstNode or AstArgument per line. Indispensable for debugging, since the toJSON
  // is huge.
  toString() {
    let ret = []
    let indent_marker = '  '
    const todo_visit = [{type: 'ast', value: this, indent: 0}]
    while (todo_visit.length > 0) {
      const thing = todo_visit.pop();
      const indent = thing.indent + 1
      const indent_str = indent_marker.repeat(thing.indent)
      if (thing.type === 'ast') {
        const ast = thing.value
        let plaintext
        if (ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT) {
          plaintext = ` ${JSON.stringify(ast.text)}`
        } else {
          plaintext = ''
        let idstr
        if (ast.id) {
          idstr = ` id="${ast.id}"`
        } else {
          idstr = ''
        const pref = `${indent_str}ast `
        let typestr
        if (ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT || ast.node_type === AstType.MACRO) {
          typestr = `${ast.macro_name}${plaintext}${idstr}`
        } else {
          typestr = `${ast.node_type.toString()}`
        if (ast.node_type === AstType.MACRO) {
          const args = ast.args
          const argnames = Object.keys(args).sort().reverse()
          for (const argname of argnames) {
            todo_visit.push({type: 'arg', value: args[argname], argname, indent })
      } else {
        const arg = thing.value
        if (arg) {
          ret.push(`${indent_str}arg ${thing.argname}`)
          for (const ast of arg.slice().reverse()) {
            todo_visit.push({type: 'ast', value: ast, indent })
    return ret.join('\n')

  toJSON() {
    const ret = {
      macro_name: this.macro_name,
      node_type:  symbolToString(this.node_type),
      scope:      this.scope,
      source_location: this.source_location,
      subdir:     this.subdir,
      text:       this.text,
      first_toplevel_child: this.first_toplevel_child,
      is_first_header_in_input_file: this.is_first_header_in_input_file,
      split_default: this.split_default,
      // TODO: Remove synonym from JSON, use Ref.type = synonym instead
      synonym:    this.synonym,
      word_count: this.word_count,
    const args_given = { ...this.args }
    for (const argname in this.args) {
      if (
        argname in this.validation_output &&
      ) {
        delete args_given[argname]
    ret.args = args_given
    if (this.header_tree_node !== undefined) {
      ret.header_tree_node_word_count = this.header_tree_node.word_count
    return ret;
exports.AstNode = AstNode;

class AstArgument {
  /** @param {List[AstNode]} nodes
   *  @ param {SourceLocation} source_location
  constructor(asts, source_location) {
    if (asts === undefined) {
      this.asts = []
    } else {
      this.asts = asts
    this.source_location = source_location;
    // AstNode
    this.parent_ast = undefined;
    // String
    this.argument_name = undefined;
    // boolean
    //this.has_paragraph = undefined;
    let i = 0;
    for (const ast of this.asts) {
      ast.parent_argument = this;
      ast.parent_argument_index = i;

  concat(...other) {
    return this.asts.concat(...other)

  get(i) {
    return this.asts[i]

  length() {
    return this.asts.length

  map(fn) {
    return this.asts.map(fn)

  set(i, val) {
    this.asts[i] = val

  slice(start, end) {
    return new AstArgument(this.asts.slice(start, end), this.source_location)

  splice(start, deleteCount, ...items) {
    return this.asts.splice(start, deleteCount, ...items)

  reverse() {
    return this

  push(...new_asts) {
    const old_length = this.asts.length;
    const ret = this.asts.push(...new_asts);
    let i = 0;
    for (const ast of new_asts) {
      ast.parent_argument = this;
      ast.parent_argument = this;
      ast.parent_argument_index = old_length + i;
    return ret;

  reset() {
    this.asts = []

  *[Symbol.iterator] () {
    for (const v of this.asts) {

  toJSON() {
    return {
      asts: this.asts,
      source_location: this.source_location,

class ErrorMessage {
   * @param {number} severity 1: most severe, 2: next, 3...
  constructor(message, source_location, severity=1) {
    this.message = message;
    this.source_location = source_location;
    this.severity = severity;

  toString(path) {
    let ret = 'error: ';
    let had_line_or_col = false;
    if (this.source_location.path !== undefined) {
      ret += `${this.source_location.path}:`;
    if (this.source_location.line !== undefined) {
      ret += `${this.source_location.line}`;
      had_line_or_col = true;
    if (this.source_location.column !== undefined) {
      if (this.source_location.line !== undefined) {
        ret += `:`;
      ret += `${this.source_location.column}`;
      had_line_or_col = true;
    if (had_line_or_col)
      ret += ': ';
    ret += this.message;
    return ret

function isAbsoluteXref(id, context) {
  return id[0] === Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR ||
      (context.options.x_leading_at_to_web && id[0] === AT_MENTION_CHAR)

function resolveAbsoluteXref(id, context) {
  if (context.options.ref_prefix) {
    return context.options.ref_prefix + id
  } else {
    return id.substr(1)

/** Set a context.option that may come from ourbigbook.json.
 * This method can also be used from ourbigbook to resolve the values of options,
 * in the case of options that have effects on both Library and CLI. */
function resolveOption(options, opt) {
  let ret = options[opt]
  if (ret !== undefined) {
    return options[opt]
  const ourbigbook_json = options.ourbigbook_json
  ret = ourbigbook_json[opt]
  if (ret !== undefined) {
    return ourbigbook_json[opt]
exports.resolveOption = resolveOption

 * Interface to retrieving the nodes of IDs defined in external files.
 * We need the abstraction because IDs will come from widely different locations
 * between browser and local Node.js operation:
 * - browser: HTTP requests
 * - local: sqlite database
class DbProvider {
   * @return remove all IDs from this ID provider for the given path.
   *         For example, on a local ID database cache, this would clear
   *         all IDs from the cache.
  clear(input_path_noext_renamed) { throw new Error('unimplemented'); }

   * @param {String} id
   * @param {String} current_scope: scope node of the location
   *         from which ID get is being done. This affects the final
   *         ID obtained due to scope resolution.
   * @return {Union[AstNode,undefined]}.
   *         undefined: ID not found
   *         Otherwise, the ast node for the given ID
  get(id, context, current_scope) {
    if (isAbsoluteXref(id, context)) {
      return this.get_noscope(resolveAbsoluteXref(id, context), context);
    } else {
      if (current_scope !== undefined) {
        current_scope += Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR
        for (let i = current_scope.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
          if (current_scope[i] === Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR) {
            let resolved_scope_id = this.get_noscope(
              current_scope.substring(0, i + 1) + id, context);
            if (resolved_scope_id !== undefined) {
              return resolved_scope_id;
      // Not found with ID resolution, so just try to get the exact ID.
      return this.get_noscope(id, context);

  /** Like get, but do not resolve scope. */
  get_noscope(id) {
    return this.get_noscope_base(id);

  get_noscope_raw(ids) { throw new Error('unimplemented'); }

  get_noscope_base(id) {
    return this.get_noscopes_base(new Set([id]))[0]

  get_noscopes_base(ids, ignore_paths_set) { throw new Error('unimplemented'); }

  /** Array[{id: String, defined_at: String}]
  get_refs_to(type, to_id, reversed=false) { throw new Error('unimplemented'); }

   * Unlike get_refs_to_as_ids, this function deduplicates possible scopes of an ID.
   * selecting only the correct one for each.
   * @param {String} id
   * @return {Array[AstNode]}: all header nodes that have the given ID
   *                           as a parent includer.
  get_refs_to_as_asts(type, to_id, context, opts={}) {
    const { current_scope, reversed } = opts
    let ref_ids = this.get_refs_to_as_ids(type, to_id, reversed)
    let ret = {};
    for (const ref_id of ref_ids) {
      const from_ast = this.get(ref_id, context, current_scope);
      if (from_ast === undefined) {
        if (!context.ignore_errors) {
          throw new Error(`could not find reference in database: ${ref_id}`);
      } else {
        ret[from_ast.id] = from_ast;
    return Object.entries(ret).map(kv => kv[1]);

  /** @return Set[string] the IDs that reference the given AST
   * The return contains multiple possible refs considering unresolved scopes.
   * The final correct scope resolution is not calculated by this function.
  get_refs_to_as_ids(type, to_id, reversed=false) {
    let other_key
    const entries = this.get_refs_to(type, to_id, reversed)
    return new Set(entries.map(e => e.id))

  get_file(path) { throw new Error('unimplemented'); }

  async fetch_files(path, context) { throw new Error('unimplemented'); }
exports.DbProvider = DbProvider;

/** DbProvider that first tries db_provider_1 and then db_provider_2.
 * The initial use case for this is to transparently use either IDs defined
 * in the current document, or IDs defined externally.
class ChainedDbProvider extends DbProvider {
  constructor(db_provider_1, db_provider_2) {
    this.db_provider_1 = db_provider_1;
    this.db_provider_2 = db_provider_2;

  get_noscope_base(id) {
    let ret = this.db_provider_1.get_noscope_base(id);
    if (ret !== undefined) {
      return ret;
    ret = this.db_provider_2.get_noscope_base(id);
    if (ret !== undefined) {
      return ret;
    return undefined;

  get_refs_to(type, to_id, reverse=false) {
    return this.db_provider_1.get_refs_to(type, to_id, reverse).concat(
      this.db_provider_2.get_refs_to(type, to_id, reverse))

  get_file(path) {
    return this.db_provider_1.get_file(path) || this.db_provider_2.get_file(path)

/** ID provider from a dict.
 * The initial use case is to represent locally defined IDs, and inject
 * them into ChainedDbProvider together with externally defined IDs.
class DictDbProvider extends DbProvider {
  constructor(dict, refs_to) {
    this.dict = dict;
    this.refs_to = refs_to;

  get_noscope_base(id) {
    return this.dict[id];

  get_refs_to(type, to_id, reverse=false) {
    const ret = []
    const from_ids_reverse = this.refs_to[reverse]
    if (from_ids_reverse !== undefined) {
      const from_ids_type = from_ids_reverse[to_id];
      if (from_ids_type !== undefined) {
        const from_ids = from_ids_type[type];
        if (from_ids !== undefined) {
          for (const from_id in from_ids) {
            const defined_ats = from_ids[from_id].defined_at
            for (const defined_at in defined_ats) {
              ret.push({ id: from_id, defined_at })
    return ret

  get_file(path) {
    return null

/** Represents possible arguments of each Macro */
class MacroArgument {
   * @param {String} name
  constructor(options) {
    options = { ...options }
    if (!('elide_link_only' in options)) {
      // If the only thing contained in this argument is a single
      // Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME macro, AST post processing instead extracts
      // the href of that macro, and transforms it into a text node with that href.
      // Goal: to allow the use to write both \a[http://example.com] and
      // \p[http://example.com] and get what a sane person expects, see also:
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#insane-link-parsing-rules
      options.elide_link_only = false;
    if (!('boolean' in options)) {
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#boolean-argument
      options.boolean = false;
    if (!('count_words' in options)) {
      options.count_words = false;
    if (!('default' in options)) {
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#boolean-named-arguments
      options.default = undefined;
    if (!('mandatory' in options)) {
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#mandatory-positional-arguments
      options.mandatory = false;
    if (!('multiple' in options)) {
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#multiple-argument
      options.multiple = false;
    if (!('ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal' in options)) {
      options.ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal = false
    if (!('positive_nonzero_integer' in options)) {
      options.positive_nonzero_integer = false;
    if (!('remove_whitespace_children' in options)) {
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#remove-whitespace-children
      options.remove_whitespace_children = false;
    this.boolean = options.boolean;
    this.count_words = options.count_words;
    this.multiple = options.multiple;
    this.default = options.default;
    this.elide_link_only = options.elide_link_only;
    this.mandatory = options.mandatory;
    this.name = options.name;
    this.positive_nonzero_integer = options.positive_nonzero_integer;
    this.remove_whitespace_children = options.remove_whitespace_children;
    this.ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal = options.ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal;

class Macro {
   * Encapsulates properties of macros, including how to convert
   * them to various output formats.
   * @param {String} name
   * @param {Array[MacroArgument]} args
   * @param {Function} convert
   * @param {Object} options
   *        {boolean} phrasing - is this phrasing content?
   *                  (HTML5 elements that can go in paragraphs). This matters to:
   *                  - determine where `\n\n` paragraphs will split
   *                  - phrasing content does not get IDs
   *        {String} auto_parent - automatically surround consecutive sequences of macros with
   *                 the same parent auto_parent into a node with auto_parent type. E.g.,
   *                 to group list items into ul.
   *        {Set[String]} auto_parent_skip - don't do auto parent generation if the parent is one of these types.
   *        {Function[AstNode, Object] -> String} get_number - return the number that shows on on full references
   *                 as a string, e.g. "123" in "Figure 123." or "1.2.3" in "Section 1.2.3.".
   *                 A return of undefined means that the number is not available, e.g. this is current limitation
   *                 of cross references to other files (could be implemented).
   *        {Function[AstNode, Object] -> Bool} macro_counts_ignore - if true, then an ID should not be automatically given
   *                 to this node. This is usually the case for nodes that are not visible in the final output,
   *                 otherwise that would confuse readers.
  constructor(name, positional_args, options={}) {
    if (!('auto_parent' in options)) {
      // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#auto_parent
    if (!('auto_parent_skip' in options)) {
      options.auto_parent_skip = new Set();
    if (!('captionNumberVisible' in options)) {
      options.captionNumberVisible = function(ast) { return false; }
    if (!('caption_prefix' in options)) {
      options.caption_prefix = capitalizeFirstLetter(name);
    if (!('default_x_style_full' in options)) {
      options.default_x_style_full = true;
    if (!('get_number' in options)) {
      options.get_number = function(ast, context) { return ast.macro_count_visible; }
    if (!('get_title_arg' in options)) {
      options.get_title_arg = function(ast, context) {
        return ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME];
    if (!('id_prefix' in options)) {
      options.id_prefix = titleToId(name);
    if (!('image_video_content_func' in options)) {
      options.image_video_content_func = function() { throw new Error('unimplemented'); };
    if (!('macro_counts_ignore' in options)) {
      // Applications:
      // * if an AST node with an ID but no-rendered HTML ID, this breaks editor scroll sync
      //   Returning true makes it not have an ID at all.
      options.macro_counts_ignore = function(ast) {
        return false;
    if (!('named_args' in options)) {
      options.named_args = [];
    if (!('phrasing' in options)) {
      options.phrasing = false;
    if (!('show_disambiguate' in options)) {
      options.show_disambiguate = false;
    if (!('source_func' in options)) {
      options.source_func = function() { throw new Error('unimplemented'); };
    if (!('toplevel_link' in options)) {
      options.toplevel_link = true;
    if (!('xss_safe' in options)) {
      options.xss_safe = true;
    if (!('xss_safe_alt' in options)) {
    this.name = name;
    this.positional_args = positional_args;
      let named_args = {};
      for (const arg of options.named_args) {
        named_args[arg.name] = arg;
      this.named_args = named_args;
    this.auto_parent = options.auto_parent;
    this.auto_parent_skip = options.auto_parent_skip;
    this.convert_funcs = {}
    this.id_prefix = options.id_prefix;
    this.options = options;
    this.remove_whitespace_children = options.remove_whitespace_children;
    this.toplevel_link = options.toplevel_link;
    this.name_to_arg = {};
    for (const arg of this.positional_args) {
      let name = arg.name;
      this.name_to_arg[name] = arg;
    for (const name in this.named_args) {
      this.name_to_arg[name] = this.named_args[name];
    // Add arguments common to all macros.
    for (const argname of Macro.COMMON_ARGNAMES) {
      this.named_args[argname] = new MacroArgument({
        name: argname,
      this.name_to_arg[argname] = this.named_args[argname];

  add_convert_function(output_format, my_function, macro_name) {
    this.convert_funcs[output_format] = my_function;
    // This produces incredibly superior render backtraces as you can immediately spot which
    // type of macro is being rendered without entering the line numbers.
    Object.defineProperty(my_function, 'name', { value: `render_func_${macro_name}`  })

  check_name(name) {
    if (Macro.COMMON_ARGNAMES_SET.has(name)) {
      throw new Error(`name "${name}" is reserved and automatically added`);
    if (name in this.name_to_arg) {
      throw new Error('name already taken: ' + name);

  toJSON() {
    const options = this.options;
    const ordered_options = {};
    Object.keys(options).sort().forEach(function(key) {
      ordered_options[key] = options[key];
    return {
      name: this.name,
      options: ordered_options,
      positional_args: this.positional_args,
      named_args: this.named_args,
exports.Macro = Macro;

// Macro names defined here are those that have magic properties, e.g.
// headers are used by the 'toc'.
Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME = 'c';
// Add arguments common to all macros.
Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'disambiguate';
Macro.ID_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'id';
// Undocumented argument used only for testing.
// Adds data-X to one of the rendered HTML elements.
// to facilitate XPath selection.
Macro.TEST_DATA_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'ourbigbookTestData';
Macro.TEST_DATA_HTML_PROP = 'data-ourbigbook-test';
Macro.SYNONYM_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'synonym';
Macro.CONTENT_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'content';
Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'description';
Macro.X_MACRO_NAME = 'x';
Macro.INCLUDE_MACRO_NAME = 'Include';
Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME = 'a';
Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME = 'm';
Macro.PLAINTEXT_MACRO_NAME = 'plaintext';
Macro.TABLE_MACRO_NAME = 'Table';
Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME = 'Td';
Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME = 'Th';
Macro.TR_MACRO_NAME = 'Tr';
Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'title';
Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME = 'title2';
// We set a fixed magic ID to the ToC because:
// - when doing --split-headers, the easy approach is to add the ToC node
//   after normal ID indexing has happened, which means that we can't link
//   to the ToC as other normal links. And if we could, we would have to worry
//   about how to avoid ID duplication
// - only a single ToC ever renders per document. So we can just have a fixed
//   magic one.
const FILE_PREFIX = Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX +  'file'
Macro.TOC_ID = Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX + 'toc';
Macro.TOC_PREFIX = Macro.TOC_ID + '/'
Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME = 'Toplevel';

/** Helper to create plaintext nodes, since so many of the fields are fixed in that case. */
class PlaintextAstNode extends AstNode {
  constructor(text, source_location) {
      {}, source_location, { text });

class SourceLocation {
  constructor(line, column, path) {
    this.line = line;
    this.column = column;
    this.path = path;
  clone() {
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41474986/how-to-clone-a-javascript-es6-class-instance
    // Saves about 0.1s out of 2.1s on https://github.com/cirosantilli/cirosantilli.github.io/blob/ed5e39dad5c9ce099b554409d05be0c5c32e5209/ciro-santilli.bigb.
    // Noticed on CDT profiling. 5% in one line? I'll take it.
    return new SourceLocation(this.line, this.column, this.path)
    //return lodash.clone(this);
  isEqual(other) {
    return lodash.isEqual(this, other);
exports.SourceLocation = SourceLocation;

class Token {
   * @param {String} type
   * @param {SourceLocation} source_location
   * @param {String} value - Default: undefined
  constructor(type, source_location, value) {
    this.type = type;
    this.source_location = source_location;
    this.value = value;

  toJSON() {
    return {
      type:   this.type.toString(),
      source_location: this.source_location,
      value:  this.value

class Tokenizer {
   * @param {String} input_string
  ) {
    this.chars = Array.from(input_string);
    this.cur_c = this.chars[0];
    this.source_location = new SourceLocation(start_line, 1, input_path);
    this.extra_returns = extra_returns;
    this.extra_returns.errors = [];
    this.i = 0;
    this.in_insane_header = false;
    this.in_escape_insane_link = false;
    this.list_level = 0;
    this.tokens = [];
    this.show_tokenize = show_tokenize;
    this.log_debug(`this.chars ${this.chars}`);
    this.log_debug(`this.chars.length ${this.chars.length}`);

  /** Advance the current character and set cur_c to the next one.
   * Maintain the newline count up to date for debug messages.
   * The current index must only be incremented through this function
   * and never directly.
   * @param {Number} how many to consume
   * @return {boolean} true iff we are not reading past the end of the input
  consume(n=1) {
    for (let done = 0; done < n; done++) {
      this.log_debug('this.i: ' + this.i);
      this.log_debug('this.cur_c: ' + this.cur_c);
      if (this.chars[this.i] === '\n') {
        this.source_location.line += 1;
        this.source_location.column = 1;
      } else {
        this.source_location.column += 1;
      this.i += 1;
      if (this.i >= this.chars.length) {
        this.cur_c = undefined;
        return false;
      this.cur_c = this.chars[this.i];
    return true;

  consume_list_indent() {
    if (this.i > 0 && this.chars[this.i - 1] === '\n') {
      let new_list_level = 0;
      while (
        arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, this.i, INSANE_LIST_INDENT) &&
        new_list_level < this.list_level
      ) {
        for (const c in INSANE_LIST_INDENT) {
        new_list_level += 1;
      for (let i = 0; i < this.list_level - new_list_level; i++) {
      this.list_level = new_list_level;

  consume_plaintext_char() {
    return this.plaintext_append_or_create(this.cur_c);

   * @return {boolean} EOF reached?
  consume_optional_newline(literal) {
    if (
      !this.is_end() &&
      this.cur_c === '\n' &&
        literal ||
        // Insane constructs that start with a newline prevent the skip.
          // Pararaph.
          this.peek() !== '\n' &&
          // Insane start.
          this.tokenize_insane_start(this.i + 1) === undefined
    ) {
      return this.consume();
    return true;

  consume_optional_newline_after_argument() {
    if (
      !this.is_end() &&
      this.cur_c === '\n' &&
    ) {
      const full_indent = INSANE_LIST_INDENT.repeat(this.list_level);
      if (
        arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, this.i + 1, full_indent + START_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR) ||
        arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, this.i + 1, full_indent + START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR)
      ) {
        this.consume(full_indent.length + 1);

  consume_optional_newline_before_close() {
    if (this.tokens.length > 0) {
      const last_token = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]
      if (last_token.type === TokenType.PLAINTEXT) {
        const txt = last_token.value
        if (txt[txt.length - 1] === '\n') {
          if (last_token.value.length === 1) {
          } else {
            last_token.value = txt.substring(0, txt.length - 1);

  error(message, source_location) {
    let new_source_location;
    if (source_location === undefined) {
      new_source_location = new SourceLocation();
    } else {
      new_source_location = source_location.clone();
    if (new_source_location.path === undefined)
      new_source_location.path = this.source_location.path;
    if (new_source_location.line === undefined)
      new_source_location.line = this.source_location.line;
    if (new_source_location.column === undefined)
      new_source_location.column = this.source_location.column;
      new ErrorMessage(message, new_source_location));

  is_end() {
    return this.i === this.chars.length;

  log_debug(message='') {
    if (this.show_tokenize) {
      console.error('tokenize: ' + message);

  peek() {
    return this.chars[this.i + 1];

  plaintext_append_or_create(s) {
    let new_plaintext = true;
    if (this.tokens.length > 0) {
      let last_token = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1];
      if (last_token.type === TokenType.PLAINTEXT) {
        last_token.value += s;
        new_plaintext = false;
    if (new_plaintext) {
      this.push_token(TokenType.PLAINTEXT, s);
    return this.consume();

  push_token(token, value, source_location) {
    this.log_debug('token: ' + token.toString());
    this.log_debug('value: ' + value);
    let new_source_location;
    if (source_location === undefined) {
      new_source_location = new SourceLocation();
    } else {
      new_source_location = source_location.clone();
    if (new_source_location.line === undefined)
      new_source_location.line = this.source_location.line;
    if (new_source_location.column === undefined)
      new_source_location.column = this.source_location.column;
    if (new_source_location.path === undefined)
      new_source_location.path = this.source_location.path;
    this.tokens.push(new Token(token, new_source_location, value));

   * @return {Array[Token]}
  tokenize() {
    // Ignore the last newline of the file.
    // It is good practice to always have a newline
    // at the end of files, but it doesn't really mean
    // that the user wants the last element to contain one.
    if (this.chars[this.chars.length - 1] === '\n') {
    let unterminated_literal = false;
    let start_source_location;
    while (!this.is_end()) {
      this.log_debug('tokenize loop');
      this.log_debug('this.i: ' + this.i);
      this.log_debug('this.source_location: ' + this.source_location);
      this.log_debug('this.cur_c: ' + this.cur_c);
      if (this.in_insane_header && this.cur_c === '\n') {
        this.in_insane_header = false;
      start_source_location = this.source_location.clone();
      if (this.cur_c === ESCAPE_CHAR) {
        if (this.is_end()) {
          this.error(`trailing unescaped ${ESCAPE_CHAR}`, start_source_location);
        } else if (!charIsIdentifier(this.cur_c)) {
        } else {
          // Insane link.
          for (const known_url_protocol of KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOLS) {
            if (arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, this.i, known_url_protocol)) {
              this.in_escape_insane_link = true;
          // Macro.
          if (!this.in_escape_insane_link) {
            let macro_name = this.tokenize_func(charIsIdentifier);
      } else if (this.cur_c === START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR) {
        let source_location = this.source_location.clone();
        // Tokenize past the last open char.
        let open_length = this.tokenize_func(
          c => c === START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR
          START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR.repeat(open_length), source_location);
        source_location = this.source_location.clone();
        if (this.cur_c === undefined) {
          // { at the end of file. Test: "named argument: open bracket at end of file fails gracefully".
          unterminated_literal = true;
        } else {
          let arg_name = this.tokenize_func(charIsIdentifier);
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NAME, arg_name, source_location);
          if (this.cur_c === NAMED_ARGUMENT_EQUAL_CHAR) {
            // Consume the = sign.
          } else if (this.cur_c === END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR) {
            // Boolean argument.
          } else {
            this.error(`expected character: '${NAMED_ARGUMENT_EQUAL_CHAR}' or '${END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR}', got '${this.cur_c}'`);
          if (open_length === 1) {
          } else {
            // Literal argument.
            let close_string = closingChar(
            if (!this.tokenize_literal(START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR, close_string)) {
              unterminated_literal = true;
            this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_END, close_string);
      } else if (this.cur_c === END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR) {
        this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_END, END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR);
      } else if (this.cur_c === START_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR) {
        let source_location = this.source_location.clone();
        // Tokenize past the last open char.
        let open_length = this.tokenize_func(
          START_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR.repeat(open_length), source_location);
        if (open_length === 1) {
        } else {
          // Literal argument.
          let close_string = closingChar(
          if (!this.tokenize_literal(START_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR, close_string)) {
            unterminated_literal = true;
      } else if (this.cur_c === END_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR) {
      } else if (this.cur_c in MAGIC_CHAR_ARGS) {
        const source_location = this.source_location.clone();
        // Insane shortcuts e.g. $$ math, `` code and <> magic \x.
        const open_char = this.cur_c;
        const open_length = this.tokenize_func(c => c === open_char).length;
        let close_char
        let isTopic = false
        if (open_char === INSANE_X_START) {
          close_char = INSANE_X_END
          if (this.cur_c === INSANE_TOPIC_CHAR) {
            isTopic = true
        } else {
          close_char = open_char
        const close_string = close_char.repeat(open_length);
        let macro_name = MAGIC_CHAR_ARGS[open_char];
        if (open_length > 1) {
          macro_name = macro_name.toUpperCase();
        this.push_token(TokenType.MACRO_NAME, macro_name);
        if (!this.tokenize_literal(open_char, close_string, true)) {
          unterminated_literal = true;
        if (open_char === INSANE_X_START) {
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_START, START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR, source_location);
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NAME, isTopic ? 'topic' : 'magic', source_location);
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_END, END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR, source_location);
      } else if (this.cur_c === '\n' && this.peek() === '\n') {
        // We must close list level changes before the paragraph, e.g. in:
        // ``
        // * aa
        // * bb
        // cc
        // ``
        // the paragraph goes after `ul`, it does not stick to `bb`
        if (this.cur_c === '\n') {
          this.error('paragraph with more than two newlines, use just two');
      } else {
        let done = false;

        // Insane link.
        if (this.in_escape_insane_link) {
          this.in_escape_insane_link = false;
        } else {
          let is_insane_link = false;
          for (const known_url_protocol of KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOLS) {
            if (
              arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, this.i, known_url_protocol)
            ) {
              const pos_char_after = this.i + known_url_protocol.length;
              if (
                pos_char_after < this.chars.length &&
              ) {
                is_insane_link = true;
          if (is_insane_link) {
            this.push_token(TokenType.MACRO_NAME, Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME);
            while (this.consume_plaintext_char()) {
              if (INSANE_LINK_END_CHARS.has(this.cur_c)) {
              if (this.cur_c === ESCAPE_CHAR) {
            done = true;

        // Insane topic link.
        let is_insane_topic_link = false;
        if (this.cur_c === INSANE_TOPIC_CHAR) {
          const source_location = this.source_location.clone()
          this.push_token(TokenType.MACRO_NAME, Macro.X_MACRO_NAME, source_location)
          this.push_token(TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START, START_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR, source_location)
          while (this.consume_plaintext_char()) {
            if (INSANE_LINK_END_CHARS.has(this.cur_c)) {
            if (this.cur_c === ESCAPE_CHAR) {
          this.push_token(TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_END, END_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR, source_location)
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_START, START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR, source_location)
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NAME, 'topic', source_location)
          this.push_token(TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_END, END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR, source_location)
          done = true

        // Insane lists and tables.
        if (
          !done && (
            this.i === 0 ||
            this.cur_c === '\n' ||
              this.tokens.length > 0 &&
              this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1].type === TokenType.PARAGRAPH
            ) ||
            // Immediately at the start of an argument.
            this.tokens.length > 0 && (
              this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1].type === TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NAME ||
              this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1].type === TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START
        ) {
          let i = this.i;
          if (this.cur_c === '\n') {
            i += 1;
          let new_list_level = 0;
          while (arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, i, INSANE_LIST_INDENT)) {
            i += INSANE_LIST_INDENT.length;
            new_list_level += 1;
          let insane_start_return = this.tokenize_insane_start(i);
          if (insane_start_return !== undefined) {
            const [insane_start, insane_start_length] = insane_start_return;
            if (new_list_level <= this.list_level + 1) {
              if (this.cur_c === '\n') {
              this.push_token(TokenType.MACRO_NAME, INSANE_STARTS_TO_MACRO_NAME[insane_start]);
              this.list_level += 1;
              done = true;
              for (let i = 0; i < insane_start_length; i++) {

        // Insane headers.
        if (!done && (
          this.i === 0 ||
          this.chars[this.i - 1] === '\n'
        )) {
          let i = this.i;
          let new_header_level = 0;
          while (this.chars[i] === INSANE_HEADER_CHAR) {
            i += 1;
            new_header_level += 1;
          if (new_header_level > 0 && this.chars[i] === ' ') {
            this.push_token(TokenType.MACRO_NAME, Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME);
            this.push_token(TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START, INSANE_HEADER_CHAR.repeat(new_header_level));
            this.push_token(TokenType.PLAINTEXT, new_header_level.toString());
            for (let i = 0; i <= new_header_level; i++)
            this.in_insane_header = true;
            done = true;

        // Character is nothing else, so finally it is a regular plaintext character.
        if (!done) {
    if (unterminated_literal) {
      this.error(`unterminated literal argument`, start_source_location);

    // Close any open headers at the end of the document.
    if (this.in_insane_header) {

    // Close any open list levels at the end of the document.
    for (let i = 0; i < this.list_level; i++) {

    return this.tokens;

  // Create a token with all consecutive chars that are accepted
  // by the given function.
  tokenize_func(f) {
    this.log_debug('this.i: ' + this.i);
    this.log_debug('this.cur_c: ' + this.cur_c);
    let value = '';
    while (f(this.cur_c)) {
      value += this.cur_c;
      if (this.is_end())
    return value;

   * Determine if we are at the start of an insane indented sequence
   * like an insane list '* ' or table '| '
   * @return {Union[[String,Number],undefined]} -
   *         - [insane_start, length] if any is found. For an empty table or list without space,
   *           length is insane_start.length - 1. Otherwise it equals insane_start.length.
   *         - undefined if none found.
  tokenize_insane_start(i) {
    for (const insane_start in INSANE_STARTS_TO_MACRO_NAME) {
      if (
        arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, i, insane_start)
      ) {
        // Full insane start match.
        return [insane_start, insane_start.length];
      // Empty table or list without space.
      let insane_start_nospace = insane_start.substring(0, insane_start.length - 1);
      if (
        arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, i, insane_start_nospace) &&
          i === this.chars.length - 1 ||
          this.chars[i + insane_start.length - 1] === '\n'
      ) {
        return [insane_start, insane_start.length - 1];
    return undefined;

   * Start inside the literal argument after the opening,
   * and consume until its end.
   * @return {boolean} - true if OK, false if unexpected EOF
  tokenize_literal(open_char, close_string, openEqualsClose = false) {
    this.log_debug(`this.i: ${this.i}`);
    this.log_debug(`open_char: ${open_char}`);
    this.log_debug(`close_string ${close_string}`);

    if (this.is_end())
      return false;

    // Remove leading escapes.
    let i = this.i;
    while (this.chars[i] === ESCAPE_CHAR) {
      if (this.is_end())
        return false;
    if (this.chars[i] === open_char && !openEqualsClose) {
      // Skip one of the escape chars if they are followed by an open.
      if (!this.consume())
        return false;
    } else {
      if (!this.consume_optional_newline(true))
        return false;

    // Now consume the following unescaped part.
    let start_i = this.i;
    let start_source_location = this.source_location.clone();
    while (
      this.chars.slice(this.i, this.i + close_string.length).join('')
      !== close_string
    ) {
      if (!this.consume())
        return false;
    // Handle trailing escape.
    let append;
    let end_i;
    if (
      this.chars[this.i - 1] === ESCAPE_CHAR &&
      this.chars.slice(this.i + 1, this.i + close_string.length + 1).join('') === close_string
    ) {
      // Ignore the trailing backslash.
      end_i = this.i - 1;
      // Consume the escaped closing char.
      if (!this.consume())
        return false;
      append = closingChar(open_char);
    } else {
      end_i = this.i;
      append = '';

    // Remove insane list indents.
    let plaintext = '';
      let i = start_i;
      while (true) {
        if (this.chars[i - 1] === '\n') {
          if (this.chars[i] === '\n') {
          } else if (arrayContainsArrayAt(this.chars, i, INSANE_LIST_INDENT.repeat(this.list_level))) {
            i += INSANE_LIST_INDENT.length * this.list_level;
          } else {
            this.error(`literal argument with indent smaller than current insane list`, start_source_location);
        if (i < end_i) {
          plaintext += this.chars[i];
        } else {

    // Create the token.
      plaintext + append,

    // Skip over the closing string.
    for (let i = 0; i < close_string.length; i++)
    return true;

class HeaderTreeNode {
   * Structure:
   * toplevel -> value -> toplevel header ast
   *   -> child[0] -> value -> h2 1 header ast
   *               -> parent_ast -> toplevel
   *   -> child[1] -> value -> h2 2 header ast
   *               -> parent_ast -> toplevel
   * P inside  h2 1:
   *   -> parent_ast -> child[0]
   * a inside P inside  h2 1:
   *   -> parent_ast -> child[0]
   * And every non-header element also gets a parent link to its header without child down:
   * @param {AstNode} value
   * @param {HeaderTreeNode} parent_ast
  constructor(ast, parent_ast, options={}) {
    this.ast = ast;
    this.parent_ast = parent_ast;
    this.children = [];
    this.index = undefined;
    this.descendant_count = 0;
    this.descendant_word_count = 0;
    if (ast !== undefined) {
      this.word_count = ast.word_count;
      if (!ast.in_header) {
        let cur_node = this.parent_ast;
        if (cur_node !== undefined && cur_node.parent_ast !== undefined) {
          cur_node.update_ancestor_counts(this.word_count + ast.header_tree_node_word_count)
    } else {
      this.word_count = 0;

  // TODO how is this different from passing parent_ast on constructor? Forgot.
  // Maybe something along the lines of "this allows you to separate creation and chaining".
  add_child(child) {
    child.index = this.children.length;
    let cur_node = this;
    while (cur_node !== undefined) {
      cur_node.descendant_count += 1;
      cur_node = cur_node.parent_ast;

  /** @return {Number} How deep this node is relative to
   * the to of the root of the tree. */
  get_level() {
    let level = 0;
    let cur_node = this.parent_ast;
    while (cur_node !== undefined) {
      cur_node = cur_node.parent_ast;
    return level;

  /** E.g. get number of a Section.
   * @return {String}
  get_nested_number(header_tree_top_level) {
    let indexes = [];
    let cur_node = this;
    while (
      // Possible in skipped header levels.
      cur_node !== undefined &&
      cur_node.ast !== undefined &&
      cur_node.ast.numbered &&
      cur_node.get_level() !== header_tree_top_level
    ) {
      indexes.push(cur_node.index + 1);
      cur_node = cur_node.parent_ast;
    return indexes.reverse().join('.');

  toString() {
    const ret = [];
    let todo_visit;
    // False for toplevel of the tree.
    if (this.ast === undefined) {
      todo_visit = this.children.slice().reverse();
    } else {
      todo_visit = [this];
    while (todo_visit.length > 0) {
      const cur_node = todo_visit.pop();
      const level = cur_node.get_level();
      ret.push(`${INSANE_HEADER_CHAR.repeat(level)} h${level} ${cur_node.get_nested_number(1)} ${cur_node.ast.id}`);
    return ret.join('\n');

  update_ancestor_counts(add) {
    let cur_node = this.parent_ast
    while (cur_node !== undefined) {
      cur_node.descendant_word_count += add;
      cur_node = cur_node.parent_ast;
exports.HeaderTreeNode = HeaderTreeNode

/** Add an entry to the data structures that keep the map of incoming
 * and outgoing \x and \x {child} links. */
function addToRefsTo(toid, context, fromid, relation_type, opts={}) {
  addToRefsToOneWay(false, toid,   context, fromid, relation_type, opts)
  addToRefsToOneWay(true,  fromid, context, toid,   relation_type, opts)

function addToRefsToOneWay(reverse, toid, context, fromid, relation_type, opts={}) {
  let { child_index, source_location, inflected } = opts
  if (inflected === undefined) {
    inflected = false
  let from_to_dict_false = context.refs_to[reverse];
  let from_ids;
  if (toid in from_to_dict_false) {
    from_ids = from_to_dict_false[toid];
  } else {
    from_ids = {};
    from_to_dict_false[toid] = from_ids;
  let from_ids_relation_type;
  if (relation_type in from_ids) {
    from_ids_relation_type = from_ids[relation_type]
  } else {
    from_ids_relation_type = {}
    from_ids[relation_type] = from_ids_relation_type
  let from_ids_relation_type_fromid = from_ids_relation_type[fromid]
  if (from_ids_relation_type_fromid === undefined) {
    from_ids_relation_type_fromid = { defined_at: {}, child_index }
    from_ids_relation_type[fromid] = from_ids_relation_type_fromid
  let from_ids_relation_type_fromid_defined_at = from_ids_relation_type_fromid.defined_at[context.options.input_path]
  if (from_ids_relation_type_fromid_defined_at === undefined) {
    from_ids_relation_type_fromid_defined_at = []
    from_ids_relation_type_fromid.defined_at[context.options.input_path] = from_ids_relation_type_fromid_defined_at
    line: source_location.line,
    column: source_location.column,

 * Determine if big_array contains small_array starting at index position
 * inside the big array.
 * @return {boolean} true iff if the big array contains the small one
function arrayContainsArrayAt(big_array, position, small_array) {
  for (let i = 0; i < small_array.length; i++) {
    if (big_array[position + i] !== small_array[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7837456/how-to-compare-arrays-in-javascript
function arrayEquals(arr1, arr2) {
  if (arr1.length !== arr2.length)
    return false;
  for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
    if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i])
      return false;
  return true;

function basename(str, sep) {
  return pathSplit(str, sep)[1];

/// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22697936/binary-search-in-javascript/29018745#29018745
function binarySearch(ar, el, compare_fn) {
  var m = 0;
  var n = ar.length - 1;
  while (m <= n) {
    var k = (n + m) >> 1;
    var cmp = compare_fn(el, ar[k]);
    if (cmp > 0) {
      m = k + 1;
    } else if (cmp < 0) {
      n = k - 1;
    } else {
      return k;
  return -m - 1;

function binarySearchInsert(ar, el, compare_fn) {
  let index = binarySearch(ar, el, compare_fn);
  if (index < 0) {
    ar.splice(-(index + 1), 0, el);
  return ar;

function binarySearchLineToIdArrayFn(elem0, elem1) {
  return elem0[0] - elem1[0];

/** Calculate node ID and add it to the ID index. */
function calculateId(
) {
  const macro_name = ast.macro_name;
  const macro = context.macros[macro_name];

  // Linear count of each macro type for macros that have IDs.
  if (!macro.options.macro_counts_ignore(ast)) {
    if (!(macro_name in macro_counts)) {
      macro_counts[macro_name] = 0;
    const macro_count = macro_counts[macro_name] + 1;
    macro_counts[macro_name] = macro_count;
    ast.macro_count = macro_count;

  let index_id = true;
  let skip_scope = false
  let id
  let file_header = ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
  let file_id_text_append
  const new_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true);
  const title_arg = macro.options.get_title_arg(ast, context);
  const title_text = renderArgNoescape(title_arg, new_context)
  if (file_header) {
    const file_render = renderArg(ast.args.file, new_context)
    if (file_render) {
      file_id_text_append = file_render
    } else {
      file_id_text_append = title_text
    ast.file = file_id_text_append
  if (
    // This can happen be false for included headers, and this is notably important
    // for the toplevel header which gets its ID from the filename.
    ast.id === undefined
  ) {
    const macro_id_arg = ast.args[Macro.ID_ARGUMENT_NAME];
    if (macro_id_arg === undefined) {
      let id_text = '';
      const id_prefix = context.macros[ast.macro_name].id_prefix;
      if (title_arg !== undefined) {
        if (id_prefix !== '') {
          id_text += id_prefix + ID_SEPARATOR
        if (file_header) {
          id_text = Macro.FILE_ID_PREFIX + id_text + file_id_text_append
        } else {
          id_text += titleToId(title_text, new_context.options.ourbigbook_json.id, new_context);
        const disambiguate_arg = ast.args[Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME];
        if (disambiguate_arg !== undefined) {
          id_text += ID_SEPARATOR + titleToId(renderArgNoescape(disambiguate_arg, new_context), new_context.options.ourbigbook_json.id);
        id = id_text;
      } else {
        id_text += '_'

      if (id === undefined) {
        index_id = false;
        if (!macro.options.phrasing) {
          const parent_header_tree_node = ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast
          if (parent_header_tree_node && new_context.options.prefixNonIndexedIdsWithParentId) {
            skip_scope = true
            id_text = parent_header_tree_node.ast.id + Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR + id_text;
          id_text += macro_count_global;
          id = id_text;
          // IDs of type p-1, p-2, q-1, q-2, etc.
          //if (ast.macro_count !== undefined) {
          //  id_text += ast.macro_count;
          //  id = id_text;
    } else {
      id = renderArgNoescape(macro_id_arg, new_context);
    if (
      index_id &&
      id !== undefined &&
      id.startsWith(Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX) &&
    ) {
      let message = `IDs that start with "${Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX}" are reserved: "${id}"`;
      parseError(state, message, ast.source_location);
    if (id !== undefined && ast.scope !== undefined && !skip_scope) {
      id = ast.scope + Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR + id
  if (id !== undefined) {
    ast.id = id
  if (ast.id && ast.subdir && !skip_scope) {
    ast.id = ast.subdir + Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR + ast.id
  if (file_header && ast.scope) {
    // TODO we should use the input directory here, not scope. {file} should ignore scope most likely
    // and care only about the input directory.
    let scopeSplit = ast.scope.split(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
    if (scopeSplit[0] === FILE_PREFIX) {
      scopeSplit = scopeSplit.slice(1)
    ast.file = (scopeSplit.length ? scopeSplit.join(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR) + Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR : '') + ast.file
  if (id === '') {
    parseError(state, 'ID cannot be empty', ast.source_location);
  ast.index_id = index_id;
  if (ast.id !== undefined && !ast.force_no_index) {
    let non_indexed_ast = non_indexed_ids[ast.id];
    if (non_indexed_ast === undefined) {
      non_indexed_ids[ast.id] = ast;
      if (index_id) {
        indexed_ids[ast.id] = ast;
        const local_id = ast.get_local_header_parent_id()
        if (local_id !== undefined) {
              child_index: ast.header_tree_node.index,
              source_location: ast.source_location,
    } else {
      const message = duplicateIdErrorMessage(
      parseError(state, message, ast.source_location);
    if (captionNumberVisible(ast, context)) {
      if (!(macro_name in macro_counts_visible)) {
        macro_counts_visible[macro_name] = 0;
      const macro_count = macro_counts_visible[macro_name] + 1;
      macro_counts_visible[macro_name] = macro_count;
      ast.macro_count_visible = macro_count;
      [ast.source_location.line, ast.synonym || ast.id], binarySearchLineToIdArrayFn);
  return { title_text, macro_count_global }

/* Calculate the length of the scope of a child header given its parent ast. */
function calculateScopeLength(parent_ast) {
  if (parent_ast !== undefined) {
    let scope = parent_ast.calculate_scope();
    if (scope !== undefined) {
      return scope.length + 1;
  return 0;

function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
  return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
exports.capitalizeFirstLetter = capitalizeFirstLetter

function captionNumberVisible(ast, context) {
  return ast.index_id || context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.captionNumberVisible(ast, context);

function charIsAlphanumeric(c) {
  let code = c.codePointAt(0);
  return (
    // 0-9
    (code > 47 && code < 58) ||
    // A-Z
    (code > 64 && code < 91) ||
    // a-z
    (code > 96 && code < 123)

// Valid macro name / argument characters.
// Compatible with JavaScript-like function names / variables.
// https://docs.ourbigbook.com#macro-identifier
function charIsIdentifier(c) {
  return charIsAlphanumeric(c)

/** Shallow clone an object, and set a given value on the cloned one. */
function cloneAndSet(obj, key, value) {
  let new_obj = {...obj};
  new_obj[key] = value;
  return new_obj;
exports.cloneAndSet = cloneAndSet;

function cloneObject(obj) {
  // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41474986/how-to-clone-a-javascript-es6-class-instance
  return Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)), obj);

function closingChar(c) {
  throw new Error('char does not have a close: ' + c);

function closingToken(token) {
  if (token === TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START)
  if (token === TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_START)
    return TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_END;
  throw new Error('token does not have a close: ' + token);

 * Main ourbigbook input to HTML/LaTeX/etc. output JavaScript API.
 * The CLI interface basically just feeds this.
 * @param {Object} options
 *          {DbProvider} external_ids
 *          {Function[String] -> [string,string]} read_include(id) -> [file_name, content]
 *          {Number} h_include_level_offset - add this offset to the levels of every header
 *          {boolean} render - if false, parse the input, but don't render it,
 *              and return undefined.
 *              The initial use case for this is to allow a faster and error-less
 *              first pass when building an entire directory with internal cross file
 *              references to extract IDs of each file.
 * @param {Object} extra_returns
 *          {Object} key: output_path
 *                   value: Object:
 *                        title: rendered toplevel inner title
 *                        full: full render, including title and body
 *                   This is needed primarily because --html-spit-header
 *                   generates multiple output files for a single input file.
 * @return {String}
async function convert(
) {
  let context = convertInitContext(options, extra_returns);

  // Tokenize.
  let sub_extra_returns;
  sub_extra_returns = {};
  perfPrint(context, 'tokenize_pre')
  input_string = input_string.replace(/\n$/, '')
  const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(
  let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize();
  if (input_string[input_string.length - 1] === '\n') {
    context.errors.push(new ErrorMessage(`the document cannot end in two or more newlines`, tokenizer.source_location))
  perfPrint(context, 'tokenize_post')
  if (context.options.log['tokens-inside']) {
    for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
      console.error(`${i}: ${JSON.stringify(tokens[i], null, 2)}`);
  extra_returns.tokens = tokens;
  sub_extra_returns = {};

  // Setup context.media_provider_default based on `default-for`.
    const media_providers = context.options.ourbigbook_json['media-providers'];
    context.media_provider_default = {};
    for (const media_provider_name in media_providers) {
      const media_provider = media_providers[media_provider_name];
      if ('default-for' in media_provider) {
        for (const default_for of media_provider['default-for']) {
          if (default_for[0] == default_for[0].toUpperCase()) {
            context.errors.push(new ErrorMessage(`default-for names must start with a lower case letter`, new SourceLocation(1, 1)));
          } else {
            if (default_for === 'all') {
              for (const macro_name of MACRO_WITH_MEDIA_PROVIDER) {
                context.media_provider_default[default_for] = media_provider_name;
                context.media_provider_default[capitalizeFirstLetter(default_for)] = media_provider_name;
            } else {
              if (MACRO_WITH_MEDIA_PROVIDER.has(default_for)) {
                if (context.media_provider_default[default_for] === undefined) {
                  context.media_provider_default[default_for] = media_provider_name;
                  context.media_provider_default[capitalizeFirstLetter(default_for)] = media_provider_name;
                } else {
                  context.errors.push(new ErrorMessage(`multiple media providers set for macro "${default_for}"`, new SourceLocation(1, 1)));
              } else {
                context.errors.push(new ErrorMessage(`macro "${default_for}" does not accept media providers`, new SourceLocation(1, 1)));
    for (const macro_name of MACRO_WITH_MEDIA_PROVIDER) {
      if (context.media_provider_default[macro_name] === undefined) {
        context.media_provider_default[macro_name] = 'local';
        context.media_provider_default[capitalizeFirstLetter(macro_name)] = 'local';

  const toplevel_ast = await parse(tokens, context.options, context, sub_extra_returns);
  if (context.options.log['ast-inside']) {
    console.error(JSON.stringify(toplevel_ast, null, 2));
  extra_returns.ast = toplevel_ast;
  extra_returns.context = context;
  extra_returns.ids = sub_extra_returns.ids;
  Object.assign(extra_returns.debug_perf, sub_extra_returns.debug_perf);
  let output;
  if (context.options.render) {

    // Gather toplevel ids and their asts.
    const toplevel_ids = {}
    const content = toplevel_ast.args.content;
    let first_toplevel_id
    let undefined_asts = []
    for (const child_ast of content) {
      if (child_ast.toplevel_id === undefined) {
        /** Some undefined topleve_ids are unescapable e.g. input from stdin.
         * But there is on case that we could improve:
         * ``
         * aa
         * = Bb
         * ``
         * aa is undefined toplevel_id. We are just semi hacking it and grouping all
         * undefined toplevel_id with the first defined one.
         * */
      } else {
        let toplevel_ids_entry = toplevel_ids[child_ast.toplevel_id]
        if (first_toplevel_id === undefined) {
          first_toplevel_id = child_ast.toplevel_id
        if (toplevel_ids_entry === undefined) {
          if (undefined_asts.length) {
            toplevel_ids_entry = undefined_asts
            undefined_asts = []
          } else {
            toplevel_ids_entry = []
          toplevel_ids[child_ast.toplevel_id] = toplevel_ids_entry

    // Nosplit renders. \H toplevel is split here.
    for (const toplevel_id in toplevel_ids) {
      // TODO this prevents toplevel arguments (currently only {title}) from working. Never used them though.
      // The Toplevel element is a bit useless given this setup.
      const ret = renderAstList({
        asts: toplevel_ids[toplevel_id],
        first_toplevel: toplevel_id === first_toplevel_id,
        split: false,
      if (toplevel_id === first_toplevel_id) {
        output = ret
    if (undefined_asts.length) {
      // There are no headers.
      output = renderAstList({
        asts: undefined_asts,
        split: false,

    perfPrint(context, 'split_render_pre')
    // Split header conversion.
    if (context.options.split_headers) {
      // Reset katex_macros to the ourbigbook.json defaults, otherwise
      // macros will get redefiend in the split render, as they are redefined on every render.
      context.katex_macros = { ...context.options.katex_macros }
      const content = toplevel_ast.args.content;
      // Gather up each header (must be a direct child of toplevel)
      // and all elements that belong to that header (up to the next header).
      let asts = [];
      let header_count = 0
      for (const child_ast of content) {
        const macro_name = child_ast.macro_name;
        if (
          macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
          // Just ignore extra added include headers, these
          // were overwritting index-split.html output.
          !child_ast.from_include &&
        ) {
          renderAstList({ asts, context, header_count, split: true });
          asts = [];
      renderAstList({ asts, context, header_count, split: true });
      // Because the following conversion would redefine them.
    perfPrint(context, 'render_post')
  // Sort errors that might have been produced on different conversion
  // stages by line.
  extra_returns.errors = extra_returns.errors.sort((a, b)=>{
    if (a.source_location.path !== undefined && b.source_location.path !== undefined) {
      let ret = a.source_location.path.localeCompare(b.source_location.path);
      if (ret !== 0)
        return ret;
    if (a.severity < b.severity)
      return -1;
    if (a.severity > b.severity)
      return 1;
    if (a.source_location.line < b.source_location.line)
      return -1;
    if (a.source_location.line > b.source_location.line)
      return 1;
    if (a.source_location.column < b.source_location.column)
      return -1;
    if (a.source_location.column > b.source_location.column)
      return 1;
    return 0;
  if (output !== undefined) {
    if (output[output.length - 1] !== '\n') {
      output += '\n';
  perfPrint(context, 'end_convert')
  return output;
exports.convert = convert;

/** Convert an argument to an XSS-safe output string.
 * An argument contains a list of nodes, loop over that list of nodes,
 * converting them to strings and concatenate all strings.
 * @param {AstArgument} arg
 * @return {String} empty string if arg is undefined
function renderArg(arg, context) {
  let converted_arg = [];
  if (arg !== undefined) {
    if (context.options.output_format === OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK) {
      for (const ast of arg) {
        if (ast.macro_name === Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME) {
          arg.has_paragraph = true
        if (context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.phrasing) {
          arg.not_all_block = true
    for (const ast of arg) {
  return converted_arg.join('');

/* Similar to renderArg, but used for IDs.
 * Because IDs are used programmatically in ourbigbook, we don't escape
 * HTML characters at this point.
 * @param {AstArgument} arg
 * @return {String}
function renderArgNoescape(arg, context={}) {
  return renderArg(arg, cloneAndSet(context, 'html_escape', false));

/* Convert a list of asts.
 * The simplest type of conversion is to convert
 * a single Toplevel element all the way down.
 * This function adds a dummy Toplevel to a list of AstNodes, and
 * sets up some other related stuff to convert that list.
 * Applications for this include:
 * - --split-headers
 * - \H toplevel argument
 * @param {List[Ast]} asts
 * @param {boolean} first_toplevel
 * @param {Number} header_count
 * @param {boolean} split
function renderAstList({ asts, context, first_toplevel, header_count, split }) {
  if (
    // Can fail if:
    // * the first thing in the document is a header
    // * the document has no headers
    asts.length > 0 &&
      context.options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefaultNotToplevel &&
      header_count === 1
  ) {
    context = { ...context }
    const options = { ...context.options }
    context.options = options;
    const first_ast = cloneObject(asts[0]);
    if (!first_toplevel) {
      // When not in simple header mode, we always have a value-less node, with
      // children with values. Now things are a bit more complicated, because we
      // want to keep the header tree intact, but at the same time also uniquely point
      // to one of the headers. So let's fake a tree node that has only one child we care
      // about. And the child does not have this fake parent to be able to see actual parents.
      context.header_tree = new HeaderTreeNode();
      // Clone this, because we are going to modify it, and it would affect
      // non-split headers and final outputs afterwards.
      first_ast.header_tree_node = cloneObject(first_ast.header_tree_node);
      context.header_tree_top_level = first_ast.header_tree_node.get_level();
    const output_path_ret = first_ast.output_path(
      cloneAndSet(context, 'to_split_headers', split)
    const { path: output_path, split_suffix } = output_path_ret
    if (options.log['split-headers']) {
      console.error(`split-headers${split ? '' : ' nosplit'}: ` + output_path);
    context.toplevel_output_path = output_path;
    if (output_path !== undefined) {
      const [toplevel_output_path_dir, toplevel_output_path_basename] =
        pathSplit(output_path, context.options.path_sep);
      context.toplevel_output_path_dir = toplevel_output_path_dir;
    } else {
      context.toplevel_output_path_dir = '';
    context.toplevel_ast = first_ast;
    const ast_toplevel = new AstNode(
        'content': new AstArgument(asts, first_ast.source_location)
    context.toplevel_id = first_ast.id;
    context.in_split_headers = split;

    let rendered_outputs_entry = {}
    if (output_path !== undefined) {
      // root_relpath
      options.template_vars = { ...options.template_vars }
      const new_root_relpath = getRootRelpath(output_path, context)
      context.root_relpath_shift = path.relative(
      options.template_vars.root_relpath = new_root_relpath
      options.template_vars.raw_relpath = path.join(new_root_relpath, RAW_PREFIX)
      options.template_vars.file_relpath = path.join(new_root_relpath, FILE_PREFIX)
      options.template_vars.dir_relpath = path.join(new_root_relpath, DIR_PREFIX)
      options.template_vars.file_relpath = path.join(new_root_relpath, FILE_PREFIX)
      context.extra_returns.rendered_outputs[output_path] = rendered_outputs_entry
    // Do the conversion.
    context.toc_was_rendered = false
    const ret = ast_toplevel.render(context)
    if (output_path !== undefined) {
      rendered_outputs_entry.full = ret
      rendered_outputs_entry.split = split
      rendered_outputs_entry.header_ast = first_ast
      rendered_outputs_entry.split_suffix = split_suffix
      if (
        options.renderH2 &&
        first_ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME
      ) {
        options.h_show_split_header_link = false
        const parent_ast = first_ast.get_header_parent_asts(context)[0];
        context.header_tree = new HeaderTreeNode();
        if (parent_ast) {
          context.toplevel_ast = parent_ast;
          const output_path_ret = parent_ast.output_path(
            cloneAndSet(context, 'to_split_headers', split)
          const { path: output_path, split_suffix } = output_path_ret
          // Hax. It has to be both undefined, and different than the correct output_path.
          // I think this is needed because is a slightly different rendering than what
          // is ever done outside of web (it is an h2, and its h1 is on another page)
          // so it is likely either this hack or another flag.
          context.toplevel_output_path = output_path + 'asdf';

        const header_tree_h1 = new HeaderTreeNode(parent_ast, context.header_tree);

        first_ast.header_tree_node = cloneObject(first_ast.header_tree_node);
        first_ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast = header_tree_h1
        first_ast.first_toplevel_child = false

        context.skipOutputEntry = true
        context.forceHeadersHaveTocLink = true
        context.toplevel_id = header_tree_h1.id
        first_ast.toplevel_id = header_tree_h1.id
        rendered_outputs_entry.h2Render = first_ast.render(context)
    return ret

 * @param {Object} options:
 *        - {Number} start_line
 *        - {Array} errors
 * @return {AstArgument}*/
async function parseInclude(
) {
  convert_options = { ...convert_options }
  convert_options.from_include = true;
  convert_options.h_parse_level_offset = cur_header_level;
  convert_options.input_path = input_path;
  convert_options.render = false;
  convert_options.toplevel_id = href;
  convert_options.header_tree_stack = new Map(convert_options.header_tree_stack);
  convert_options.header_tree_id_stack = new Map(convert_options.header_tree_id_stack);
  if (options.start_line !== undefined) {
    convert_options.start_line = options.start_line;
  const convert_extra_returns = {};
  await convert(
  if (options.errors !== undefined) {
  return convert_extra_returns.ast.args.content;

// Convert an argument as an ID, notably:
// - no HTML escapes
// - plaintext conversion
function convertIdArg(arg, context) {
  return renderArgNoescape(arg,
    // This was added because it was blowing up in the edge case of
    // \x[\m[1]] and others during parse to setup the x DB
    // because we hadn't validate validated elements
    // there yet. Not sure we could, no patience.
    // This fix relies on the expectation that id_conversion will
    // not rely on validateAst. Maybe that is reasonable.
    cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true))

function convertInitContext(options={}, extra_returns={}) {
  options = { ...options }
  if (!('add_test_instrumentation' in options)) { options.add_test_instrumentation = false; }
  if (!('add_test_instrumentation' in options)) { options.add_test_instrumentation = false; }
  if (!('body_only' in options)) { options.body_only = false; }
  if (!('db_provider' in options)) { options.db_provider = undefined; }
  if (!('fixedScopeRemoval' in options)) {
    // Rather than removing scopes from children page in a toplevel page that has a scope,
    // remove fixed n chars from every single ID. This is used on Web to remove @ from links
    // with dynamic article tree.
    options.fixedScopeRemoval = undefined;
  if (!('renderH2' in options)) { options.renderH2 = false; }
  if (!('ourbigbook_json' in options)) { options.ourbigbook_json = {}; }
    const ourbigbook_json = options.ourbigbook_json;
      if (!('media-providers' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json['media-providers'] = {}; }
        const media_providers = ourbigbook_json['media-providers'];
        for (const media_provider_type of MEDIA_PROVIDER_TYPES) {
          if (!(media_provider_type in media_providers)) {
            media_providers[media_provider_type] = {};
          const media_provider = media_providers[media_provider_type];
          if (!('title-from-src' in media_provider)) {
            media_provider['title-from-src'] = false;
        if (media_providers.local && !('path' in media_providers.local)) {
          media_providers.local.path = '';
        if (media_providers.github && !('remote' in media_providers.github)) {
          media_providers.github.remote = 'TODO determine from git remote origin if any';
        for (const media_provider_name in media_providers) {
          const media_provider = media_providers[media_provider_name];
          if (!('title-from-src' in media_provider)) {
            media_provider['title-from-src'] = false;
      if (!('h' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.h = {}; }
      if (!('htmlXExtension' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.htmlXExtension = undefined; }
      if (!('numbered' in ourbigbook_json.h)) { ourbigbook_json.h.numbered = true; }
      if (!('openLinksOnNewTabs' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.openLinksOnNewTabs = false; }
      if (!('splitDefault' in ourbigbook_json.h)) { ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefault = false; }
      if (!('splitDefaultNotToplevel' in ourbigbook_json.h)) {
        ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefaultNotToplevel = false;
        if (!('lint' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.lint = {}; }
        const lint = ourbigbook_json.lint
        if (!('h-tag' in lint)) { lint['h-tag'] = undefined; }
        if (!('h-parent' in lint)) { lint['h-parent'] = undefined; }
        if (!('id' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.id = {}; }
        const id = ourbigbook_json.id
        if (!('normalize' in id)) { id.normalize = {}; }
        const normalize = id.normalize
        if (!('latin' in normalize)) {
          normalize.latin = OURBIGBOOK_JSON_DEFAULT.id.normalize.latin
        if (!('punctuation' in normalize)) {
          normalize.punctuation = OURBIGBOOK_JSON_DEFAULT.id.normalize.punctuation
      if (!('web' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.web = {}; }
        const web = ourbigbook_json.web
        if (!('hostCapitalized' in web)) {
          if ('host' in web) {
            web.hostCapitalized = web.host
          } else {
            web.hostCapitalized = OURBIGBOOK_JSON_DEFAULT.web.hostCapitalized
        if (!('host' in web)) {
          web.host = OURBIGBOOK_JSON_DEFAULT.web.host
        if (!('linkFromStaticHeaderMetaToWeb' in web)) { web.linkFromStaticHeaderMetaToWeb = false; }
        if (!('username' in web)) { web.username = undefined; }
        if (web.linkFromStaticHeaderMetaToWeb && web.username === undefined) {
          throw new Error(`web.username must be given when web.linkFromStaticHeaderMetaToWeb = true"`)
      if (!('xPrefix' in ourbigbook_json)) { ourbigbook_json.xPrefix = undefined; }
  if (!('embed_includes' in options)) { options.embed_includes = false; }
  // Check if file exists.
  if (!('fs_exists_sync' in options)) { options.fs_exists_sync }
  if (!('forbid_include' in options)) {
    // If given, must be a string, and is an error given \\Include is used.
    options.forbid_include = undefined;
  if (!('forbid_multi_h1' in options)) {
    // Only allow 1 h1 per input source.
    options.forbid_multi_h1 = false
  if (!('forbid_multiheader' in options)) {
    // Input can only contain a single header.
    // If given, must be the string explaining the error.
    options.forbid_multiheader = undefined;
  if (!('from_include' in options)) { options.from_include = false; }
  if (!('from_ourbigbook_example' in options)) { options.from_ourbigbook_example = false; }
  if (!('auto_generated_source' in options)) {
    // true if the input was auto-generated rather than coming
    // from a hand written .bigb input file as usual. Initial application:
    // don't show "source code of this page" on templates.
    options.auto_generated_source = false;
  if (!('html_embed' in options)) { options.html_embed = false; }
  options.htmlXExtension = resolveOption(options, 'htmlXExtension')
  if (options.htmlXExtension === undefined) {
    // Add HTML extension to x links. And therefore also:
    // * output files with the `.html` extension
    // * output `/index.html` vs just `/`
    if (ourbigbook_json.htmlXExtension === undefined) {
      options.htmlXExtension = true;
    } else {
      options.htmlXExtension = ourbigbook_json.htmlXExtension;
  if (!('hFileShowLarge' in options)) { options.hFileShowLarge = false }
  if (!('h_parse_level_offset' in options)) {
    // When parsing, start the first header at this offset instead of h1.
    // This is used when doing includes, since the included header is at.
    // an offset relative to where it is included from.
    options.h_parse_level_offset = 0;
  if (!('h_show_split_header_link' in options)) {
    options.h_show_split_header_link = true;
  if (!('h_web_ancestors' in options)) {
    // If true, reserve an empty metadata line for web ancestors, which are dynamically loaded.
    options.h_web_ancestors = false;
  if (!('h_web_metadata' in options)) {
    // If true, reserve an empty metadata line for web injected elements
    // such as like count and date modified.
    options.h_web_metadata = false;
  if (!('input_path' in options)) { options.input_path = undefined; }
  if (!('internalLinkMetadata' in options)) { options.internalLinkMetadata = false }
  if (!('katex_macros' in options)) { options.katex_macros = {}; }
  if (!('logoPath' in options)) { options.logoPath = undefined; }
  if (!('prefixNonIndexedIdsWithParentId' in options)) {
    // E.g. the first paragraph of a header would have ID `_1` without this.
    // This this option it becomes instead `header-id/_1`.
    options.prefixNonIndexedIdsWithParentId = false;
  if (!('log' in options)) { options.log = {}; }
  if (!('outfile' in options)) {
    // Override the default calculated output file for the main input.
    options.outfile = undefined;
  if (!('outdir' in options)) {
    // Path of the output directory relative to the toplevel directory.
    // E.g. out/html
    options.outdir = undefined;
  if (!('output_format' in options)) { options.output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML; }
  if (!('path_sep' in options)) { options.path_sep = undefined; }
  if (!('parent_id' in options)) {
    // Marks the given ID as a parent of the toplevel header of this conversion.
    // More precisely, this creates a de-facto virtual Ref from that ID to the one
    // generated by this conversion.
    // This was introduced for Web, where we have an explicit parentId provided
    // at initial conversion time. Without this options, we would need a separate
    // conversion to determine the toplevel ID of this file.
    options.parent_id = undefined;
  if (!('publish' in options)) {
    // If true, this means that this is a ourbigbook --publish run rather
    // than a regular developmt compilation.
    options.publish = false
    if (options.publish && 'publishOptions' in ourbigbook_json) {
      lodash.merge(ourbigbook_json, ourbigbook_json.publishOptions)
  if (!('read_include' in options)) { options.read_include = () => undefined; }
  if (!('read_file' in options)) { options.read_file = () => undefined; }
  if (!('ref_prefix' in options)) {
    // TODO implement.
    // This option started as a hack as a easier to implement workaround for:
    // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/229
    // to allow tagged and incoming links to work at all on OurBigBook Web.
    // That specific usage should be removed.
    // However, we later found another usage for it, which should not be removed:
    // it is necessary to resolve absolute references like \x[/top-id] correctly to
    // \x[@username/top-id] in Web.
    options.ref_prefix = '';
  if (!('render' in options)) { options.render = true; }
  if (!('render_include' in options)) {
    // If false, \\Include are removed from the rendered output.
    // Their side effects such as determining the header tree are still used.
    options.render_include = true;
  if (!('render_metadata' in options)) {
    // Render article "metadata" such as: ToC, tagged, incoming links, ancestors.
    // This is notable disabled on Web, where metadata is fetched on the fly at page load.
    options.render_metadata = true;
  if (!('start_line' in options)) { options.start_line = 1; }
  if (!('show_descendant_count' in options)) { options.show_descendant_count = true; }
  if (!('split_headers' in options)) {
    options.split_headers = false;
  if (!('template' in options)) { options.template = undefined; }
  if (!('template_scripts_relative' in options)) {
    // Like template_styles_relative but for sripts.
    options.template_scripts_relative = [];
  if (!('template_styles_relative' in options)) {
    // CSS styles relative to ourbigbook.json. Must be resolved by ourbigbook.convert.
    // because of split headers. The relative path expanded result gets prepended
    // to `options.template_vars.style`.
    options.template_styles_relative = [];
  if ('template_vars' in options) {
    options.template_vars = { ...options.template_vars }
  } else {
    options.template_vars = {};
    if (!('head' in options.template_vars)) { options.template_vars.head = ''; }
    if (!('root_relpath' in options.template_vars)) { options.template_vars.root_relpath = ''; }
    if (!('post_body' in options.template_vars)) { options.template_vars.post_body = ''; }
    if (!('style' in options.template_vars)) { options.template_vars.style = ''; }
  if (!(Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME in options)) {
    //options[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME] = undefined
  if (!('x_absolute' in options)) {
    // Make all internal links absolute from website root.
    // This is the only way that we can have a single rendering that works on both
    // /go/topic/<topic> and /username/<topic>. It will also remove the need for
    // the ../ hack we were using to make the same links work from both index /username
    // and /username/<topic>.
    options.x_absolute = false;
  if (!('tocIdPrefix' in options)) { options.tocIdPrefix = ''; }
  if (!('webMode' in options)) {
    // Previously we put some changes under more specific options, e.g.
    // h_web_ancestors and h_web_metadata, but that was likely overgeneralization,
    // let's just dump every web variant under here from now on unless there is a
    // specific reason not to!
    // This option is not named just "web" because of the future desire to merge
    // ourbigbook.json directly into options, and we would like a web sub-Object
    // which would conflict with this boolean.
    options.webMode = false
  if (!('x_external_prefix' in options)) {
    // Used in web to offset the relative paths of issues and editor preview, e.g.
    // go/issues/1/username/article
    options.x_external_prefix = '';
  if (!('x_leading_at_to_web' in options)) {
    // If \x href starts with @ as in \x[@username] link to OBB Web
    // https://ourbigbook.com/username instead of treating it as a regular ID.
    options.x_leading_at_to_web = true
  if (!('x_remove_leading_at' in options)) {
    // If true, make \x[@username/someid] link to username/someid without the leading @.
    // This is used in Web, where our URLs don't really have the @ sign on them,
    // but the username IDs do have the @ sign implicitly added to them.
    options.x_remove_leading_at = false;

  // Internalish options that may get modified by sub-includes/OurBigBookExample in order
  // to forward state back up. Maybe we should move them to a subdict to make this clearer
  // (moving to extra_returns feels bad because they are also input), but lazy.
  // Non-indexed-ids: auto-generated numeric ID's like p-1, p-2, etc.
  // It is not possible to link to them from inside the document, since links
  // break across versions.
  if (!('include_path_set' in options)) { options.include_path_set = new Set(); }
  if (options.non_indexed_ids === undefined) {
    options.non_indexed_ids = {};
  if (options.indexed_ids === undefined) {
    options.indexed_ids = {};
  if (options.header_tree_stack === undefined) {
    options.header_tree_stack = new Map();
  if (options.header_tree_id_stack === undefined) {
    options.header_tree_id_stack = new Map();
  if (options.is_first_global_header === undefined) {
    options.is_first_global_header = true;
  if (options.refs_to_h === undefined) {
    options.refs_to_h = [];
  if (options.refs_to_x === undefined) {
    options.refs_to_x = [];
  if (options.include_hrefs === undefined) {
    options.include_hrefs = {};

  // Handle scope and IDs that are based on the input path:
  // - toplevel_has_scope
  //   Set for index files in subdirectories. Is equivalent to
  //   adding a {scope} to the toplevel header.
  // - toplevel_parent_scope
  //   Set for files in subdirectories. Means that the (faked non existent)
  //   parent toplevel header has {scope} set.
  // - toplevel_id
  //   If true, force the toplevel header to have this ID.
  //   Otherwise, derive the ID from the title.
  //   https://docs.ourbigbook.com#the-id-of-the-first-header-is-derived-from-the-filename
  // TODO hard setting this option here is bad, maybe we should put it in context instead.
  options.toplevel_id = undefined;
  let root_relpath_shift
  let input_dir, basename
  if (options.input_path !== undefined) {
    ;[input_dir, basename] = pathSplit(options.input_path, options.path_sep)
    const [basename_noext, ext] = pathSplitext(basename)
    if (INDEX_FILE_BASENAMES_NOEXT.has(basename_noext)) {
      if (input_dir === '') {
        // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#the-toplevel-index-file
        options.toplevel_id = undefined;
      } else {
        // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#the-id-of-the-first-header-is-derived-from-the-filename
        options.toplevel_id = input_dir;
        options.toplevel_has_scope = true
        root_relpath_shift = input_dir
      options.isindex = true
    } else {
      const [input_path_noext, ext] = pathSplitext(options.input_path)
      options.toplevel_id = input_path_noext;
      options.isindex = false
    if (input_dir === '') {
      options.toplevel_parent_scope = undefined;
    } else {
      options.toplevel_parent_scope = input_dir
  } else {
    input_dir = ''
  if (root_relpath_shift === undefined) {
    root_relpath_shift = ''

  if (options.unsafe_xss === undefined) {
    const unsafe_xss = ourbigbook_json['unsafe-xss'];
    if (unsafe_xss !== undefined) {
      options.unsafe_xss = unsafe_xss;
    } else {
      options.unsafe_xss = false;
  extra_returns.debug_perf = {};
  extra_returns.errors = [];
  extra_returns.rendered_outputs = {};
  const context = {
    katex_macros: { ...options.katex_macros },
    in_split_headers: false,
    in_parse: false,
    errors: [],
    forceHeaderHasToc: false,
    include_path_set: new Set(options.include_path_set),
    in_header: false,
    macros: macroListToMacros(),
    // Shifts in local \a links due to either:
    // - scope + split headers e.g. scope/notindex.html
    // - subdirectories
    perf_prev: 0,
    // List[String]
    // This HTML is added before the next header is rendered, or at the end of conversion after
    // the tailing toc if there are no header following. It is then automatically cleared.
    renderBeforeNextHeader: [],
    skipOutputEntry: false,
    // Set of all the headers that have synonym set on them.
    // Originally used to generate redirects to the heade they point to.
    synonym_headers: new Set(),
    toc_was_rendered: false,
    toplevel_id: options.toplevel_id,
    // Map from each toplevel_id to a list of AstNodes with that toplevel_id.
    // Updated during render if it is a map, ignored if it is undefined.
    toplevel_ids: undefined,
    // Output path for the current rendering.
    // Gets modified by split headers to point to the split header output path of each split header.
    toplevel_output_path: options.outfile,
    // undefined: follow defaults set otherwise
    // true: force to split headers, e.g. split links
    // false: force to nosplit headers, e.g. nosplit links
    to_split_headers: undefined,
    webUrl: `https://${ourbigbook_json.web.host}/`,
  perfPrint(context, 'start_convert')
  return context;
exports.convertInitContext = convertInitContext

/** Similar to convertXHref, used for external callers that don't have the context.
 * TODO: possibly broken, was returning empty at some point. */
function renderAstFromOpts(astJson, options) {
  const context = convertInitContext(options);
  context.db_provider = options.db_provider;
  return AstNode.fromJSON(astJson, context).render(context)
exports.renderAstFromOpts = renderAstFromOpts

/* Like xHref, but called with options as convert,
 * so that we don't have to fake a complex context. */
function convertXHref(target_id, options) {
  const context = convertInitContext(options)
  context.db_provider = options.db_provider
  const target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_id, context)
  if (target_ast === undefined) {
    return undefined
  } else {
    return xHref(target_ast, context)
exports.convertXHref = convertXHref

function dirname(str, sep) {
  return pathSplit(str, sep)[0]

function duplicateIdErrorMessage(id, path, line, column) {
  let message = `duplicate ID "${id}", previous one defined at `;
  if (path !== undefined) {
    message += `file "${path}" `;
  message += `line ${line} column ${column}`;
  return message
exports.duplicateIdErrorMessage = duplicateIdErrorMessage

/** Error message to be rendered inside the generated output itself.
 * If context is given, escape the message correctly for this context.
 * @return {String}
function errorMessageInOutput(msg, context) {
  let escaped_msg;
  if (context === undefined) {
    escaped_msg = msg;
  } else {
    escaped_msg = htmlEscapeContext(context, msg);
  return `[OURBIGBOOK_ERROR: ${escaped_msg}]`

/** Escape all ourbigbook constructs that must be escaped, except
 * for those that only need to be escaped if they are at the start of a line. */
function escapeNotStart(text) {
exports.escapeNotStart = escapeNotStart

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9461621/format-a-number-as-2-5k-if-a-thousand-or-more-otherwise-900
  { value: 1, symbol: "" },
  { value: 1E3, symbol: "k" },
  { value: 1E6, symbol: "M" },
  { value: 1E9, symbol: "G" },
  { value: 1E12, symbol: "T" },
  { value: 1E15, symbol: "P" },
  { value: 1E18, symbol: "E" }
function formatNumberApprox(num, digits) {
  if (digits === undefined) {
    digits = 0;
  const rx = /\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/;
  let i;
  for (i = FORMAT_NUMBER_APPROX_MAP.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    if (num >= FORMAT_NUMBER_APPROX_MAP[i].value) {
  return (num / FORMAT_NUMBER_APPROX_MAP[i].value).toFixed(
    digits).replace(rx, "$1") + FORMAT_NUMBER_APPROX_MAP[i].symbol;
exports.formatNumberApprox = formatNumberApprox

// Get all possible IDs due to walking up scope resolution
// into the given ids array.
// This very slightly duplicates the resolution code in DbProvider.get,
// but it was not trivial to factor them out, so just going for this now.
function getAllPossibleScopeResolutions(current_scope, id, context) {
  let ids = []
  if (isAbsoluteXref(id, context)) {
    ids.push(resolveAbsoluteXref(id, context))
  } else {
    if (current_scope !== undefined) {
      current_scope += Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR
      for (let i = current_scope.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        if (current_scope[i] === Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR) {
          ids.push(current_scope.substring(0, i + 1) + id)
  return ids

function getDescendantCount(tree_node) {
  return [
    tree_node.word_count + tree_node.descendant_word_count

function getDescendantCountHtml(context, tree_node, options) {
  if (!context.options.show_descendant_count) {
    return undefined
  if (options.long_style === undefined) {
    options.long_style = false;
  if (options.show_descendant_count === undefined) {
    options.show_descendant_count = true;
  const [descendant_count, word_count, descendant_word_count] = getDescendantCount(tree_node);
  let ret;
  let word_count_html = ''
  function addEntry(cls, long_style, longName, add_test_instrumentation, clsInstr, count) {
    // Ideally this would go in a before/after content, but we can't because:
    // - we already have one before for the icon
    // - can't have multiple befores with different styles: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11998593/can-i-have-multiple-before-pseudo-elements-for-the-same-element
    // - can't be an after because the count comes after
    const longStr = long_style ? `${longName}: ` : ''
    // Word Count Recursive.
    word_count_html += `<span class="${cls}"> ${longStr}`
    if (add_test_instrumentation) {
      word_count_html += `<span class="${clsInstr}">`
    word_count_html += `${formatNumberApprox(count)}`
    if (add_test_instrumentation) {
      word_count_html += '</span>'
    word_count_html += '</span>'
  if (descendant_word_count > 0 && (context.options.add_test_instrumentation || options.show_descendant_count)) {
    addEntry('wcntr', options.long_style, 'words', context.options.add_test_instrumentation, 'word-count-descendant', descendant_word_count)
  if (tree_node.word_count > 0 && context.options.add_test_instrumentation || !options.show_descendant_count) {
    addEntry('wcnt', options.long_style, 'words', context.options.add_test_instrumentation, 'word-count', word_count)
  if (descendant_count > 0 && (context.options.add_test_instrumentation || options.show_descendant_count)) {
    addEntry('dcnt', options.long_style, 'articles', context.options.add_test_instrumentation, 'descendant-count', descendant_count)
  if (word_count_html !== '') {
    ret = `<span class="metrics">${word_count_html}</span>`;
  return ret;

 * @return - inputDirectory: input directory with prefix _file removed if present
function checkAndUpdateLocalLink({
}) {
  const was_protocol_given = protocolIsGiven(href)

  let inputDirectory
  const input_path = context.options.input_path
  if (input_path !== undefined) {
    inputDirectory = dirname(
  } else {
    inputDirectory = '.'

  const is_absolute = href[0] === URL_SEP
  const is_external = (external !== undefined && external) || (
    external === undefined && was_protocol_given

  // Check existence.
  let error = ''
  if (!is_external) {
    if (href.length !== 0) {
      let check_path;
      if (is_absolute) {
        check_path = href.slice(1)
      } else {
        check_path = path.join(inputDirectory, href)
      if (
        context.options.fs_exists_sync &&
      ) {
        error = `link to inexistent local file: ${href}`;
        renderError(context, error, source_location);
        error = errorMessageInOutput(error, context)
      } else {
        const readFileRet = context.options.read_file(check_path, context)
        if (
          // Fails on web before we implement files on web.
          readFileRet !== undefined
        ) {
          const { type } = context.options.read_file(check_path, context)
          if (type === 'directory') {
            if (context.options.htmlXExtension) {
              href = path.join(href, 'index.html')
          // Modify external paths to account for scope + --split-headers
          let pref = context.root_relpath_shift
          if (media_provider_type === 'local') {
            if (type === 'directory') {
              pref = path.join(pref, DIR_PREFIX)
            } else {
              pref = path.join(pref, RAW_PREFIX)
          if (!is_absolute) {
            pref = path.join(pref, inputDirectory)
          href = path.join(pref, href)
  return { href, error, inputDirectory }

// Get description and other closely related attributes.
function getDescription(description_arg, context) {
  let description = renderArg(description_arg, context);
  let force_separator
  if (description === '') {
    force_separator = false
  } else {
    force_separator = true;

  let multiline_caption
  if (description_arg) {
    for (const ast of description_arg) {
      if (!(
        context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.phrasing ||
        ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT
      )) {
        multiline_caption = ' multiline-caption'
  if (multiline_caption === undefined) {
    multiline_caption = ''

  return { description, force_separator, multiline_caption }

function getLinkHtml({
}) {
  if (extraReturns === undefined) {
    extraReturns = {}
  if (context.x_parents.size === 0) {
    if (attrs === undefined) {
      attrs = ''
    let error
    Object.assign(extraReturns, checkAndUpdateLocalLink({
      // The only one available for now. One day we could add: \a[some/path]{provider=github}
      media_provider_type: 'local',
    ;({ href, error } = extraReturns)
    let testData
    if (ast) {
      testData = getTestData(ast, context)
    } else {
      testData = ''
    return `<a${htmlAttr('href', href)}${attrs}${testData}>${content}${error}</a>`;
  } else {
    // Don't create a link if we are a child of another link, as that is invalid HTML.
    return content;

/** Get the AST from the parent argument of headers or includes. */
function getParentArgumentAst(ast, context, include_options) {
  let parent_id;
  let parent_ast;
  parent_id = magicTitleToId(convertIdArg(ast.args.parent, context), context);
  if (isAbsoluteXref(parent_id, context)) {
    parent_ast = context.db_provider.get_noscope(resolveAbsoluteXref(parent_id, context), context);
  } else {
    // We can't use context.db_provider.get here because we don't know who
    // the parent node is, because scope can affect that choice.
    // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#id-based-header-levels-and-scope-resolution
    let sorted_keys = [...include_options.header_tree_stack.keys()].sort((a, b) => a - b);
    let largest_level = sorted_keys[sorted_keys.length - 1];
    for (let level = largest_level; level > 0; level--) {
      let ast = include_options.header_tree_stack.get(level).ast;
      if (idIsSuffix(parent_id, ast.id)) {
        parent_ast = ast;
  return [parent_id, parent_ast];

function getRootRelpath(output_path, context) {
  // TODO htmlEmbed was split into embedIncludes and embedResources.
  // This was likely meant to be embedIncludes, but I don't have a filing test if this is commented out
  // so not sure.
  const [output_path_dir, output_path_basename] =
    pathSplit(output_path, context.options.path_sep);
  let root_relpath = path.relative(output_path_dir, '.')
  if (root_relpath !== '') {
    root_relpath += URL_SEP;
  return root_relpath

function getTestData(ast, context) {
  let test_data_arg = ast.args[Macro.TEST_DATA_ARGUMENT_NAME]
  if (test_data_arg === undefined) {
    return ''
  } else {
    return htmlAttr(Macro.TEST_DATA_HTML_PROP, renderArg(test_data_arg, context))

function getTitleAndDescription({ title, description, source, inner }) {
  let sep
  if (inner === undefined || isPunctuation(inner[inner.length - 1])) {
    sep = ''
  } else {
    sep = '.'
  if (source === undefined) {
    source = ''
  if (source && inner !== undefined) {
    source = ' ' + source
  if (inner !== undefined || source !== '') {
    description = ' ' + description
  return `${title}${sep}${source}${description}`

function githubProviderPrefix(context) {
  const github = context.options.ourbigbook_json['media-providers'].github
  if (github) {
    return `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${github.remote}/master`;

function checkHasToc(context) {
  let root_node = context.header_tree;
  if (root_node.children.length === 1) {
    root_node = root_node.children[0];
  return root_node.children.length > 0

// Ensure that all children and tag targets exist. This is for error checking only.
// https://docs.ourbigbook.com#h-child-argment
function headerCheckChildTagExists(ast, context, childrenOrTags, type) {
  let ret = ''
  for (let child of childrenOrTags) {
    const target_id = magicTitleArgToId(child.args.content, context)
    const target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_id, context, ast.header_tree_node.ast.scope)
    if (target_ast === undefined) {
      let message = `unknown ${type} id: "${target_id}"`
      renderError(context, message, child.source_location)
      ret += errorMessageInOutput(message, context)
  return ret

/** Make ancestor links for HTML heaader breadcrumb metadata line.
 * @param {{href: string, content: string}[]} entries
 * @return {string}
 * */
function htmlAncestorLinks(entries, nAncestors) {
  const ret = []
  let i = 0
  if (nAncestors > ANCESTORS_MAX) {
    ret.push(`<a ${htmlAttr('href', `#${ANCESTORS_ID}`)}}>&nbsp;...</a>`)
  for (const entry of entries) {
    ret.push(`<a${entry.href}> ${entry.content}</a>`)
  return ret.join('')
exports.htmlAncestorLinks = htmlAncestorLinks

/** Convert a key value already fully HTML escaped strings
 * to an HTML attribute. The callers MUST escape any untrusted chars.
 * e.g. with htmlAttrValue.
 * @param {String} key
 * @param {AstArgument} arg
 * @return {String} - of form ' a="b"' (with a leading space)
function htmlAttr(key, value) {
  return ` ${key}="${value}"`;

/** Convert an argument to an HTML attribute value.
 * @param {AstArgument} arg
 * @param {Object} context
 * @return {String}
function htmlAttrValue(arg, context) {
  return renderArg(arg, cloneAndSet(context, 'html_is_attr', true));

function htmlClassAttr(classes) {
  return htmlAttr('class', classes.join(' '))

function htmlCode(content, attrs) {
  return htmlElem('pre', htmlElem('code', content), attrs);

/** Helper to convert multiple parameters directly to HTML attributes.
 * The ID is automatically included.
 * @param {AstNode} ast
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Array[String]} arg_names - which argument names should be added as properties.
 *         Only arguments that were given in the text input are used.
 * @param {Object[String, AstNode]} custom_args - attributes that were not just passed in
 *        directly from the input text, but may rather have been calculated from the node.
function htmlRenderAttrs(
  ast, context, arg_names=[], custom_args={}
) {
  // Determine the arguments.
  let args = [];
  for (const arg_name in custom_args) {
    args.push([arg_name, custom_args[arg_name]]);
  for (const arg_name of arg_names) {
    if (arg_name in ast.args) {
      args.push([arg_name, ast.args[arg_name]]);

  // Build the output string.
  let ret = '';
  for (const name_arg_pair of args) {
    const [arg_name, arg] = name_arg_pair;
    ret += htmlAttr(arg_name, htmlAttrValue(arg, context));
  return ret;

 * Same interface as htmlRenderAttrs, but automatically add the ID to the list
 * of arguments.
function htmlRenderAttrsId(
  ast, context, arg_names=[], custom_args={}
) {
  let id = ast.id;
  if (id) {
    custom_args[Macro.ID_ARGUMENT_NAME] = [
      new PlaintextAstNode(
        removeToplevelScope(id, context.toplevel_ast, context),
  return htmlRenderAttrs(ast, context, arg_names, custom_args);

/** Helper for the most common HTML function type that does "nothing magic":
 * only has "id" as a possible attribute, and uses ast.args.content as the
 * main element child.
function htmlRenderSimpleElem(elem_name, options={}) {
  if (!('attrs' in options)) {
    options.attrs = {};
  if (!('wrap' in options)) {
    options.wrap = false;
  return function(ast, context) {
    let attrs = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context);
    let extra_attrs_string = '';
    for (const key in options.attrs) {
      extra_attrs_string += htmlAttr(key, options.attrs[key]);
    let content = renderArg(ast.args.content, context);

    let res = ''
    const show_caption = ast.index_id || (ast.validation_output.description && ast.validation_output.description.given)
    let elem_attrs
    if (show_caption) {
      const { description, force_separator, multiline_caption } = getDescription(ast.args.description, context)
      const { full: title, inner } = xTextBase(ast, context, {
        href_prefix: htmlSelfLink(ast, context),
      const title_and_description = getTitleAndDescription({ title, description, inner })
      res += `<div${multiline_caption ?  ` class="${multiline_caption.substring(1)}"` : ''}${attrs}>`;
      res += `<div class="caption">${title_and_description}</div>`;
      elem_attrs = ''
    } else {
      elem_attrs = `${extra_attrs_string}${attrs}`
    res += `<${elem_name}${elem_attrs}${getTestData(ast, context)}>${content}</${elem_name}>`;
    if (show_caption) {
      res += `</div>`;
    if (options.wrap) {
      res = htmlElem('div', res);
    return res;

function htmlElem(tag, content, attrs) {
  let ret = '<' + tag;
  for (const attr_id in attrs) {
    ret += ' ' + attr_id + '="' + htmlEscapeAttr(attrs[attr_id]) + '"'
  return ret + '>' + content + '</' + tag + '>';

function htmlEscapeAttr(str) {
  return htmlEscapeContent(str)
    .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
    .replace(/'/g, '&#039;')

function htmlEscapeContent(str) {
  return str
    .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
exports.htmlEscapeContent = htmlEscapeContent

/** Escape string depending on the current context. */
function htmlEscapeContext(context, str) {
  if (context.html_escape) {
    if (context.html_is_attr) {
      return htmlEscapeAttr(str);
    } else {
      return htmlEscapeContent(str);
  } else {
    return str;

function htmlImg({
}) {
  let error
    href: src,
  } = checkAndUpdateLocalLink({
    href: src,
    source_location: ast.args.src.source_location,
  let border_attr
  if (ast.validation_output.border.boolean) {
    border_attr = htmlAttr('class', 'border')
  } else {
    border_attr = ''
  if (relpath_prefix !== undefined) {
    src = path.join(relpath_prefix, src)
  const href = ast.validation_output.link.given ? renderArg(ast.args.link, context) : src
  let html = `<a${htmlAttr('href', href)}><img${htmlAttr('src', htmlEscapeAttr(src))}${htmlAttr('loading', 'lazy')}${rendered_attrs}${alt}${border_attr}></a>`;
  if (!inline) {
    html = `<div class="float-wrap">${html}</div>`
  return {
    html: `${html}${error}`,

function htmlIsWhitespaceTextNode(ast) {
  return ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT && htmlIsWhitespace(ast.text);

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2161337/can-we-use-any-other-tag-inside-ul-along-with-li/60885802#60885802
function htmlIsWhitespace(string) {
  for (const c of string) {
    if (!HTML_ASCII_WHITESPACE.has(c))
      return false;
  return true;

function htmlKatexConvert(ast, context) {
  let katex_in = renderArg(ast.args.content, cloneAndSet(context, 'html_escape', false))
  if (!katex_in.endsWith('\n')) {
    katex_in += '\n'
  try {
    return katex.renderToString(
        globalGroup: true,
        macros: context.katex_macros,
        // The default is to also add MathML output for blind people.
        // However, it adds it with absolute positioning for some reason.
        // And as a result, if you add a math formula to the bottom of the editor,
        // it generates a toplevel scrollbar on Chromium 84 but not Firefox 79.
        output: 'html',
        strict: 'error',
        throwOnError: true,
  } catch(error) {
    // TODO remove the crap KaTeX adds to the end of the string.
    // It uses Unicode char hacks to add underlines... and there are two trailing
    // chars after the final newline, so the error message is taking up two lines
    let message = error.toString().replace(/\n\xcc\xb2$/, '');
    renderError(context, message, ast.args.content.source_location);
    return errorMessageInOutput(message, context);

function htmlSelfLink(ast, context) {
  return xHrefAttr(
    cloneAndSet(context, 'to_split_headers', context.in_split_headers)

function htmlTitleAndDescription(ast, context) {
  let title_and_description = ``
  let { description, force_separator, multiline_caption } = getDescription(ast.args.description, context)
  let href
  if (ast.id) {
    href = htmlSelfLink(ast, context)
  } else {
    href = ''
  if (ast.index_id || ast.validation_output.description.given) {
    const { full: title, inner } = xTextBase(ast, context, {
      href_prefix: href,
    title_and_description += `<div class="caption">${getTitleAndDescription({ title, description, inner })}</div>`
  return { title_and_description, multiline_caption, href }

/** https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14313183/javascript-regex-how-do-i-check-if-the-string-is-ascii-only/14313213#14313213 */
function isAscii(str) {
  return /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/.test(str);

function idConvertSimpleElem(argname) {
  if (argname === undefined) {
    argname = 'content'
  return function(ast, context) {
    let ret = renderArg(ast.args[argname], context);
    if (!context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.phrasing) {
      ret += '\n';
    return ret;

/** bb,      aaa/bbb -> false
 *  bbb,     aaa/bbb -> true
 *  aaa/bbb, aaa/bbb -> true
function idIsSuffix(suffix, full) {
  let full_len = full.length;
  let suffix_len = suffix.length;
  return (
    full.endsWith(suffix) &&
      full_len == suffix_len ||
        full_len > suffix_len &&
        full[full_len - suffix_len - 1] === Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR

// @return [href: string, content: string ], both XSS safe.
function linkGetHrefContent(ast, context) {
  const href = renderArg(ast.args.href, cloneAndSet(context, 'html_is_attr', true))
  let content = renderArg(ast.args.content, context);
  if (content === '') {
    content = renderArg(ast.args.href, context);
    if (!context.id_conversion) {
      content = content.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '')
  return [href, content];

// If in split header mode, link to the nosplit version.
// If in the nosplit mode, link to the split version.
function linkToSplitOpposite(ast, context) {
  if (context.options.ourbigbook_json.toSplitHeaders) {
    return undefined
  } else {
    let content
    let title
    let class_
    if (context.in_split_headers) {
      class_ = 'nosplit'
    } else {
      class_ = 'split'
    let other_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'to_split_headers', !context.in_split_headers);
    let other_href = xHrefAttr(ast, other_context);
    if (
      // I'm not going to lie, I bruteforced this. Sue me.
      context.options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefaultNotToplevel &&
        context.options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefault ||
    ) {
      // This is dirty. But I am dirty.
      // But seriously, checking this more cleanly would require
      // unpacking a bunch of stuff down below from the toplevel scope removal.
      // Related: https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/271
      const other_href_same = xHrefAttr(ast, context);
      if (other_href === other_href_same) {
        return undefined
    return `<a${htmlAttr('class', class_)}${other_href}></a>`;

 * @return {Object} dict of macro name to macro
function macroListToMacros() {
  const macros = {};
  for (const macro of macroList()) {
    for (const format_id in OUTPUT_FORMATS) {
      const convert_func = OUTPUT_FORMATS[format_id].convert_funcs[macro.name]
      if (convert_func === undefined) {
        throw new Error(`undefined convert function for format "${format_id}" macro "${macro.name}"`)
      macro.add_convert_function(format_id, convert_func, macro.name);
    macros[macro.name] = macro;
  return macros;

/** At some point we will generalize this to on-the-fly macro definitions. */
function macroList() {
exports.macroList = macroList

const OURBIGBOOK_EXT = 'bigb';
const MEDIA_PROVIDER_TYPES = new Set([
const media_provider_type_wikimedia_re = new RegExp('^https?://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/');
const media_provider_type_youtube_re = new RegExp('^https?://(www\.)?(youtube.com|youtu.be)/');
const macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_url = 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:';
const macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_image_re = new RegExp('^\\d+px-');
const macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_video_re = new RegExp('^([^.]+\.[^.]+).*');

function macroImageVideoBlockConvertFunction(ast, context) {
  let rendered_attrs = htmlRenderAttrs(ast, context, ['height', 'width']);
  let figure_attrs = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context);
  let { description, force_separator, multiline_caption } = getDescription(ast.args.description, context)
  let figure_class
  if (multiline_caption) {
    figure_class = htmlAttr('class', multiline_caption.slice(1))
  } else {
    figure_class = ''
  let ret = `<figure${figure_attrs}${figure_class}>`
  let href_prefix;
  if (ast.id !== undefined) {
    href_prefix = htmlSelfLink(ast, context);
  } else {
    href_prefix = undefined;
  let {
  } = macroImageVideoResolveParamsWithSource(ast, context);
  if (error_message !== undefined) {
    return error_message;
  if (source !== '') {
    force_separator = true;
    source = `<a${htmlAttr('href', source)}>Source</a>.`;
  let alt_val;
  const has_caption = (ast.id !== undefined) && captionNumberVisible(ast, context);
  if (ast.args.alt === undefined) {
    if (has_caption) {
      alt_val = undefined;
    } else {
      alt_val = src;
  } else {
    alt_val = renderArg(ast.args.alt, context);
  let alt;
  if (alt_val === undefined) {
    alt = '';
  } else {
    alt = htmlAttr('alt', htmlEscapeAttr(alt_val));
  ret += context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.image_video_content_func({
  if (has_caption) {
    const { full: title, inner } = xTextBase(ast, context, { href_prefix, force_separator })
    const title_and_description = getTitleAndDescription({ title, description, source, inner })
    ret += `<figcaption>${title_and_description}</figcaption>`;
  ret += '</figure>';
  return ret;

/** Convert args such as tag= or \x[]{magic} to their final target ID. */
function magicTitleArgToId(arg, context) {
  const id_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true)
  return magicTitleToId(renderArgNoescape(arg, id_context), id_context)

 * @param string target_id
function magicTitleToId(target_id, context) {
  if (target_id.startsWith(Macro.FILE_ID_PREFIX))
    return target_id
  let ret = titleToId(target_id, { keep_scope_sep: true, magic: true }, context)
  if (target_id[0] === AT_MENTION_CHAR) {
    ret = AT_MENTION_CHAR + ret
  return ret

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44447847/enums-in-javascript-with-es6/49709701#49709701
function makeEnum(arr) {
  let obj = {};
  for (let val of arr){
    obj[val] = Symbol(val);
  return Object.freeze(obj);

function noext(str) {
  return str.substring(0, str.lastIndexOf('.'));

const GREEK_MAP = {
  '\u{03b1}': 'alpha',
  '\u{0391}': 'Alpha',
  '\u{03b2}': 'beta',
  '\u{0392}': 'Beta',
  '\u{03b3}': 'gamma',
  '\u{0393}': 'Gamma',
  '\u{03b4}': 'delta',
  '\u{0394}': 'Delta',
  '\u{03b5}': 'epsilon',
  '\u{0395}': 'Epsilon',
  '\u{03b6}': 'zeta',
  '\u{0396}': 'Zeta',
  '\u{03b7}': 'eta',
  '\u{0397}': 'Eta',
  '\u{03b8}': 'theta',
  '\u{0398}': 'Theta',
  '\u{03b9}': 'iota',
  '\u{0399}': 'Iota',
  '\u{03ba}': 'kappa',
  '\u{039a}': 'Kappa',
  '\u{03bb}': 'lambda',
  '\u{039b}': 'Lambda',
  '\u{03bc}': 'mu',
  '\u{039c}': 'Mu',
  '\u{03bd}': 'nu',
  '\u{039d}': 'Nu',
  '\u{03be}': 'xi',
  '\u{039e}': 'Xi',
  '\u{03bf}': 'omicron',
  '\u{039f}': 'Omicron',
  '\u{03c0}': 'pi',
  '\u{03a0}': 'Pi',
  '\u{03c1}': 'rho',
  '\u{03a1}': 'Rho',
  '\u{03c3}': 'sigma',
  '\u{03a3}': 'Sigma',
  '\u{03c4}': 'tau',
  '\u{03a4}': 'Tau',
  '\u{03c5}': 'upsilon',
  '\u{03a5}': 'Upsilon',
  '\u{03c6}': 'phi',
  '\u{03a6}': 'Phi',
  '\u{03c7}': 'chi',
  '\u{03a7}': 'Chi',
  '\u{03c8}': 'psi',
  '\u{03a8}': 'Psi',
  '\u{03c9}': 'omega',
  '\u{03a9}': 'Omega',

// https://docs.ourbigbook.com#ascii-normalization
function normalizeLatinCharacter(c) {
  c = lodash.deburr(c)
  if (c in GREEK_MAP) {
  switch(c) {
    // en-dash
    case '\u{2013}':
    // em-dash
    case '\u{2014}':
      return ID_SEPARATOR
  return c

  '%': 'percent',
  '&': 'and',
  '+': 'plus',
  '@': 'at',
  '\u{2212}': 'minus',
function normalizePunctuationCharacter(c) {
  } else {
    return c

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17781472/how-to-get-a-subset-of-a-javascript-objects-properties/17781518#17781518
function objectSubset(source_object, keys) {
  const new_object = {};
  keys.forEach((obj, key) => { new_object[key] = source_object[key]; });
  return new_object;

/* Calculate the output path given a billion parameters.
 * This is the centerpiece of output path calculation. It is notably used in both:
 * - calculating the output paths for a given input
 * - calculating where \x links should point
 * Since the exact same function is used for both, this guarantees that \x links always
 * point to the correct file.
 * We keep only simple types as inputs to this function (e.g. strings, and notably no AstNode and context)
 * to this function so that it can be unit tested, or at least to make it clearer to us what the exact input is.
 * Countless hours have been wasted writing and debugging this function. It is extremelly hard.
 * Some of the things this function considers include:
 * * README.bigb -> index.bigb renaming
 * * split header stuff
function outputPathBase(args={}) {
  let {
  } = args
  if (ast_input_path === undefined) {
    return undefined
  const [dirname, basename] = pathSplit(ast_input_path, path_sep);
  let renamed_basename_noext = noext(basename)
  if (ast_input_path.split(path_sep)[0] !== FILE_PREFIX) {
    renamed_basename_noext = renameBasename(renamed_basename_noext)
  // We are the first header, or something that comes before it.
  if (ast_undefined) {
    const [dirname_ret, basename_ret] = indexPathFromDirname(dirname, renamed_basename_noext, path_sep)
    return { dirname: dirname_ret, basename: basename_ret };
  // Calculate the base basename_ret and dirname_ret.
  let dirname_ret;
  let basename_ret;
  const to_split_headers = isToSplitHeadersBase(ast_split_default, context_to_split_headers, toSplitHeadersOverride);
  if (
    ast_is_first_header_in_input_file ||
      !to_split_headers &&
      ast_input_path_toplevel_id === ast_toplevel_id
  ) {
    // For toplevel elements in split header mode, we have
    // to take care of index and -split suffix.
    if (renamed_basename_noext === INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT) {
      // basename_ret
      if (
        to_split_headers === ast_split_default ||
      ) {
        // The name is just index.html.
        basename_ret = renamed_basename_noext;
      } else {
        // The name is split.html or nosplit.html.
        basename_ret = '';
    } else {
      basename_ret = renamed_basename_noext;
    dirname_ret = dirname;
  } else {
    if (to_split_headers && ast_id !== undefined) {
      // Non-toplevel elements in split header mode are simple,
      // the ID just gives the output path directly.
      ;[dirname_ret, basename_ret] = pathSplit(ast_id, URL_SEP);
    } else {
      if (dirname_ret === undefined) {
        if (ast_toplevel_id !== undefined) {
          ;[dirname_ret, basename_ret] = pathSplit(ast_toplevel_id, URL_SEP);
        } else {
          ;[dirname_ret, basename_ret] = [dirname, renamed_basename_noext]

  ;[dirname_ret, basename_ret] = indexPathFromDirname(dirname_ret, basename_ret, path_sep)

  // Add -split, -nosplit or custom suffixes to basename_ret.
  let suffix_to_add;
  let suffix_added;
  if (split_suffix === undefined || split_suffix === '') {
    suffix_to_add = to_split_headers ? SPLIT_MARKER_TEXT : NOSPLIT_MARKER_TEXT;
  } else {
    suffix_to_add = split_suffix;
  if (
    !splitDefaultNotToplevel &&
        to_split_headers &&
          // To split.html
            ast_id === ast_toplevel_id &&
          ) ||

          // User explcitly gave {splitSuffix}
          split_suffix !== undefined
      ) ||
      // User gave {splitDefault}, so we link to nosplit.
        !to_split_headers &&
    ) &&
  ) {
    if (basename_ret !== '') {
      basename_ret += '-';
    basename_ret += suffix_to_add;
    suffix_added = suffix_to_add;

  return { dirname: dirname_ret, basename: basename_ret, split_suffix: suffix_added };
exports.outputPathBase = outputPathBase;

/** Parse tokens into the AST tree.
 * @param {Array[Token]} tokens
 * @return {Object} extra_returns
 *         - {Array[ErrorMessage]} errors
 *         - {Object} ids
 * @return {AstNode}
async function parse(tokens, options, context, extra_returns={}) {
  perfPrint(context, 'parse_start')
  context.in_parse = true
  extra_returns.errors = [];
  let state = {
    i: 0,
    macros: context.macros,
    options: options,
    token: tokens[0],
    tokens: tokens,
  // Get toplevel arguments such as {title=}, see https://docs.ourbigbook.com#toplevel
  const ast_toplevel_args = parseArgumentList(
    state, Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME, AstType.MACRO);
  if ('content' in ast_toplevel_args) {
    parseError(state, `the toplevel arguments cannot contain an explicit content argument`, new SourceLocation(1, 1));

  // Inject a maybe paragraph token after those arguments.
  const paragraph_token = new Token(TokenType.PARAGRAPH, state.token.source_location);
  tokens.splice(state.i, 0, paragraph_token);
  state.token = paragraph_token;

  // Parse the main part of the document as the content
  // argument toplevel argument.
  const ast_toplevel_content_arg = parseArgument(
    state, state.token.source_location);

  // Create the toplevel macro itself.
  const ast_toplevel = new AstNode(
    Object.assign(ast_toplevel_args, {'content': ast_toplevel_content_arg}),
    new SourceLocation(1, 1),
  if (state.token.type !== TokenType.INPUT_END) {
    parseError(state, `unexpected tokens at the end of input`);
  if (context.options.log['ast-pp-simple']) {
    console.error('ast-pp-simple: after parse');

  // Ast post process pass 1
  // Post process the AST depth first minimally to support includes.
  // This could in theory be done in a single pass with the next one,
  // but that is much more hard to implement and maintain, because we
  // have to stich togetegher internal structures to maintain the header
  // tree across the includer and included documents.
  // Another possibility would be to do it in the middle of the initial parse,
  // but let's not complicate that further either, shall we?
  context.headers_with_include = [];
  context.header_tree = new HeaderTreeNode();
  perfPrint(context, 'post_process_1')
  let prev_non_synonym_header_ast;
  let cur_header_level;
  let first_header_level;
  let first_header;
  let header_tree_last_level;
  let toplevel_parent_arg = new AstArgument([], new SourceLocation(1, 1));
  let todo_visit = [[toplevel_parent_arg, ast_toplevel]];
  // IDs that are indexed: you can link to those.
  const line_to_id_array = [];
  context.line_to_id = function(line) {
    let index = binarySearch(line_to_id_array,
      [line + 1, undefined], binarySearchLineToIdArrayFn);
    if (index < 0) {
      index = -(index + 1)
    index -= 1
    if (index === line_to_id_array.length) {
      if (line_to_id_array.length > 0) {
        index = line_to_id_array.length - 1;
      } else {
        return undefined;
    return removeToplevelScope(line_to_id_array[index][1], context.toplevel_ast, context);
  let macro_count_global = 0
  const macro_counts = {};
  const macro_counts_visible = {};
  const headers_from_include = {}
  let cur_header_tree_node;
  let is_first_header = true;
  extra_returns.ids = options.indexed_ids;

  // Format:
  // refs_to[false][to_id][type]{from_id: { defined_at: Set[defined_at], child_index: Number }
  // refs_to[to][from_id][type]{to_id: { defined_at: Set[defined_at], child_index: Number }
  context.refs_to = {
    false: {},
    true: {},
  let local_db_provider = new DictDbProvider(
  let db_provider;
  if (options.db_provider !== undefined) {
    db_provider = new ChainedDbProvider(
  } else {
    db_provider = local_db_provider;
  context.db_provider = db_provider;
  const title_ast_ancestors = []
  const header_title_ast_ancestors = []
  const header_ids = []
  while (todo_visit.length > 0) {
    const pop = todo_visit.pop();
    if (pop === 'pop_title_ast_ancestors') {
    if (pop === 'pop_header_title_ast_ancestors') {
    const [parent_arg, ast] = pop
    if (parent_arg.argument_name === Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME) {
      const parent_ast = parent_arg.parent_ast
      if (parent_ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME) {
    let parent_arg_push_after = []
    let parent_arg_push_before = []
    const macro_name = ast.macro_name;
    ast.from_include = options.from_include;
    ast.from_ourbigbook_example = options.from_ourbigbook_example;
    ast.source_location.path = options.input_path;
    if (macro_name === Macro.INCLUDE_MACRO_NAME) {
      if (options.forbid_include) {
        const error_ast = new PlaintextAstNode(options.forbid_include, ast.source_location);
        error_ast.parent_ast = ast.parent_ast;
        parseError(state, options.forbid_include, ast.source_location);
      } else {
        const href = renderArgNoescape(ast.args.href, context);
        let input_dir, input_basename
        if (options.input_path) {
          ;[input_dir, input_basename] = pathSplit(options.input_path, options.path_sep)
        } else {
          input_dir = '.'

        // \Include parent argument handling.
        let parent_ast;
        let parent_id;
        validateAst(ast, context);
        if (ast.validation_output.parent.given) {
          [parent_id, parent_ast] = getParentArgumentAst(ast, context, options)
          if (parent_ast === undefined) {
            const message = Macro.INCLUDE_MACRO_NAME + ' ' + HEADER_PARENT_ERROR_MESSAGE + parent_id;
            const error_ast = new PlaintextAstNode(' ' + errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location);
            error_ast.parent_ast = ast.parent_ast;
            parseError(state, message, ast.args.parent.source_location);
        if (parent_ast === undefined) {
          parent_ast = options.cur_header;
        let parent_ast_header_level
        let parent_ast_header_tree_node
        let include_id = href
        if (options.cur_header && options.cur_header.scope) {
          include_id = options.cur_header.scope + Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR + include_id
        if (parent_ast === undefined) {
          parent_ast_header_level = 0
          parent_ast_header_tree_node = context.header_tree
        } else {
          // Possible on include without a parent header.
          parent_ast_header_tree_node = parent_ast.header_tree_node;
          parent_ast_header_level = parent_ast_header_tree_node.get_level();

              child_index: parent_ast_header_tree_node.children.length,
              source_location: ast.source_location,
        const peek_ast = todo_visit[todo_visit.length - 1][1];
        if (peek_ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT && peek_ast.text === '\n') {
        // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/215
        const read_include_ret = await (options.read_include(href, input_dir));
        if (read_include_ret === undefined) {
          if (
            // On the local filesystem, this doesn't matter.
            // But on the server it does, as we don't know about the other includes
            // before they are processed.
          ) {
            let message = `could not find include: "${href}"`;
            parent_arg.push(new PlaintextAstNode(message, ast.source_location));
        } else {
          const [include_path, include_content] = read_include_ret;
          if (options.include_path_set.has(include_path)) {
            let message = `circular include detected to: "${include_path}"`;
            parent_arg.push(new PlaintextAstNode(message, ast.source_location));
          } else {
            let new_child_nodes;
            if (options.embed_includes) {
              new_child_nodes = await parseInclude(
                  errors: extra_returns.errors,
            } else {
              const from_include = true
              // Don't merge into a single file, render as a dummy header and an xref link instead.
              const header_ast = new AstNode(
                  'level': new AstArgument(
                      new PlaintextAstNode(
                        (parent_ast_header_level + 1).toString(),
                  [Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME]: new AstArgument( [
                      // Will be patched in later in order to group all DB queries at the end of parse,
                      // as this requires getting an ID from DB.
                      new PlaintextAstNode('TODO patchme')
                  force_no_index: true,
                  id: include_id,
                  level: parent_ast_header_level + 1,
              options.include_hrefs[include_id] = header_ast
              headers_from_include[include_id] = header_ast
              if (options.cur_header !== undefined) {
                header_ast.scope = options.cur_header.scope
              header_ast.header_tree_node = new HeaderTreeNode(header_ast, parent_ast_header_tree_node);
              new_child_nodes = [
                new AstNode(
                new AstNode(
                    'content': new AstArgument(
                        new AstNode(
                            'href': new AstArgument(
                                new PlaintextAstNode(href)
                            'content': new AstArgument(
                                new PlaintextAstNode(
                                  'This section is present in another page, follow this link to view it.',
                new AstNode(AstType.PARAGRAPH),
              for (const child_node of new_child_nodes) {
                  count_words: false,
            if (options.output_format === OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK) {
              if (options.render_include) {
            } else {
              // Push all included nodes, but don't recurse because:
              // - all child includes will be resolved on the sub-render call
              // - the current header level must not move, so that consecutive \Include
              //   calls won't nest into one another
              for (const new_child_node of new_child_nodes) {
                new_child_node.parent_ast = ast.parent_ast;
    } else if (macro_name === Macro.OURBIGBOOK_EXAMPLE_MACRO_NAME) {
      if (options.output_format === OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK) {
      // We need to add these asts on OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK so that we can extract their IDs later on.
      // We then just don't render them at render time.
      const new_asts = [
        new AstNode(
          { content: ast.args.content },
        new AstNode(
            content: new AstArgument(
                new PlaintextAstNode(
                  'which renders as:',
        new AstNode(
            content: await parseInclude(
              renderArgNoescape(ast.args.content, cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true)),
                start_line: ast.source_location.line + 1,
                errors: extra_returns.errors,
      for (const new_ast of new_asts) {
          from_ourbigbook_example: true,
    } else {
      // Not OurBigBookExample.
      if (macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME) {
        if (is_first_header) {
          ast.id = context.toplevel_id
          if (options.toplevel_has_scope) {
            // We also need to fake an argument here, because that will
            // get serialized to the database, which is needed for
            // toplevel scope removal from external links.
            const scope_arg = new AstArgument([], ast.source_location);
            ast.add_argument('scope', scope_arg);
          if (options.toplevel_parent_scope !== undefined) {
            ast.scope = options.toplevel_parent_scope;
          ast.is_first_header_in_input_file = true;
        ast.subdir = convertIdArg(ast.args.subdir, context)

        // Required by calculateId.
        validateAst(ast, context);

        if (
          !ast.is_first_header_in_input_file &&
          !ast.validation_output.synonym.boolean &&
        ) {
          parent_arg.push(new PlaintextAstNode(options.forbid_multiheader, ast.source_location));

        let is_synonym = ast.validation_output.synonym.boolean;
        const header_level = ast.validation_output.level.positive_nonzero_integer

        // splitDefault propagation to children.
        if (ast.validation_output.splitDefault.given) {
          ast.split_default = ast.validation_output.splitDefault.boolean;
        } else if (options.cur_header !== undefined) {
          ast.split_default = options.cur_header.split_default || options.cur_header.split_default_children;
        } else {
          if (options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefaultNotToplevel) {
            ast.split_default = false
            ast.split_default_children = options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefault
          } else {
            ast.split_default = options.ourbigbook_json.h.splitDefault

        if (is_synonym) {
          if (options.cur_header === undefined) {
            const message = `the first header of an input file cannot be a synonym`;
            parseError(state, message, ast.args.synonym.source_location);
            // Hack it to behave like a non-synonym. This is the easiest way to avoid further errors.
            is_synonym = false
          } else {
            if (header_level !== 1) {
              const message = `synonym headers must be h1, got: ${header_level}`;
              parseError(state, message, ast.args.level.source_location);
            ast.synonym = options.cur_header.id;
            if (ast.args[Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME] !== undefined) {
              if (ast.args[Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME].asts.length > 1) {
                parseError(state, `synonym headers can have at most one ${Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME} argument`, ast.args[Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME].source_location);
              if (ast.args[Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME].asts[0].args[Macro.CONTENT_ARGUMENT_NAME].asts.length > 0) {
                parseError(state, `the ${Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME} of synonym headers must be empty`, ast.args[Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME].source_location);
        if (!is_synonym) {
          prev_non_synonym_header_ast = ast;
          options.cur_header = ast;
          cur_header_level = header_level + options.h_parse_level_offset;

        let parent_tree_node_error = false;
        let parent_id;
        if (ast.validation_output.parent.given) {
          let parent_ast;
          if (is_synonym) {
            const message = `synonym and parent are incompatible`;
            parseError(state, message, ast.args.level.source_location);
          if (header_level !== 1) {
            const message = `header with parent argument must have level equal 1`;
              new PlaintextAstNode(' ' + errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location)
            parseError(state, message, ast.args.level.source_location);
          ;[parent_id, parent_ast] = getParentArgumentAst(ast, context, options);
          let parent_tree_node;
          if (parent_ast !== undefined) {
            parent_tree_node = options.header_tree_id_stack.get(parent_ast.id);
          if (parent_tree_node === undefined) {
            parent_tree_node_error = true;
          } else {
            cur_header_level = parent_tree_node.get_level() + 1;
        if ('level' in ast.args) {
          // Hack the level argument of the final AST to match for consistency.
          ast.args.level = new AstArgument([
            new PlaintextAstNode(cur_header_level.toString(), ast.args.level.source_location)],
        if (
          cur_header_level === 1 &&
          !is_first_header &&
          options.forbid_multi_h1 &&
        ) {
          const msg = 'only one level 1 header is allowed in this conversion'
          parseError(state, msg, ast.source_location);
          parent_arg.push(new PlaintextAstNode(msg, ast.source_location));

        // lint['h-parent']
        if (
          context.options.ourbigbook_json.lint['h-parent'] &&
        ) {
          let message;
          if (
            context.options.ourbigbook_json.lint['h-parent'] === 'parent' &&
            !ast.validation_output.parent.given &&
          ) {
            message = `no parent given with lint['h-parent'] = "parent"`;
          } else if (
            context.options.ourbigbook_json.lint['h-parent'] === 'number' &&
          ) {
            message = `parent given with lint['h-parent'] = "number"`;
          if (message) {
            parseError(state, message, ast.source_location);
            parent_arg_push_after.push(new PlaintextAstNode(errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location));

        // lint['h-tag']
        if (
          context.options.ourbigbook_json.lint['h-tag'] !== undefined
        ) {
          let message;
          let arg;
          if (
            context.options.ourbigbook_json.lint['h-tag'] === 'child' &&
          ) {
            message = `tag given with lint['h-tag'] = "child"`;
            arg = ast.args[Macro.HEADER_TAG_ARGNAME]
          } else if (
            context.options.ourbigbook_json.lint['h-tag'] === 'tag' &&
          ) {
            message = `child given with lint['h-tag'] = "tag"`;
            arg = ast.args[Macro.HEADER_CHILD_ARGNAME]
          if (message) {
            parseError(state, message, arg.source_location);
            parent_arg_push_after.push(new PlaintextAstNode(errorMessageInOutput(message), arg.source_location));

        is_first_header = false;

        if (options.is_first_global_header) {
          first_header = ast;
          first_header_level = cur_header_level;
          header_tree_last_level = cur_header_level - 1;
          options.header_tree_stack.set(header_tree_last_level, context.header_tree);
          options.is_first_global_header = false;
        let header_level_skip_error;
        if (is_synonym) {
          ast.scope = options.cur_header.scope;
        } else {
          cur_header_tree_node = new HeaderTreeNode(ast, options.header_tree_stack.get(cur_header_level - 1));
          if (cur_header_level - header_tree_last_level > 1) {
            header_level_skip_error = header_tree_last_level;
          if (cur_header_level < first_header_level) {
              `header level ${cur_header_level} is smaller than the level of the first header of the document ${first_header_level}`,
          const parent_tree_node = options.header_tree_stack.get(cur_header_level - 1);
          if (parent_tree_node !== undefined) {
            const parent_ast = parent_tree_node.ast;
            if (parent_ast !== undefined) {
              let scope = parent_ast.calculate_scope();
              // The ast might already have a scope here through less common means such as
              // being in a subdirectory.
              if (ast.scope) {
                if (scope === undefined) {
                  scope = ''
                } else {
                  scope += Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR
                scope += ast.scope
              ast.scope = scope;
          const old_tree_node = options.header_tree_stack.get(cur_header_level);
          options.header_tree_stack.set(cur_header_level, cur_header_tree_node);
          if (
            // Possible on the first insert of a level.
            old_tree_node !== undefined &&
            // Possible if the level is not an integer.
            old_tree_node.ast !== undefined
          ) {
          header_tree_last_level = cur_header_level;
        ast.header_tree_node = cur_header_tree_node

        // Must come after the header tree step is mostly done, because scopes influence ID,
        // and they also depend on the parent node.
        ;({ macro_count_global } = calculateId(ast, context, options.non_indexed_ids, options.indexed_ids,
          macro_counts, macro_count_global, macro_counts_visible, state, true, line_to_id_array));

        // Now stuff that must come after calculateId.


        // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/100
        if (parent_tree_node_error) {
          const message = HEADER_PARENT_ERROR_MESSAGE + parent_id;
            new PlaintextAstNode(' ' + errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location));
          parseError(state, message, ast.args.parent.source_location);
        if (is_synonym) {
              source_location: ast.source_location,
        } else {
          if (header_level_skip_error !== undefined) {
            const message = `skipped a header level from ${header_level_skip_error} to ${cur_header_level}`;
              new PlaintextAstNode(' ' + errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location));
            parseError(state, message, ast.args.level.source_location);
          options.header_tree_id_stack.set(cur_header_tree_node.ast.id, cur_header_tree_node);

        if (parent_arg_push_before.length) {
          parent_arg_push_before = parent_arg_push_before.concat([new AstNode(
            AstType.PARAGRAPH, undefined, undefined, ast.source_location)

        // Push a paragraph separator after the header when adding nodes after.
        if (parent_arg_push_after.length) {
          parent_arg_push_after = [new AstNode(
            AstType.PARAGRAPH, undefined, undefined, ast.source_location

        // Add children/tags to the child database.
        // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#h-child-argment
        for (const [argname, child] of [
          [Macro.HEADER_CHILD_ARGNAME, true],
          [Macro.HEADER_TAG_ARGNAME, false],
        ]) {
          const tags_or_children = ast.args[argname]
          if (tags_or_children !== undefined) {
            for (const tag_or_child of tags_or_children) {
              const target_id = magicTitleArgToId(tag_or_child.args.content, context)
              for (const target_id_with_scope of getAllPossibleScopeResolutions(ast.calculate_scope(), target_id, context)) {
                  source_location: tag_or_child.source_location,
                  target_id: target_id_with_scope,
                  type: REFS_TABLE_X_CHILD,
      } else if (macro_name === Macro.X_MACRO_NAME) {
        if (header_title_ast_ancestors.length > 0 && ast.args.content === undefined) {
          const message = 'x without content inside title of a header: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#x-within-title-restrictions'
          ast.args.content = new AstArgument(
            [ new PlaintextAstNode(' ' + errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location) ],
          parseError(state, message, ast.source_location);

        // refs database updates.
        validateAst(ast, context)
        let target_id = convertFileIdArg(ast, ast.args.href, context)
        if (
          // Otherwise the ref would be added to the DB and DB checks would fail.
        ) {
          const fetch_plural = ast.validation_output.magic.boolean
          if (fetch_plural) {
            target_id = magicTitleToId(target_id, context)
          const cur_scope = options.cur_header ? options.cur_header.calculate_scope() : ''
          for (const target_id_with_scope of getAllPossibleScopeResolutions(cur_scope, target_id, context)) {
              title_ast_ancestors: Object.assign([], title_ast_ancestors),
              target_id: target_id_with_scope,
              inflected: false,
          if (fetch_plural) {
            // In the case of magic, also fetch a singularized version from DB. We don't know
            // which one is the correct one, so just fetch both and decide at render time.
            const href_arg = ast.args.href
            const last_ast = href_arg.get(href_arg.length() - 1);
            if (
              // Possible for unterminated insane link.
              last_ast &&
              last_ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT
            ) {
              const old_text = last_ast.text
              const new_text = pluralizeWrap(old_text, 1)
              if (new_text !== old_text) {
                last_ast.text = new_text
                const target_id = magicTitleToId(convertIdArg(ast.args.href, context), context)
                last_ast.text = old_text
                for (const target_id_with_scope of getAllPossibleScopeResolutions(cur_scope, target_id, context)) {
                    title_ast_ancestors: Object.assign([], title_ast_ancestors),
                    target_id: target_id_with_scope,
                    inflected: true,

      // Push this node into the parent argument list.
      // This allows us to skip nodes, or push multiple nodes if needed.

      // Recurse.
      for (const arg_name in ast.args) {
        const arg = ast.args[arg_name];
        for (let i = arg.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          todo_visit.push([arg, arg.get(i)]);
        // We make the new argument be empty so that children can
        // decide if they want to push themselves or not.
  if (context.options.log['ast-pp-simple']) {
    console.error('ast-pp-simple: after pass 1');

  let fetch_header_tree_ids_rows
  let fetch_ancestors_rows
  const prefetch_file_ids = new Set()
  if (!options.from_include) {
    // Ast post process pass 2
    // Post process the AST pre-order depth-first search after
    // inclusions are resolved to support things like:
    // - the insane but necessary paragraphs double newline syntax
    // - automatic ul parent to li and table to tr
    // - remove whitespace only text children from ul
    // - extract all IDs into an ID index
    // Normally only the toplevel includer will enter this code section.
    perfPrint(context, 'post_process_2')
    // Calculate header_tree_top_level.
    // - if a header of this level is present in the document,
    //   there is only one of it. This implies for example that
    //   it does not get numerical prefixes like "1.2.3 My Header".
    //   when rendering, and it does not show up in the ToC.
    context.header_tree_top_level = first_header_level;
    if (context.header_tree.children.length === 1) {
      const toplevel_header_node = context.header_tree.children[0];
      const toplevel_header_ast = toplevel_header_node.ast;
      if (toplevel_header_node.children.length > 0) {
        toplevel_header_node.children[0].ast.toc_header = true;
      context.toplevel_ast = toplevel_header_ast;
    } else {
      context.toplevel_ast = undefined;
      if (context.header_tree.children.length > 0) {
        context.header_tree.children[0].ast.toc_header = true;
    // Not modified by split headers.
    context.nosplit_toplevel_ast = context.toplevel_ast
    let toplevel_parent_arg = new AstArgument([], new SourceLocation(1, 1));
      const todo_visit = [[toplevel_parent_arg, ast_toplevel]];
      while (todo_visit.length > 0) {
        let [parent_arg, ast] = todo_visit.pop();
        const macro_name = ast.macro_name;
        const macro = context.macros[macro_name];

        if (
          macro_name === Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME &&
          ast.parent_ast !== undefined
        ) {
          // Prevent this from happening. When this was committed originally,
          // it actually worked and output an `html` inside another `html`.
          // Maybe we could do something with iframe, but who cares about that?
          const message = `the "${Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME}" cannot be used explicitly`;
          ast = new PlaintextAstNode(errorMessageInOutput(message), ast.source_location);
          parseError(state, message, ast.source_location);
        } else if (
          ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME
        ) {
          propagateNumbered(ast, context)

          // Propagate toplevel_id for headers.
          if (
            // Fails for include dummies. No patience to find a better way now.
            ast.validation_output.toplevel &&
          ) {
            ast.toplevel_id = ast.id
          } else {
            const parent_tree_node = ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast
            if (
              parent_tree_node === undefined ||
              parent_tree_node.ast === undefined
            ) {
              if (ast.is_first_header_in_input_file) {
                ast.toplevel_id = ast.id
              } else {
                // Multiple toplevel h1, so after the first one we pick the same toplevel_id as the first one has.
                if (parent_tree_node !== undefined) {
                  ast.toplevel_id = parent_tree_node.children[0].ast.toplevel_id
            } else {
              ast.toplevel_id = parent_tree_node.ast.toplevel_id

        // Dump index of headers with includes.
        if (ast.includes.length > 0) {
        if (
          // This only happens in the following cases
          // * \x are validated before for magic stuff
          // * when you have include without embed,
          //   where we do a context.db_provider.get, and we set the attributes to it
          //   and the thing comes out of serialization validated.
          macro_name !== Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME && !ast.validated
        ) {
          validateAst(ast, context);

        // Push this node into the parent argument list.
        // This allows us to skip nodes, or push multiple nodes if needed.

        // Loop over the child arguments. We do this rather than recurse into them
        // to be able to easily remove or add nodes to the tree during this AST
        // post-processing.
        // Here we do sibling-type transformations that need to loop over multiple
        // direct children in one go, such as:
        // - auto add ul to li
        // - remove whitespace only text children from ul
        for (const arg_name in ast.args) {
          // The following passes consecutively update arg.
          let arg = ast.args[arg_name];
          let macro_arg = macro.name_to_arg[arg_name];

          // Handle elide_link_only.
          if (
            // Possible for error nodes.
            macro_arg !== undefined &&
            macro_arg.elide_link_only &&
            arg.length() === 1 &&
            arg.get(0).macro_name === Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME
          ) {
            const href_arg = arg.get(0).args.href;
            href_arg.parent_ast = ast;
            arg = href_arg;

          // Child loop that adds table tr implicit parents to th and td.
          // This needs to be done on a separate pass before the tr implicit table adding.
          // It is however very similar to the other loop: the only difference is that we eat up
          // a trailing paragraph if followed by another.
            const new_arg = new AstArgument([], arg.source_location);
            for (let i = 0; i < arg.length(); i++) {
              let child_node = arg.get(i);
              let new_child_nodes = [];
              let new_child_nodes_set = false;
              if (child_node.node_type === AstType.MACRO) {
                const child_macro_name = child_node.macro_name;
                if (
                  child_macro_name == Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME ||
                  child_macro_name == Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME
                ) {
                  const auto_parent_name = Macro.TR_MACRO_NAME;
                  const auto_parent_name_macro = state.macros[auto_parent_name];
                  if (
                    ast.macro_name !== auto_parent_name
                  ) {
                    const start_auto_child_node = child_node;
                    const new_arg_auto_parent = new AstArgument([], child_node.source_location);
                    while (i < arg.length()) {
                      const arg_i = arg.get(i);
                      if (arg_i.node_type === AstType.MACRO) {
                        if (
                          arg_i.macro_name == Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME ||
                          arg_i.macro_name == Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME
                        ) {
                        } else {
                      } else if (arg_i.node_type === AstType.PARAGRAPH) {
                        if (i + 1 < arg.length()) {
                          const arg_i_next_macro_name = arg.get(i + 1).macro_name;
                          if (
                            arg_i_next_macro_name == Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME ||
                            arg_i_next_macro_name == Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME
                          ) {
                            // Ignore this paragraph, it is actually only a separator between two \tr.
                      } else if (
                        auto_parent_name_macro.name_to_arg['content'].remove_whitespace_children &&
                      ) {
                        // Ignore the whitespace node.
                      } else {
                    new_child_nodes_set = true;
                    new_child_nodes = new AstArgument([new AstNode(
                        'content': new_arg_auto_parent,
                        parent_ast: child_node.parent_ast
                    )], child_node.source_location);
                    // Because the for loop will advance past it.
              if (!new_child_nodes_set) {
                new_child_nodes = [child_node];
            arg = new_arg;

          // Child loop that adds ul and table implicit parents.
            const new_arg = new AstArgument([], arg.source_location);
            for (let i = 0; i < arg.length(); i++) {
              let child_node = arg.get(i);
              let new_child_nodes = [];
              let new_child_nodes_set = false;
              if (
                (arg_name in macro.name_to_arg) &&
                macro.name_to_arg[arg_name].remove_whitespace_children &&
              ) {
                new_child_nodes_set = true;
              } else if (child_node.node_type === AstType.MACRO) {
                let child_macro_name = child_node.macro_name;
                let child_macro = state.macros[child_macro_name];
                if (child_macro.auto_parent !== undefined) {
                  // Add ul and table implicit parents.
                  const auto_parent_name = child_macro.auto_parent;
                  const auto_parent_name_macro = state.macros[auto_parent_name];
                  if (
                    ast.macro_name !== auto_parent_name &&
                  ) {
                    const start_auto_child_node = child_node;
                    const new_arg_auto_parent = new AstArgument([], child_node.source_location);
                    while (i < arg.length()) {
                      const arg_i = arg.get(i);
                      if (arg_i.node_type === AstType.MACRO) {
                        if (state.macros[arg_i.macro_name].auto_parent === auto_parent_name) {
                        } else {
                      } else if (
                        auto_parent_name_macro.name_to_arg['content'].remove_whitespace_children &&
                      ) {
                        // Ignore the whitespace node.
                      } else {
                    new_child_nodes_set = true;
                    new_child_nodes = new AstArgument([new AstNode(
                        'content': new_arg_auto_parent,
                        parent_ast: child_node.parent_ast
                    )], child_node.source_location);
                    // Because the for loop will advance past it.
              if (!new_child_nodes_set) {
                new_child_nodes = [child_node];
            arg = new_arg;

          // Child loop that adds paragraphs.
            let paragraph_indexes = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < arg.length(); i++) {
              const child_node = arg.get(i);
              if (child_node.node_type === AstType.PARAGRAPH) {
            if (paragraph_indexes.length > 0) {
              const new_arg = new AstArgument([], arg.source_location);
              if (paragraph_indexes[0] > 0) {
                parseAddParagraph(state, ast, new_arg, arg, 0, paragraph_indexes[0], options);
              let paragraph_start = paragraph_indexes[0] + 1;
              for (let i = 1; i < paragraph_indexes.length; i++) {
                const paragraph_index = paragraph_indexes[i];
                parseAddParagraph(state, ast, new_arg, arg, paragraph_start, paragraph_index, options);
                paragraph_start = paragraph_index + 1;
              if (paragraph_start < arg.length()) {
                parseAddParagraph(state, ast, new_arg, arg, paragraph_start, arg.length(), options);
              arg = new_arg;

          // Push children to continue the search. We make the new argument be empty
          // so that children can decide if they want to push themselves or not.
            const new_arg = new AstArgument([], arg.source_location);
            const macro_arg_count_words = macro_arg !== undefined && macro_arg.count_words
            for (let i = arg.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              const child_ast = arg.get(i)

              // Propagate count_words.
              if (!child_ast.count_words || !macro_arg_count_words) {
                child_ast.count_words = false
                child_ast.word_count = 0

              todo_visit.push([new_arg, child_ast]);
            // Update the argument.
            ast.args[arg_name] = new_arg;
    if (context.options.log['ast-pp-simple']) {
      console.error('ast-pp-simple: after pass 2');

    // Now do a pass that collects information that may be affected by
    // the tree modifications of the previous step, e.g. ID generation.
    perfPrint(context, 'post_process_3')
      const todo_visit = [ast_toplevel];
      let cur_header_tree_node
      while (todo_visit.length > 0) {
        const ast = todo_visit.pop();
        const macro_name = ast.macro_name;
        const macro = context.macros[macro_name];

        let children_in_header;
        if (macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME) {
          // TODO start with the toplevel.
          cur_header_tree_node = ast.header_tree_node;
          children_in_header = true;
        } else {
          ast.header_tree_node = new HeaderTreeNode(ast, cur_header_tree_node);
          if (ast.in_header) {
            children_in_header = true;
          } else {
            if (cur_header_tree_node !== undefined) {
              cur_header_tree_node.word_count += ast.word_count;
            children_in_header = false;
          if (cur_header_tree_node !== undefined) {
            ast.scope = cur_header_tree_node.ast.calculate_scope();

          // Header IDs already previously calculated for parent= so we don't redo it in that case.
          let ret = calculateId(ast, context, options.non_indexed_ids, options.indexed_ids, macro_counts,
            macro_count_global, macro_counts_visible, state, false, line_to_id_array);
          macro_count_global = ret.macro_count_global

          // Propagate some header properties to non-header children.
          // This allows us to save some extra DB fetches, at the cost of making the JSON slightly larger.
          // and duplicating data a bit. But whaterver, simpler code with less JOINs.
          if (ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast !== undefined && ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast.ast !== undefined) {
            const header_ast = ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast.ast
            ast.split_default = header_ast.split_default;
            ast.is_first_header_in_input_file = header_ast.is_first_header_in_input_file;
            // TODO calculate a value for this when there is not existing header_ast, e.g.:
            // ``
            // abc
            // = First header
            // ``
            // currently leaves abc without toplevel_id. This would make it impossible to link from other files to it.
            // Not fixing it now because this is forbidden in Web articles.
            ast.toplevel_id = header_ast.toplevel_id

        // Push children to continue the search. We make the new argument be empty
        // so that children can decide if they want to push themselves or not.
        for (const arg_name in ast.args) {
          const arg = ast.args[arg_name];
          for (let i = arg.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const ast = arg.get(i);
            ast.in_header = children_in_header;
    if (context.options.log['ast-pp-simple']) {
      console.error('ast-pp-simple: after pass 3');

    // Now for some final operations that don't go over the entire Ast Tree.
    perfPrint(context, 'post_process_4')

    // Setup refs DB.
    for (const ref of options.refs_to_h) {
      const target_id_effective = xChildDbEffectiveId(
      if (ref.child) {
        addToRefsTo(target_id_effective, context, ref.ast.id, ref.type, { source_location: ref.source_location });
      } else {
        addToRefsTo(ref.ast.id, context, target_id_effective, ref.type, { source_location: ref.source_location });
    for (const ref of options.refs_to_x) {
      const ast = ref.ast
      const target_id_effective = xChildDbEffectiveId(
      const parent_id = ast.get_local_header_parent_id();
      if (
        // Happens on some special elements e.g. the ToC.
        parent_id !== undefined
      ) {
        // TODO add test and enable this possible fix.
        if (
          // We don't want the "This section is present in another page" to count as a link.
        ) {
          // Update xref database for incoming links.
          const from_ids = addToRefsTo(
              source_location: ast.source_location,
              inflected: ref.inflected,

        // Update xref database for child/parent relationships.
          let toid, fromid;
          if (ast.validation_output.child.boolean) {
            fromid = parent_id;
            toid = target_id_effective;
          } else if (ast.validation_output.parent.boolean) {
            toid = parent_id;
            fromid = target_id_effective;
          if (toid !== undefined) {
            addToRefsTo(toid, context, fromid, REFS_TABLE_X_CHILD, { source_location: ast.source_location });
      for (const title_ast of ref.title_ast_ancestors) {
          { source_location: ast.source_location }
    const first_toplevel_child = ast_toplevel.args.content.get(0);
    if (first_toplevel_child !== undefined) {
      first_toplevel_child.first_toplevel_child = true;
    if (context.options.log['ast-pp-simple']) {
      console.error('ast-pp-simple: after pass 4');

    if (context.options.render) {
      perfPrint(context, 'db_queries')

      let id_conflict_asts = []
      if (options.db_provider !== undefined) {
        const prefetch_ids = new Set()
        for (const ref of options.refs_to_h) {
        for (const ref of options.refs_to_x) {
          // TODO as an easy optimization, just get all refs defined on the current source files.
          // These are already resolved for scope and \x magic pluralization, so the final query
          // would be much smaller than this.
          const id = ref.target_id
          const ast = ref.ast
          if (
            context.options.output_format === OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK &&
          ) {
            const id_plural = pluralizeWrap(id.replaceAll(ID_SEPARATOR, ' ')).replaceAll(' ', ID_SEPARATOR)
            if (id !== id_plural) {
              // We need to also fetch this to decide if we can use magic plural or not, in case
              // there are separate IDs for both singular and plural. But we don't want to put it into
              // refs_to_x, because we don't want it to end up in the Refs database.
        if (options.parent_id) {
          // TODO needed?
          //prefetch_file_ids.add({ from_id: options.parent_id, to_id: toplevel_ast.id })
          // If we managed to fake the ref here (which does not exist on DB yet),
          // then we would get the ancestor list working as well.
          // But it is not so easy because:
          // row.from is stored in row format, not as Ast
        if (options.forbid_include) {
          for (const id of header_ids) {
            // Hack the id_cache. This is needed to setup the tree. This is likely something like what is somewhat
            // done in the \Include reconciliation below.
            options.db_provider.id_cache[id] = context.db_provider.get(id, context)
        } else {
          for (const id in options.include_hrefs) {
            // We need the target it to be able to render the dummy include title
            // with link to the real content.

        let get_noscopes_base_fetch, get_refs_to_fetch, get_refs_to_fetch_reverse
        ] = await Promise.all([
            new Set(),

          // TODO merge the following two refs fetch into one single DB query. Lazy now.
          // Started prototype at: https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/tree/merge-ref-cache
          // The annoying part is deciding what needs to go in which direction of the cache.
              // These are needed to render each header.
              // Shows on parents.
              // Shows on tags.

              // This is needed for the Incoming links at the bottom of each output file.
              ignore_paths_set: context.options.include_path_set,
          // This is needed to generate the "tagged" at the end of each output file.
              reversed: true,
              ignore_paths_set: context.options.include_path_set,
            ? options.db_provider.fetch_header_tree_ids(
                  // Since \Include is not allowed, we must check every header.
                  // Parent relations are encoded directly on DB only. Used in Web.
                  ? header_ids
                  : Object.keys(options.include_hrefs)
            : []
          options.db_provider.fetch_ancestors(context.toplevel_id, context),

      // Reconcile the dummy include header with our actual knowledge from the DB, e.g.:
      // * patch the ID of the include headers.
      // Has to be deferred here after DB fetch obviously because we need he DB data.
      // This is hair pulling stuff. There has to be a better way...
      for (const href in options.include_hrefs) {
        const header_ast = options.include_hrefs[href]
        const target_ast = context.db_provider.get(href, context, header_ast.scope);
        if (target_ast === undefined) {
          let message = `ID in include not found on database: "${href}", ` +
            `needed to calculate the cross reference title. Did you forget to convert all files beforehand?`;
          header_ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME].get(0).text = errorMessageInOutput(message)
          if (options.render) {
            parseError(state, message, header_ast.source_location);
        } else {
          if (target_ast.is_first_header_in_input_file) {
            // We want the rendered placeholder to use its parent numbered, so as to follow the includer's numbering scheme,
            // but the descendants to follow what they would actually render in the output as so they will show correctly on ToC.
            header_ast.add_argument('numbered', new AstArgument(
                new PlaintextAstNode(context.options.ourbigbook_json.h.numbered ? '1' : '0', header_ast.source_location),
          header_ast.splitDefault = target_ast.splitDefault
          propagateNumbered(header_ast, context)
          for (const argname in target_ast.args) {
            if (
              // We have to patch the level of the target ID (1) do our new dummy one in the current tree.
              argname !== 'level' &&
              argname !== 'wiki' &&
            ) {
              header_ast.args[argname] = target_ast.args[argname]
        // This is a bit nasty and duplicates the header processing code,
        // but it is a bit hard to factor them out since this is a magic include header,
        // and all includes and headers must be parsed concurrently since includes get
        // injected under the last header.
        validateAst(header_ast, context);

        if (target_ast !== undefined) {
          // We modify the cache here to ensure that the header ID has the full header_tree_node, which
          // then gets feched from \x{full} (notably ToC) in order to show the link number there.
          // Yes, this erase IDs that come from other Includes, but we don´t have a use case for that
          // right now, e.g. the placholder include header does not show parents.
          target_ast.header_tree_node = header_ast.header_tree_node
          target_ast.header_parent_ids = []
      let build_header_tree_asts
      if (options.db_provider !== undefined) {
        build_header_tree_asts = context.options.db_provider.build_header_tree(
          fetch_header_tree_ids_rows, { context })
          fetch_ancestors_rows, context)

      if (context.options.db_provider !== undefined) {
        const prefetch_files = new Set()

        // TODO I tried to do this as a JOIN from inside get_refs_to_fetch to replace these fetches,
        // but then if I remove these, some tests start to fail. Understand why and remove this one day.
        for (const prefetch_file_id of prefetch_file_ids) {
          const prefetch_ast = context.db_provider.get_noscope(prefetch_file_id, context)
          if (
            // Possible in some error cases.
            prefetch_ast !== undefined
          ) {

        if (options.db_provider !== undefined) {
          for (const ast of build_header_tree_asts) {
        if (prefetch_files.size) {
          await context.options.db_provider.fetch_files(Array.from(prefetch_files), context)

      for (const id in headers_from_include) {
        const ast = headers_from_include[id]
        // This to ensure that the ast we get from \x will have a consistent
        // numbering with the local parent.
        // This code will likely be removed if we do:
        // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/188
        const cached_ast = context.db_provider.get(ast.id, context)
        if (
          // Possible in error cases and TODO apparently some non-error too.
          cached_ast !== undefined
        ) {
          cached_ast.numbered = ast.numbered

  context.in_parse = false
  perfPrint(context, 'parse_end')
  return ast_toplevel;

// Maybe add a paragraph after a \n\n.
function parseAddParagraph(
  state, ast, new_arg, arg, paragraph_start, paragraph_end, options
) {
  parseLogDebug(state, 'function: parseAddParagraph');
  parseLogDebug(state, 'paragraph_start: ' + paragraph_start);
  parseLogDebug(state, 'paragraph_end: ' + paragraph_end);
  if (paragraph_start < paragraph_end) {
    const macro = state.macros[arg.get(paragraph_start).macro_name];
    const slice = arg.slice(paragraph_start, paragraph_end);
    if (macro.options.phrasing || slice.length() > 1) {
      // If the first element after the double newline is phrasing content,
      // create a paragraph and put all elements until the next paragraph inside
      // that paragraph.
        new AstNode(
            'content': slice
            parent_ast: ast,
    } else {
      // Otherwise, don't create the paragraph, and keep all elements as they were.

// Consume one token.
function parseConsume(state) {
  state.i += 1;
  if (state.i < state.tokens.length) {
    state.token = state.tokens[state.i];
  } else {
    throw new Error('programmer error');
  parseLogDebug(state, 'function: parseConsume');
  parseLogDebug(state, 'state.i = ' + state.i.toString())
  parseLogDebug(state, 'state.token = ' + JSON.stringify(state.token));
  return state.token;

function parseLogDebug(state, msg='') {
  if (state.options.log.parse) {
    console.error('parse: ' + msg);

// Input: e.g. in `\Image[img.jpg]{height=123}` this parses the `[img.jpg]{height=123}`.
// Return value: dict with arguments.
function parseArgumentList(state, macro_name, macro_type) {
  parseLogDebug(state, 'function: parseArgumentList');
  parseLogDebug(state, 'state = ' + JSON.stringify(state.token));
  const args = {};
  const macro = state.macros[macro_name];
  let name_to_arg;
  if (
    // Happens in some error cases.
    macro !== undefined
  ) {
    name_to_arg = macro.name_to_arg
  let positional_arg_count = 0;
  while (
    // End of stream.
    state.token.type !== TokenType.INPUT_END &&
      state.token.type === TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START ||
      state.token.type === TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_START
  ) {
    let arg_name;
    let open_token = state.token;
    // Consume the *_ARGUMENT_START token out.
    if (open_token.type === TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START) {
      if (macro_type === AstType.ERROR) {
        arg_name = positional_arg_count.toString();
      } else {
        if (positional_arg_count >= macro.positional_args.length) {
            `unknown named macro argument "${arg_name}" of macro "${macro_name}"`,
          arg_name = positional_arg_count.toString();
        } else {
          arg_name = macro.positional_args[positional_arg_count].name;
        positional_arg_count += 1;
    } else {
      // Named argument.
      arg_name = state.token.value;
      if (macro_type !== AstType.ERROR && !(arg_name in macro.named_args)) {
          `unknown named macro argument "${arg_name}" of macro "${macro_name}"`,
      // Parse the argument name out.
    const arg_children = parseArgument(state, open_token.source_location);
    if (state.token.type !== closingToken(open_token.type)) {
      parseError(state, `unclosed argument "${open_token.value}"`, open_token.source_location);
    if (
      // Happens in some error cases, e.g. \\undefinedMacro[aa]
      macro !== undefined
    ) {
      const macro_arg = name_to_arg[arg_name];
      const multiple = macro_arg !== undefined && macro_arg.multiple
      if (arg_name in args) {
        if (!multiple) {
          // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/101
            `named argument "${arg_name}" given multiple times`,
      } else {
        if (multiple) {
          args[arg_name] = new AstArgument([], open_token.source_location)
        } else {
          args[arg_name] = arg_children;
      if (multiple) {
        args[arg_name].push(new AstNode(
          { 'content': arg_children },
    if (state.token.type !== TokenType.INPUT_END) {
      // Consume the *_ARGUMENT_END token out.
  return args;

 * Input: e.g. in `\Image[img.jpg]{height=123}` this parses the `img.jpg` and the `123`.
 * @return AstArgument
function parseArgument(state, open_argument_source_location) {
  const arg_children = new AstArgument([], open_argument_source_location);
  while (
    state.token.type !== TokenType.INPUT_END &&
    state.token.type !== TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_END &&
    state.token.type !== TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_END
  ) {
    // The recursive case: the argument is a lists of macros, go into all of them.
return arg_children;

// Parse one macro. This is the centerpiece of the parsing!
// Input: e.g. in `\Image[img.jpg]{height=123}` this parses the entire string.
function parseMacro(state) {
  parseLogDebug(state, 'function: parseMacro');
  parseLogDebug(state, 'state = ' + JSON.stringify(state.token));
  if (state.token.type === TokenType.MACRO_NAME) {
    const macro_name = state.token.value;
    const macro_source_location = state.token.source_location;
    let macro_type;
    const unknown_macro_message = `unknown macro name: "${macro_name}"`;
    if (macro_name in state.macros) {
      macro_type = AstType.MACRO;
    } else {
      macro_type = AstType.ERROR;
      parseError(state, unknown_macro_message);
    // Consume the MACRO_NAME token out.
    const args = parseArgumentList(state, macro_name, macro_type);
    if (macro_type === AstType.ERROR) {
      return new AstNode(
        {text: errorMessageInOutput(unknown_macro_message)},
    } else {
      return new AstNode(macro_type, macro_name, args, macro_source_location);
  } else if (state.token.type === TokenType.PLAINTEXT) {
    // Non-recursive case.
    let node = new PlaintextAstNode(
    // Consume the PLAINTEXT node out.
    return node;
  } else if (state.token.type === TokenType.PARAGRAPH) {
    let node = new AstNode(
    // Consume the PLAINTEXT node out.
    return node;
  } else {
    let error_message
    if (
      state.token.type === TokenType.POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_START ||
      state.token.type === TokenType.NAMED_ARGUMENT_START
    ) {
      error_message = `stray open argument character: '${state.token.value}', maybe you want to escape it with '\\'`;
    } else {
      // Generic error message.
      error_message = `unexpected token ${state.token.type.toString()}`;
    parseError(state, error_message);
    let node = new PlaintextAstNode(
    // Consume past whatever happened to avoid an infinite loop.
    return node;
  state.i += 1;

function parseError(state, message, source_location) {
  let new_source_location;
  if (source_location === undefined) {
    new_source_location = new SourceLocation();
  } else {
    new_source_location = source_location.clone();
  new_source_location.path = state.options.input_path;
  if (new_source_location.line === undefined)
    new_source_location.line = state.token.source_location.line;
  if (new_source_location.column === undefined)
    new_source_location.column = state.token.source_location.column;
  state.extra_returns.errors.push(new ErrorMessage(
    message, new_source_location));

function pathJoin(dirname, basename, sep) {
  let ret = dirname;
  if (ret !== '') {
    ret += sep;
  return ret + basename;

function pathSplit(str, sep) {
  const dir_sep_index = str.lastIndexOf(sep)
  if (dir_sep_index == -1) {
    return ['', str];
  } else {
    return [str.substring(0, dir_sep_index), str.substr(dir_sep_index + 1)];
exports.pathSplit = pathSplit

function pathSplitext(str) {
  const sep_index = str.lastIndexOf('.')
  if (sep_index == -1) {
    return [str, ''];
  } else {
    return [str.substring(0, sep_index), str.substr(sep_index + 1)];
exports.pathSplitext = pathSplitext

function protocolGet(url) {
  const match = /^([a-zA-Z]+):\/\//.exec(url)
  if (match) {
    return match[0]
  } else {
    return null

function protocolIsGiven(url) {
  return protocolGet(url) !== null

function protocolIsKnown(src) {
  for (const known_url_protocol of KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOLS) {
    if (src.startsWith(known_url_protocol)) {
      return true;
  return false;
exports.protocolIsKnown = protocolIsKnown

// https://docs.ourbigbook.com#scope
function removeToplevelScope(id, toplevel_ast, context) {
  const fixedScopeRemoval = context.options.fixedScopeRemoval
  if (fixedScopeRemoval !== undefined) {
    return id.slice(fixedScopeRemoval)
  if (
    toplevel_ast !== undefined &&
    id === toplevel_ast.id
  ) {
    if (toplevel_ast.scope !== undefined) {
      return id.substr(toplevel_ast.scope.length + 1);
    return id;
  } else {
    return id.substr(calculateScopeLength(toplevel_ast));

// https://docs.ourbigbook.com#index-files
const INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT = 'index';
const IO_RENAME_MAP = {};
function renameBasename(original) {
  if (original in IO_RENAME_MAP) {
    return IO_RENAME_MAP[original];
  } else {
    return original;

function renderError(context, message, source_location, severity=1) {
  if (!context.ignore_errors) {
    context.errors.push(new ErrorMessage(message, source_location, severity));

function renderErrorXUndefined(ast, context, target_id, options={}) {
  let { source_location } = options
  let message = `cross reference to unknown id: "${target_id}" at render time`;
  if (source_location === undefined) {
    if (ast.args.href) {
      source_location = ast.args.href.source_location
    } else {
      source_location = ast.source_location
  renderError(context, message, source_location, 2);
  return errorMessageInOutput(message, context)

/** Render the ToC from a list representation rather than tree.
 * This function was introduced to factor out the static CLI ToC and the dynamic one from Web,
 * the static one had a tree representation, but the dynamic one has a list, so we convert
 * both to a single list representation and render it here.
function renderTocFromEntryList({ add_test_instrumentation, entry_list, descendant_count_html, tocIdPrefix }) {
  let top_level = 0;
  if (tocIdPrefix === undefined) {
    tocIdPrefix = ''
  let ret = `<div class="toc-container" id="${tocIdPrefix}${Macro.TOC_ID}"><ul><li${htmlClassAttr([TOC_HAS_CHILD_CLASS, 'toplevel'])}><div class="title-div">`
  ret += `${TOC_ARROW_HTML}<span class="not-arrow"><a class="title toc" href="#${tocIdPrefix}${Macro.TOC_ID}"> Table of contents</a>`
  if (descendant_count_html) {
    ret += `<span class="hover-metadata">${descendant_count_html}</span>`
  ret += `</span></div>`
  for (let i = 0; i < entry_list.length; i++) {
    const entry = entry_list[i]
    let {
    } = entry
    if (id_prefix === undefined) {
      id_prefix = ''
    if (level > top_level) {
      ret += `<ul>`;
    } else if (level < top_level) {
      ret += `</li></ul>`.repeat(top_level - level);
    } else {
      ret += `</li>`;
    ret += '<li';
    if (has_child) {
      ret += htmlClassAttr([TOC_HAS_CHILD_CLASS]);
    ret += '>'
    const my_toc_id = tocId(target_id);
    let id_to_toc = htmlAttr(Macro.ID_ARGUMENT_NAME, htmlEscapeAttr(my_toc_id));
    let linear_count_str
    if (add_test_instrumentation) {
      linear_count_str = htmlAttr('data-test', i)
    } else {
      linear_count_str = ''
    ret += `<div${id_to_toc}>${TOC_ARROW_HTML}<span class="not-arrow"><a${href}${linear_count_str}>${content}</a><span class="hover-metadata">`;
    let toc_href = htmlAttr('href', '#' + htmlEscapeAttr(my_toc_id));
    // c for current
    ret += `<a${toc_href}${htmlAttr('class', 'c')}></a>`;
    if (link_to_split) {
      ret += `${link_to_split}`;
    if (parent_href) {
      // p for parent
      ret += `<a${parent_href}${htmlAttr('class', 'u')}> ${parent_content}</a>`;
    if (entry.descendant_count_html) {
      ret += `${entry.descendant_count_html}`
    ret += `</span></span></div>`
    top_level = level;
  ret += `</li></ul>`.repeat(top_level);
  // Close the table of contents list.
  ret += `</li></ul>`;
  ret += `</div>`
  return ret
exports.renderTocFromEntryList = renderTocFromEntryList

function renderToc(context) {
  if (context.toc_was_rendered || !checkHasToc(context)) {
    // Empty ToC. Don't render. Initial common case: leaf split header nodes.
    return '';
  context.toc_was_rendered = true
  let entry_list = []
  // Not rendering ID here because that function does scope culling. But TOC ID is a fixed value without scope for now.
  // so that was removing the TOC id in subdirectories.
  let todo_visit = [];
  let root_node = context.header_tree;
  if (root_node.children.length === 1) {
    root_node = root_node.children[0];
  let descendant_count_html = getDescendantCountHtml(context, root_node, { long_style: false, show_descendant_count: true });
  for (let i = root_node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    todo_visit.push([root_node.children[i], 1]);
  while (todo_visit.length > 0) {
    const entry = {}
    const [tree_node, level] = todo_visit.pop();
    entry.level = level
    const has_child = tree_node.children.length > 0
    entry.has_child = has_child
    let target_ast = context.db_provider.get(tree_node.ast.id, context);
    if (
      // Can happen in test error cases:
      // - cross reference from header title without ID to previous header is not allowed
      // - include to file that does exists without embed includes before extracting IDs fails gracefully
      target_ast !== undefined
    ) {
      // I had this at one point, but it was too confusing that \x links linked to split, and ToC to nonsplit.
      // If we want to keep split self contained, then we have to do it everywhere I think, not just ToC.
      //// ToC entries always link to the same split/nosplit type, except for included sources.
      //// This might be handled more generally through: https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/146
      //// but for now we are just taking care of this specific and important ToC subcase.
      //let cur_context;
      //if (ast.source_location.path === target_ast.source_location.path) {
      //  cur_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'to_split_headers', context.in_split_headers);
      //} else {
      //  cur_context = context;

      entry.content = xText(target_ast, context, {style_full: true, show_caption_prefix: false});
      entry.href = xHrefAttr(target_ast, context);
      entry.target_id = target_ast.id
      if (context.options.split_headers) {
        entry.link_to_split = linkToSplitOpposite(target_ast, context)

      let parent_ast = target_ast.get_header_parent_asts(context)[0];
      if (
        // Possible on broken h1 level.
        parent_ast !== undefined
      ) {
        let parent_href_target;
        if (
          parent_ast.header_tree_node !== undefined &&
          parent_ast.header_tree_node.get_level() === context.header_tree_top_level
        ) {
          parent_href_target = context.options.tocIdPrefix + Macro.TOC_ID;
        } else {
          parent_href_target = tocId(parent_ast.id);
        entry.parent_href = htmlAttr('href', '#' + parent_href_target);
        entry.parent_content = renderArg(parent_ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME], context);
      // The inner <div></div> inside arrow is so that:
      // - outter div: takes up space to make clicking easy
      // - inner div: minimal size to make the CSS arrow work, but too small for confortable clicking
      entry.descendant_count_html = getDescendantCountHtml(context, tree_node, { long_style: false, show_descendant_count: true });
    if (has_child) {
      for (let i = tree_node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        todo_visit.push([tree_node.children[i], level + 1]);
  return renderTocFromEntryList({
    add_test_instrumentation: context.options.add_test_instrumentation,
    tocIdPrefix: context.options.tocIdPrefix,

function perfPrint(context, name) {
  // Includes and CirodowExample also call convert to parse.
  // For now we are ignoring those recursions. A more correct approach
  // would be to track the time intervals of those subconverts, and add
  // them up to the corresponding toplevel convert.
  if (!context.options.from_include) {
    const now = globals.performance.now();
    const delta = now - context.perf_prev
    context.extra_returns.debug_perf[name] = now
    context.perf_prev = now
    if (context.options.log.perf || context.options.log.mem) {
      console.error(`perf ${name} t=${now} dt=${delta}`);
      if (context.options.log.mem) {
exports.perfPrint = perfPrint

// https://github.com/plurals/pluralize/issues/127
function pluralizeWrap(s, n) {
  let ret = pluralize(s, n)
  if (n === undefined || n > 1 && s !== ret) {
    const last = ret[ret.length - 1]
    if (last === 'S') {
      ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length - 1) + last.toLowerCase()
  return ret

function propagateNumbered(ast, context) {
  // numbered propagation to children.
  // Note that the property only affects descendants, but not the node itself.
  const parent_tree_node = ast.header_tree_node.parent_ast
  if (
    parent_tree_node === undefined ||
    parent_tree_node.ast === undefined
  ) {
    // Try getting parents from \Include.
    // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/188
    //const parent_asts = ast.get_header_parent_asts(context)
    //if (parent_asts.length > 0) {
    //  ast.numbered = parent_asts.some(ast => ast.numbered)
    //} else {

    ast.numbered = context.options.ourbigbook_json.h.numbered
  } else {
    const parent_ast = parent_tree_node.ast
    if (parent_ast.validation_output.numbered.given) {
      ast.numbered = parent_ast.validation_output.numbered.boolean
    } else {
      ast.numbered = parent_ast.numbered
exports.propagateNumbered = propagateNumbered

// Fuck JavaScript? Can't find a built-in way to get the symbol string without the "Symbol(" part.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30301728/get-the-description-of-a-es6-symbol
function symbolToString(symbol) {
  return symbol.toString().slice(7, -1);

function titleToId(title, options={}, context) {
  if (options.normalize === undefined) {
    options.normalize = {}
  const new_chars = [];
  let first = true
  for (let c of title) {
    if (
        options.normalize !== undefined &&
        options.normalize.latin !== undefined &&
      ) ||
        context !== undefined &&
    ) {
      c = normalizeLatinCharacter(c)
    if (
          options.normalize !== undefined &&
          options.normalize.punctuation !== undefined &&
        ) ||
          context !== undefined &&
        first &&
        c === AT_MENTION_CHAR &&
        options.magic &&
          context !== undefined &&
    ) {
      c = normalizePunctuationCharacter(c)
    c = c.toLowerCase();
    const scope_sep = options.keep_scope_sep ? Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR : ''
    const ok_chars_regexp = new RegExp(`[a-z0-9-${scope_sep}]`)
    if (
      !isAscii(c) ||
    ) {
    } else {
    first = false
  return new_chars.join('')
    .replace(new RegExp(ID_SEPARATOR + '+', 'g'), ID_SEPARATOR)
    .replace(new RegExp('^' + ID_SEPARATOR + '+'), '')
    .replace(new RegExp(ID_SEPARATOR + '+$'), '')
exports.titleToId = titleToId;

/** Heuristic only. */
function idToTitle(id) {
  return capitalizeFirstLetter(id).replace(ID_SEPARATOR, ' ')
exports.idToTitle = idToTitle

/** Factored out calculations of the ID that is given to each TOC entry.
 * For after everything broke down due to toplevel scope.
function tocId(id) {
  return Macro.TOC_PREFIX + id;

function unconvertible(ast, context) {
  const msg = `macro "${ast.macro_name}" must never render`
  if (context.in_parse) {
    renderError(context, msg, ast.source_location);
    return errorMessageInOutput(msg, context)
  } else {
    throw new Error(msg);

function urlBasename(str) {
  return basename(str, URL_SEP);

// Do some error checking and setup some stuff like boolean.
// We should likely do this in the AstNode constructor. The reason we didn't
// was likely to not need context at that point, and be nicer to serialization.
function validateAst(ast, context) {
  if (ast.validated) {
    throw new Error(`ast has already been validated:
  } else {
    ast.validated = true
  const macro_name = ast.macro_name;
  const macro = context.macros[macro_name];
  const name_to_arg = macro.name_to_arg;
  // First pass sets defaults or missing arguments.
  for (const argname in name_to_arg) {
    ast.validation_output[argname] = {};
    const macro_arg = name_to_arg[argname];
    if (argname in ast.args) {
      ast.validation_output[argname].given = true;
    } else {
      ast.validation_output[argname].given = false;
      if (macro_arg.mandatory) {
        ast.validation_error = [
          `missing mandatory argument ${argname} of ${ast.macro_name}`,
      if (macro_arg.default !== undefined) {
        ast.args[argname] = new AstArgument([
          new PlaintextAstNode(macro_arg.default, ast.source_location)]);
      } else if (macro_arg.boolean) {
        ast.args[argname] = new AstArgument([new PlaintextAstNode('0', ast.source_location)]);
  // Second pass processes the values including defaults.
  for (const argname in name_to_arg) {
    const macro_arg = name_to_arg[argname];
    if (argname in ast.args) {
      const arg = ast.args[argname];
      if (macro_arg.boolean) {
        let arg_string;
        if (arg.length() > 0) {
          arg_string = renderArgNoescape(arg, cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true));
        } else {
          arg_string = '1';
        if (arg_string === '0') {
          ast.validation_output[argname].boolean = false;
        } else if (arg_string === '1') {
          ast.validation_output[argname].boolean = true;
        } else {
          ast.validation_output[argname].boolean = false;
          ast.validation_error = [
            `boolean argument "${argname}" of "${ast.macro_name}" has invalid value: "${arg_string}", only "0" and "1" are allowed`,
      if (macro_arg.positive_nonzero_integer) {
        const arg_string = renderArgNoescape(arg, context);
        const int_value = parseInt(arg_string);
        ast.validation_output[argname].positive_nonzero_integer = int_value;
        if (!Number.isInteger(int_value) || !(int_value > 0)) {
          ast.validation_error = [
            `argument "${argname}" of macro "${ast.macro_name}" must be a positive non-zero integer, got: "${arg_string}"`,
exports.validateAst = validateAst

function xChildDbEffectiveId(target_id, context, ast) {
  const target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_id, context, ast.scope);
  if (
    target_ast === undefined
  ) {
    // Return as is. This can happen during ID extraction when the
    // target ID needs to be resolved across directory based scopes.
    // In those cases, the target ID could be on another file, so we would need to
    // read the database to decide. But reading from database during ID extraction
    // is forbidden, so we do that on a separate pass.
    // Related: https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/229
    if (isAbsoluteXref(target_id, context)) {
      target_id = resolveAbsoluteXref(target_id, context)
    return target_id
  } else {
    return target_ast.id

function xGetTargetAstBase({
}) {
  if (
    context.options.x_leading_at_to_web &&
    target_id[0] === AT_MENTION_CHAR
  ) {
    return [htmlAttr('href', context.webUrl + target_id.substr(1)), target_id];
  let target_id_eff
  if (do_magic_title_to_id) {
    target_id_eff = magicTitleToId(target_id, context)
  } else {
    target_id_eff = target_id
  let target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_id_eff, context, scope);
  if (do_singularize && !target_ast) {
    target_id_eff = magicTitleToId(pluralizeWrap(target_id, 1), context)
    target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_id_eff, context, scope);
  return { target_id: target_id_eff, target_ast }

function convertFileIdArg(ast, href_arg, context) {
  let target_id = convertIdArg(href_arg, context);
  if (
  ) {
    target_id = Macro.FILE_ID_PREFIX + target_id
  return target_id

function xGetTargetAst(ast, context) {
  const href_arg = ast.args.href
  const target_id = convertFileIdArg(ast, href_arg, context);
  const ret = xGetTargetAstBase({
    do_magic_title_to_id: ast.validation_output.magic.boolean,
    do_singularize: ast.validation_output.magic.boolean,
    scope: ast.scope,
  ret.href_arg = href_arg
  ret.target_id_raw = target_id
  return ret

 * @param {AstNode} ast \x ast node
 * @return {[String, String]} [href, content] pair for the x node.
function xGetHrefContent(ast, context) {
  const { href_arg, target_id, target_id_raw, target_ast } = xGetTargetAst(ast, context)
  const content_arg = ast.args.content;
  if (ast.validation_output.topic.boolean) {
    let topicTitle = target_id_raw
    let topicTitleSingular = topicTitle
    if (!ast.validation_output.p.boolean) {
      topicTitleSingular = pluralizeWrap(topicTitleSingular, 1)
    const topicId = titleToId(topicTitleSingular, undefined, context)
    if (content_arg !== undefined) {
      topicTitle = renderArg(content_arg, context)
    return [htmlAttr('href', `${context.options.webMode ? URL_SEP : context.webUrl}${WEB_TOPIC_PATH}${URL_SEP}${topicId}`), topicTitle, undefined];

  // href
  let href;
  if (target_ast) {
    href = xHrefAttr(target_ast, context);
  } else {
    const message = renderErrorXUndefined(ast, context, target_id)
    return [href, message];

  // content
  let content;
  if (content_arg === undefined) {
    // No explicit content given, deduce content from target ID title.
    if (context.x_parents.has(ast)) {
      // Prevent render infinite loops.
      let message = `x with infinite recursion`;
      renderError(context, message, ast.source_location);
      return [href, errorMessageInOutput(message, context)];
    let x_text_options = {
      caption_prefix_span: false,
      capitalize: ast.validation_output.c.boolean,
      from_x: true,
      quote: true,
      pluralize: ast.validation_output.p.given ? ast.validation_output.p.boolean : undefined,
    if (ast.validation_output.magic.boolean) {
      const first_ast = href_arg.get(0);
      if (first_ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT) {
        const sep_idx = first_ast.text.lastIndexOf(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
        const idx = sep_idx === -1 ? 0 : sep_idx + 1
        const c = first_ast.text[idx]
        if (c !== c.toLowerCase()) {
          x_text_options.capitalize = true
      const last_ast = href_arg.get(href_arg.length() - 1);
      if (last_ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT) {
        const text = first_ast.text
        if (text !== pluralizeWrap(text, 1)) {
          x_text_options.pluralize = true
    if (ast.validation_output.full.given) {
      x_text_options.style_full = ast.validation_output.full.boolean;
    const x_parents_new = new Set(context.x_parents);
    content = xText(target_ast, cloneAndSet(context, 'x_parents', x_parents_new), x_text_options);
    if (content === ``) {
      let message = `empty cross reference body: "${target_id}"`;
      renderError(context, message, ast.source_location);
      return errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
  } else {
    // Explicit content given, just use it then.
    content = renderArg(content_arg, context);
  return [href, content, target_ast];

/** Calculate the href value to a given target AstNode.
 * This takes into account e.g. if the target node is in a different source file:
 * https://docs.ourbigbook.com#internal-cross-file-references
 * @param {AstNode} target_ast
 * @return {String} the value of href (no quotes) that an \x cross reference to the given target_ast
function xHref(target_ast, context) {
  const [href_path, fragment] = xHrefParts(target_ast, context);
  let ret = href_path;
  if (fragment !== '')
    ret += '#' + fragment;
  return ret;

function indexPathFromDirname(dirname_ret, basename_ret, sep) {
  const [dir_dir, dir_base] = pathSplit(dirname_ret, sep);
  if (basename_ret === INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT && dirname_ret) {
    dirname_ret = dir_dir
    basename_ret = dir_base
  return [dirname_ret, basename_ret]

function isPunctuation(c) {
  return c === '.' ||
    c === '!' ||
    c === '?' ||
    c === ')'

// Get the path to the split header version
// to_split_headers is set explicitly when making
// links across split/non-split versions of the output.
// Otherwise, link to the same type of output as the current one
// as given in in_split_headers.
// This way, to_split_hedears in particular forces the link to be
// to the non-split mode, even if we are in split mode.
// Some desired sample outcomes:
// id='ourbigbook'           -> ['',       'index-split']
// id='quick-start'          -> ['',       'quick-start']
// id='not-readme'           -> ['',       'not-readme-split']
// id='h2-in-not-the-readme' -> ['',       'h2-in-not-the-readme']
// id='subdir'               -> ['subdir', 'index-split']
// id='subdir/subdir-h2'     -> ['subdir', 'subdir-h2']
// id='subdir/notindex'      -> ['subdir', 'notindex']
// id='subdir/notindex-h2'   -> ['subdir', 'notindex-h2']
function isToSplitHeaders(ast, context) {
  return isToSplitHeadersBase(

function isToSplitHeadersBase(
) {
  return (to_split_headers_override !== undefined && to_split_headers_override) ||
         (context_to_split_headers === undefined && ast_split_default) ||
         (context_to_split_headers !== undefined && context_to_split_headers);

/** This is the centerpiece of x href calculation!
 * This code is crap. There are too many cases for my brain to handle.
 * So I just write tests, and hack the code until the tests pass, but
 * I'm not capable of factoring it nicely.
 * @param {AstNode} target_ast
function xHrefParts(target_ast, context) {
  // Synonym handling.
  let target_ast_effective_id, first_toplevel_child_effective
  if (target_ast.synonym === undefined) {
    target_ast_effective_id = target_ast.id
    first_toplevel_child_effective = target_ast.first_toplevel_child
  } else {
    const synonym_target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_ast.synonym, context);
    target_ast_effective_id = synonym_target_ast.id
    first_toplevel_child_effective = synonym_target_ast.first_toplevel_child
  let to_split_headers = isToSplitHeaders(target_ast, context);
  let to_current_toplevel =
    target_ast_effective_id === context.toplevel_id &&
    // Also requires outputting to the same type of split/nonsplit
    // as the current one.
    context.in_split_headers === to_split_headers

  // href_path
  let href_path,
    toplevel_output_path_dirname = '',
  const target_input_path = target_ast.source_location.path;
  if (
    target_ast.source_location.path === undefined ||
    context.toplevel_output_path === undefined ||
      // Nosplit header link to a header that renders on the
      // same page.
      !context.in_split_headers &&
        context.to_split_headers !== undefined &&
      ) &&
      context.toplevel_id === target_ast.toplevel_id
    ) ||
      // Split header link to image in current header.
      context.in_split_headers &&
      target_ast.macro_name !== Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
    ) ||
  ) {
    // The output path is the same as the current path. Stop.
    // Everything else is basically handled by outputPathBase.
    // That function doesn't have the concept of "where am I looking from".
    // so we do that here. Maybe it would be better to change that, if if
    // is hair tearing.
    href_path = '';
  } else {
    ;[toplevel_output_path_dirname, toplevel_output_path_basename] =
      pathSplit(context.toplevel_output_path, context.options.path_sep);
      path: full_output_path,
      dirname: target_output_path_dirname,
      basename: target_output_path_basename,
    } = target_ast.output_path(
        effective_id: target_ast_effective_id,
        toSplitHeadersOverride: context.options.ourbigbook_json.toSplitHeaders,
    if (context.options.x_remove_leading_at) {
      if (target_output_path_dirname) {
        if (target_output_path_dirname[0] === AT_MENTION_CHAR) {
          target_output_path_dirname = target_output_path_dirname.slice(1)
      } else {
        if (
          target_output_path_basename &&
          target_output_path_basename[0] === AT_MENTION_CHAR
        ) {
          target_output_path_basename = target_output_path_basename.slice(1)
    // The target path is the same as the current path being output.
    if (full_output_path === context.toplevel_output_path) {
      href_path = ''
    } else {
      let href_path_dirname_rel
      if (context.options.x_absolute) {
        href_path_dirname_rel = target_output_path_dirname
      } else {
        href_path_dirname_rel = path.relative(
          toplevel_output_path_dirname, target_output_path_dirname);
      if (
        // Same output path.
        href_path_dirname_rel === '' &&
        target_output_path_basename === toplevel_output_path_basename
      ) {
        target_output_path_basename = '';
      } else {
        if (context.options.htmlXExtension) {
          target_output_path_basename += '.' + HTML_EXT;
        } else if (target_output_path_basename === INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT) {
          if (href_path_dirname_rel === '') {
            target_output_path_basename = '.';
          } else {
            target_output_path_basename = '';
      href_path = pathJoin(href_path_dirname_rel,
        target_output_path_basename, context.options.path_sep);
  if (!context.options.include_path_set.has(target_input_path)) {
    href_path = context.options.x_external_prefix + href_path
  if (
    context.options.ourbigbook_json.xPrefix !== undefined &&
    href_path !== '' &&
    split_suffix === undefined
  ) {
    href_path = context.options.ourbigbook_json.xPrefix + pathJoin(
      toplevel_output_path_dirname, href_path, context.options.path_sep)
  if (href_path && context.options.x_absolute) {
    href_path = '/' + href_path

  // Fragment
  if (
    !context.in_split_headers &&
    context.options.include_path_set.has(target_input_path) &&
    !(context.to_split_headers !== undefined && context.to_split_headers)
  ) {
    // We are not in split headers, and the output is in the current file.
    // Therefore, don't use the split header target no matter what its
    // splitDefault is, use the non-split one.
    to_split_headers = false;
  let fragment;
  if (
      target_ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
        // Linking to a toplevel ID.
        first_toplevel_child_effective ||
        // Linking towards a split header not included in the current output.
        to_split_headers ||
        to_current_toplevel ||
        target_ast.id === target_ast.toplevel_id
  ) {
    // An empty href means the beginning of the page.
    fragment = '';
  } else {
    // This is the AST that will show up on the top of the rendered page.
    // that contains target_ast. We need to know it for toplevel scope culling.
    let toplevel_ast;
    if (to_split_headers) {
      // We know not a header target, as that would have been caught previously.
      toplevel_ast = target_ast.get_header_parent_asts(context)[0];
    } else {
      if (target_ast.toplevel_id === undefined) {
        toplevel_ast = context.nosplit_toplevel_ast
      } else {
        toplevel_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_ast.toplevel_id, context);
      //const get_file_ret = context.options.db_provider.get_file(target_input_path);
      //if (get_file_ret) {
      //} else {
      //  // The only way this can happen is if we are in the current file, and it hasn't
      //  // been added to the file db yet.
    fragment = removeToplevelScope(target_ast_effective_id, toplevel_ast, context);

  // return
  return [htmlEscapeAttr(href_path), htmlEscapeAttr(fragment)];

/* href="" that links to a given node. */
function xHrefAttr(target_ast, context) {
  return htmlAttr('href', xHref(target_ast, context));

 * Calculate the text (visible content) of a cross reference, or the text
 * that the caption text that cross references can refer to, e.g.
 * "Table 123. My favorite table". Both are done in a single function
 * so that style_full references will show very siimlar to the caption
 * they refer to.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Object} href_prefix rendered string containing the href="..."
 *   part of a link to self to be applied e.g. to <>Figure 1<>, of undefined
 *   if this link should not be given.
 * @return {string} full: '<a href="#barack-obama/equation-my-favorite-equation"><span class="caption-prefix">Equation 1</span></a>. My favorite equation'
 *         {string} inner: 'My favorite equation'
function xTextBase(ast, context, options={}) {
  context = cloneAndSet(context, 'in_x_text', true)
  if (!('caption_prefix_span' in options)) {
    options.caption_prefix_span = true;
  if (!('quote' in options)) {
    options.quote = false;
  if (!('fixed_capitalization' in options)) {
    options.fixed_capitalization = true;
  if (!('href_prefix' in options)) {
    options.href_prefix = undefined;
  if (!('force_separator' in options)) {
    options.force_separator = false;
  if (!('from_x' in options)) {
    options.from_x = false;
  if (!('pluralize' in options)) {
    // true: make plural
    // false: make singular
    // undefined: don't touch it
    options.pluralize = undefined;
  if (!('show_caption_prefix' in options)) {
    options.show_caption_prefix = true;
  const macro = context.macros[ast.macro_name];
  let inner
  let style_full;
  if ('style_full' in options) {
    style_full = options.style_full;
  } else {
    style_full = macro.options.default_x_style_full;
  let ret = ``;
  let number;
  if (style_full) {
    if (options.href_prefix !== undefined) {
      ret += `<a${options.href_prefix}>`
    if (options.show_caption_prefix) {
      if (options.caption_prefix_span) {
        ret += `<span class="caption-prefix">`;
      ret += `${macro.options.caption_prefix} `;
    if (
      ast.numbered &&
        // When in split headers, numbers are only added to headers that
        // are descendants of the toplevel header, thus matching the current ToC.
        // The numbers don't make much sense for other headers.
        ast.macro_name !== Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME ||
          // Possible in case of broken header parent=.
          context.toplevel_ast !== undefined &&
          ast.is_header_local_descendant_of(context.toplevel_ast, context)
    ) {
      number = macro.options.get_number(ast, context);
      if (number !== undefined) {
        ret += number;
    if (options.show_caption_prefix && options.caption_prefix_span) {
      ret += `</span>`;
    if (options.href_prefix !== undefined) {
      ret += `</a>`
  let title_arg = macro.options.get_title_arg(ast, context);
  if (
      (title_arg !== undefined && style_full) ||
    ) &&
    number !== undefined
  ) {
    ret += htmlEscapeContext(context, `. `);
  if (
    title_arg !== undefined
  ) {
    if (style_full && options.quote) {
      ret += htmlEscapeContext(context, `"`);
    // https://docs.ourbigbook.com#cross-reference-title-inflection
    if (options.from_x) {

      // {c}
      let first_ast = title_arg.get(0);
      if (
        ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
        !ast.validation_output.c.boolean &&
        !style_full &&
        first_ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT
      ) {
        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41474986/how-to-clone-a-javascript-es6-class-instance
        title_arg = lodash.clone(title_arg)
        title_arg.asts = lodash.clone(title_arg.asts)
        // This is not amazing, as it can change some properties of the node,
        // as we are not copying anything besides text and source_location.
        // This almost had an impact on {toplevel} rendering, but it dien't matter
        // so we didn't try to sanitize it further for now.
        title_arg.set(0, new PlaintextAstNode(first_ast.text, first_ast.source_location))
        let txt = title_arg.get(0).text;
        let first_c = txt[0];
        if (options.capitalize) {
          first_c = first_c.toUpperCase();
        } else {
          first_c = first_c.toLowerCase();
        title_arg.get(0).text = first_c + txt.substring(1);

      // {p}
      let last_ast = title_arg.get(title_arg.length() - 1);
      if (
        options.pluralize !== undefined &&
        !style_full &&
        last_ast.node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT
      ) {
        title_arg = lodash.clone(title_arg)
        title_arg.asts = lodash.clone(title_arg.asts)
        title_arg.set(title_arg.length() - 1, new PlaintextAstNode(last_ast.text, last_ast.source_location));
        title_arg.get(title_arg.length() - 1).text = pluralizeWrap(last_ast.text, options.pluralize ? 2 : 1);
    if (ast.file) {
      inner = ast.file
    } else {
      inner = renderArg(title_arg, context);
    ret += inner
    if (style_full) {
      const disambiguate_arg = ast.args[Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME];
      const title2_arg = ast.args[Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME];
      const show_disambiguate = (disambiguate_arg !== undefined) && macro.options.show_disambiguate;
      const title2_renders = [];
      if (show_disambiguate) {
        title2_renders.push(renderArg(disambiguate_arg, context));
      if (title2_arg !== undefined) {
        for (const arg of title2_arg.asts.map(ast => ast.args[Macro.CONTENT_ARGUMENT_NAME])) {
          if (arg.asts.length) {
            title2_renders.push(renderArg(arg, context));
      for (const title2ast of ast.title2s) {
        title2_renders.push(renderArg(title2ast.args.title, context));
      if (title2_renders.length) {
        ret += ` (${title2_renders.join(', ')})`
      if (options.quote) {
        ret += htmlEscapeContext(context, `"`);
  return { full: ret, inner }

function xText(ast, context, options={}) {
  return xTextBase(ast, context, options).full

// consts

// Dynamic website stuff.
const ANCESTORS_ID_UNRESERVED = 'ancestors'
const AT_MENTION_CHAR = '@';
const FILE_ROOT_PLACEHOLDER = '(root)'
const HTML_REF_MARKER = '<sup class="ref">[ref]</sup>'
const INSANE_TOPIC_CHAR = '#';
const WEB_API_PATH = 'api';
const WEB_TOPIC_PATH = 'go/topic';
const PARAGRAPH_SEP = '\n\n';
const REFS_TABLE_X = 'X';
// https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/198
// Header is synonym of another one.
const ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\';
// Rationale: 1 line  = 80 characters.
// We want to preview files that are up to about 25 lines.
// More than that is wasteful in visual vertical area and bandwidth.
// Ideally we could just link to the files like images, but iframe does
// not work well, e.g. files that would be downloaded like .yml are also
// downloaded from the iframe
const HEADER_PARENT_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'header parent either is a previous ID of a level, a future ID, or an invalid ID: '
const HTML_ASCII_WHITESPACE = new Set([' ', '\r', '\n', '\f', '\t']);
const HTML_EXT = 'html';
exports.HTML_EXT = HTML_EXT;
const INCOMING_LINKS_MARKER = '<span title="Incoming links" class="fa-solid-900">\u{f060}</span>'
const SYNONYM_LINKS_MARKER = '<span title="Synonyms" class="fa-solid-900">\u{f07e}</span>'
const INCOMING_LINKS_ID_UNRESERVED = 'incoming-links'
const ID_SEPARATOR = '-';
const INSANE_LIST_START = '* ';
const INSANE_TD_START = '| ';
const INSANE_TH_START = '|| ';
const INSANE_LIST_INDENT = '  ';
const LOG_OPTIONS = new Set([
const IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = new Set([
const OURBIGBOOK_JSON_BASENAME = 'ourbigbook.json';
  htmlXExtension: true,
  id: {
    normalize: {
      latin: true,
      punctuation: true,
  web: {
    host: 'ourbigbook.com',
    hostCapitalized: 'OurBigBook.com',
    link: false,
    username: undefined,
const RENDER_TYPE_WEB = 'web'
const OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML = 'html';
const OUTPUT_FORMAT_ID = 'id';
const VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = new Set([
const TAGGED_ID_UNRESERVED = 'tagged'
const TAGS_MARKER = '<span title="Tags" class="fa-solid-900">\u{f02c}</span>'
const TOC_ARROW_HTML = '<div class="arrow"><div></div></div>'
const TOC_HAS_CHILD_CLASS = 'has-child'
const UL_OL_OPTS = {
  wrap: true,
const INSANE_X_START = '<';
const INSANE_X_END = '>';
const INSANE_CODE_CHAR = '`'
const INSANE_MATH_CHAR = '$'
const INSANE_LINK_END_CHARS = new Set([
  ' ',
  '\\* ',
const AstType = makeEnum([
  // An in-output error message.
  // The most regular and non-magic nodes.
  // Most nodes are of this type.
  // A node that contains only text, and no subnodes.
  // Paragraphs are basically MACRO, but with some special
  // magic because of the double newline madness treatment.
const TokenType = makeEnum([
// Arguments for \Image, \image and \Video
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'border',
    boolean: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'external',
    boolean: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'height',
    default: DEFAULT_MEDIA_HEIGHT.toString(),
    positive_nonzero_integer: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'provider',
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'width',
    positive_nonzero_integer: true,
// Arguments for \Image and \image
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'link',
    elide_link_only: true,
// Arguments for \Image and \Video
  new MacroArgument({
    name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
    count_words: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    count_words: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'source',
    elide_link_only: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'titleFromSrc',
    boolean: true,
  [OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML]: (ast, context) => {
    return '<div>HTML snippet:</div>' + htmlCode(renderArg(ast.args[Macro.CONTENT_ARGUMENT_NAME], context))

* Calculate a bunch of default parameters of the media from smart defaults if not given explicitly
 * @return {Object}
 *         MediaProviderType {MediaProviderType} , e.g. type, src, source.
function macroImageVideoResolveParams(ast, context) {
  let error_message;
  let media_provider_type;
  let src = renderArgNoescape(ast.args.src, context);
  let is_url;

  // Provider explicitly given by user on macro.
  if (ast.validation_output.provider.given) {
    const provider_name = renderArgNoescape(ast.args.provider, cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true));
    if (MEDIA_PROVIDER_TYPES.has(provider_name)) {
      media_provider_type = provider_name;
    } else {
      error_message = `unknown media provider: "${htmlEscapeAttr(provider_name)}"`;
      renderError(context, error_message, ast.args.provider.source_location);
      media_provider_type = 'unknown';

  // Otherwise, detect the media provider.
  let media_provider_type_detected;
  if (src.match(media_provider_type_wikimedia_re)) {
    media_provider_type_detected = 'wikimedia';
  } else if (src.match(media_provider_type_youtube_re)) {
    media_provider_type_detected = 'youtube';
  } else if (protocolIsKnown(src)) {
    // Full URL to a website we know nothing about.
    media_provider_type_detected = 'unknown';

  if (media_provider_type_detected === undefined) {
    if (media_provider_type === undefined) {
      // Relative URL, use the default provider if any.
      media_provider_type = context.media_provider_default[ast.macro_name];
    is_url = false;
  } else {
    if (media_provider_type !== undefined && media_provider_type !== media_provider_type_detected) {
      error_message = `detected media provider type "${media_provider_type_detected}", but user also explicitly gave "${media_provider_type}"`;
      renderError(context, error_message, ast.args.provider.source_location);
    if (media_provider_type === undefined) {
      media_provider_type = media_provider_type_detected;
    is_url = true;

  // Fixup src depending for certain providers.
  let relpath_prefix
  if (media_provider_type === 'local') {
    const path = context.options.ourbigbook_json['media-providers'].local.path;
    if (path !== '') {
      src = path + URL_SEP + src;
  } else if (media_provider_type === 'github') {
    const github_path = context.options.ourbigbook_json['media-providers'].github.path;
    if (
      github_path &&
      context.options.fs_exists_sync(github_path) &&
    ) {
      // Can't join it in here now or else existence check fails.
      // But we need to keep this information around to be able to link from inside out/html/... relative path.
      relpath_prefix = path.relative('.', context.options.outdir)
      src = `${github_path}/${src}`
    } else {
      src = `${githubProviderPrefix(context)}/${src}`;

  return {

function macroImageVideoResolveParamsWithSource(ast, context) {
  const ret = macroImageVideoResolveParams(ast, context);
  ret.source = context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.source_func(
    ast, context, ret.src, ret.media_provider_type, ret.is_url);
  return ret;

  captionNumberVisible: function (ast, context) {
    return Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME in ast.args ||
      macroImageVideoResolveParamsWithSource(ast, context).source !== '';
  get_title_arg: function(ast, context) {
    // Title given explicitly.
    if (ast.validation_output[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME].given) {
      return ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME];

    // Title from src.
    const media_provider_type = (macroImageVideoResolveParams(ast, context)).media_provider_type;
    if (
      ast.validation_output.titleFromSrc.boolean ||
        !ast.validation_output.titleFromSrc.given &&
    ) {
      let basename_str;
      let src = renderArg(ast.args.src, cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true));
      if (media_provider_type === 'local') {
        basename_str = urlBasename(src);
      } else if (media_provider_type === 'wikimedia') {
        basename_str = context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.image_video_basename(src);
      } else {
        basename_str = src;
      const title_str = basename_str.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/\.[^.]+$/, '') + '.';
      return new AstArgument([new PlaintextAstNode(
        title_str, ast.source_location)], ast.source_location);

    // We can't automatically generate one at all.
    return undefined;
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'src',
    elide_link_only: true,
    mandatory: true,
  new MacroArgument({
    name: 'alt',
// https://docs.ourbigbook.com#known-url-protocols
const KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOL_NAMES = ['http', 'https'];

const KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOLS = new Set()
for (const name of KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOL_NAMES) {
  KNOWN_URL_PROTOCOLS.add(name + '://');
const URL_SEP = '/';
exports.URL_SEP = URL_SEP;
const MACRO_WITH_MEDIA_PROVIDER = new Set(['image', 'video']);
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'href',
        elide_link_only: true,
        mandatory: true,
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'external',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'ref',
          boolean: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
    // Block code.
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal: true,
      captionNumberVisible: function (ast, context) {
        return Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME in ast.args
      caption_prefix: 'Code',
      id_prefix: 'code',
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
  new Macro(
    // Inline code.
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal: true,
      macro_counts_ignore: function(ast) { return true; }
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: Macro.CONTENT_ARGUMENT_NAME,
        ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal: true,
      macro_counts_ignore: function(ast) { return true; }
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: Macro.CONTENT_ARGUMENT_NAME,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'level',
        mandatory: true,
        positive_nonzero_integer: true,
      new MacroArgument({
        name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
        count_words: true,
      caption_prefix: 'Section',
      default_x_style_full: false,
      get_number: function(ast, context) {
        let header_tree_node = ast.header_tree_node;
        if (header_tree_node === undefined) {
          return undefined;
        } else {
          return header_tree_node.get_nested_number(context.header_tree_top_level);
      show_disambiguate: true,
      id_prefix: '',
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'c',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.HEADER_CHILD_ARGNAME,
          multiple: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'file',
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'numbered',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'parent',
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'scope',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'splitDefault',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'splitSuffix',
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'subdir',
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.SYNONYM_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.HEADER_TAG_ARGNAME,
          multiple: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'toplevel',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.TITLE2_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          multiple: true,
        // Should I?
        //new MacroArgument({
        //  name: 'tutorial',
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'wiki',
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'href',
        mandatory: true,
      macro_counts_ignore: function(ast) { return true; },
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'parent',
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      auto_parent: 'Ul',
      auto_parent_skip: new Set(['Ol']),
  new Macro(
    // Block math.
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal: true,
      caption_prefix: 'Equation',
      id_prefix: 'equation',
      get_number: function(ast, context) {
        // Override because unlike other elements such as images, equations
        // always get numbers even if not indexed.
        return ast.macro_count;
      macro_counts_ignore: function(ast) {
        return !ast.validation_output.show.boolean;
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME,
        new MacroArgument({
          boolean: true,
          default: '1',
          name: 'show',
  new Macro(
    // Inline math.
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
        caption_prefix: 'Figure',
        image_video_content_func: function ({
        }) {
          let img_html
          ;({ html: img_html, src } = htmlImg({
            external: ast.validation_output.external.given ? ast.validation_output.external.boolean : undefined,
          return img_html
        source_func: function (ast, context, src, media_provider_type, is_url) {
          if ('source' in ast.args) {
            return renderArg(ast.args.source, context);
          } else if (media_provider_type == 'wikimedia') {
            return macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_url +
          } else {
            return '';
          image_video_basename: function(src) {
            return urlBasename(htmlEscapeAttr(src)).replace(
              macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_image_re, '');
  new Macro(
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        mandatory: true,
      xss_safe: false,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        remove_whitespace_children: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
      phrasing: true,
      xss_safe: false,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      caption_prefix: 'Quote',
      id_prefix: 'quote',
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        remove_whitespace_children: true,
        count_words: true,
      captionNumberVisible: function (ast, context) {
        return Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME in ast.args
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.DESCRIPTION_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        count_words: true,
        name: 'content',
      macro_counts_ignore: function(ast) { return true; },
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME,
          count_words: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        remove_whitespace_children: true,
      auto_parent: Macro.TABLE_MACRO_NAME,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
        remove_whitespace_children: true,
  new Macro(
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'href',
        mandatory: true,
      new MacroArgument({
        name: 'content',
        count_words: true,
      named_args: [
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'c',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/92
          name: 'child',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'file',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'full',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'magic',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'p',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          // https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/92
          name: 'parent',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'ref',
          boolean: true,
        new MacroArgument({
          name: 'topic',
          boolean: true,
      phrasing: true,
  new Macro(
        caption_prefix: 'Video',
        image_video_basename: function(src) {
          return urlBasename(htmlEscapeAttr(src)).replace(
            macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_video_re, '$1');
        image_video_content_func: function ({
        }) {
          if (media_provider_type === 'youtube') {
            let url_start_time;
            let video_id;
            if (is_url) {
              const url = new URL(src);
              const url_params = url.searchParams;
              if (url_params.has('t')) {
                url_start_time = url_params.get('t');
              if (url.hostname === 'youtube.com' || url.hostname === 'www.youtube.com') {
                if (url_params.has('v')) {
                  video_id = url_params.get('v')
                } else {
                  let message = `youtube URL without video ID "${src}"`;
                  renderError(context, message, ast.source_location);
                  return errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
              } else {
                // youtu.be/<ID> and path is "/<ID>" so get rid of "/".
                video_id = url.pathname.substr(1);
            } else {
              video_id = src;
            let start_time;
            if ('start' in ast.args) {
              start_time = ast.validation_output.start.positive_nonzero_integer;
            } else if (url_start_time !== undefined) {
              start_time = htmlEscapeAttr(url_start_time);
            let start;
            if (start_time !== undefined) {
              start = `?start=${start_time}`;
            } else {
              start = '';
            let height
            if (ast.validation_output.height.given) {
              height = ast.validation_output.height.positive_nonzero_integer
            } else {
              height = DEFAULT_MEDIA_HEIGHT
            let width
            if (ast.validation_output.width.given) {
              width = ast.validation_output.width.positive_nonzero_integer
            } else {
              const DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 560
              width = Math.floor(DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH * height / DEFAULT_MEDIA_HEIGHT)
            return `<div class="float-wrap"><iframe width="${width}" height="${height}" loading="lazy" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/${htmlEscapeAttr(video_id)}${start}" ` +
                  `allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>`;
          } else {
            let error
            ;({ href: src, error } = checkAndUpdateLocalLink({
              external: ast.validation_output.external.given ? ast.validation_output.external.boolean : undefined,
              href: src,
              source_location: ast.args.src.source_location,
            let start;
            if ('start' in ast.args) {
              // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5981427/start-html5-video-at-a-particular-position-when-loading
              start = `#t=${ast.validation_output.start.positive_nonzero_integer}`;
            } else {
              start = '';
            return `<video${htmlAttr('src', src + start)}${rendered_attrs} preload="none" controls${alt}></video>${error}`;
        named_args: IMAGE_VIDEO_BLOCK_NAMED_ARGUMENTS.concat(
          new MacroArgument({
            name: 'start',
            positive_nonzero_integer: true,
        source_func: function (ast, context, src, media_provider_type, is_url) {
          if ('source' in ast.args) {
            return renderArg(ast.args.source, context);
          } else if (media_provider_type === 'youtube') {
            if (is_url) {
              return htmlEscapeAttr(src);
            } else {
              return `https://youtube.com/watch?v=${htmlEscapeAttr(src)}`;
          } else if (media_provider_type === 'wikimedia') {
            return macro_image_video_block_convert_function_wikimedia_source_url +
          } else {
            return '';

function createLinkList(context, ast, id, title, target_ids, body) {
  let ret = '';
  if (target_ids.size !== 0) {
    // TODO factor this out more with real headers.
    const target_asts = [];
    const idWithPrefix = `${Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX}${id}`
    ret += htmlToplevelChildModifierById(`<h2 id="${idWithPrefix}"><a href="#${idWithPrefix}">${title}</a></h2>`, idWithPrefix)
    for (const target_id of Array.from(target_ids).sort()) {
      let target_ast = context.db_provider.get(target_id, context);
      if (
        // Possible when user sets an invalid ID on \x with child \x[invalid]{child}.
        // The error is caught elsewhere.
        target_ast !== undefined
      ) {
        //let counts_str;
        //if (target_ast.header_tree_node !== undefined) {
        //  counts_str = getDescendantCountHtml(target_ast.header_tree_node, false);
        //} else {
        //  counts_str = '';
        target_asts.push(new AstNode(
            'content': new AstArgument(
                new AstNode(
                    'href': new AstArgument(
                        new PlaintextAstNode(target_id),
                    'c': new AstArgument(),
                //new AstNode(
                //  AstType.MACRO,
                //  'passthrough',
                //  {
                //    'content': new AstArgument(
                //      [
                //        new PlaintextAstNode(counts_str),
                //      ],
                //    ),
                //  },
                //  undefined,
                //  {
                //    xss_safe: true,
                //  }
    let ulArgs = {
      'content': new AstArgument(target_asts)
    if (context.options.add_test_instrumentation) {
      ulArgs[Macro.TEST_DATA_ARGUMENT_NAME] = [new PlaintextAstNode(id)]
    const incoming_ul_ast = new AstNode(AstType.MACRO, 'Ul', ulArgs)
    const new_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'validateAst', true);
    new_context.source_location = ast.source_location;
    ret += htmlToplevelChildModifierById(incoming_ul_ast.render(new_context))
  return ret

/** This factors out the wrapper div that every toplevel element must have to do the margin and self link.
 * It can be called directly for autogenerated elements which might not have a corresponding AST.
function htmlToplevelChildModifierByHref(out, href) {
  let linkToSelf
  let cls
  if (href) {
    linkToSelf = `<a${htmlAttr('href', href)}></a>`
    cls = ''
  } else {
    linkToSelf = ''
    cls = ' class="nolink"'
  return out
  //return `<div${cls}>${linkToSelf}${out}</div>`

function htmlToplevelChildModifierById(out, id) {
  const href = id ? `#${id}` : ''
  return htmlToplevelChildModifierByHref(out, href)
exports.htmlToplevelChildModifierById = htmlToplevelChildModifierById

class OutputFormat {
  constructor(id, opts={}) {
    this.id = id
    this.ext = opts.ext
    this.convert_funcs = opts.convert_funcs
    if ('toplevelChildModifier' in opts) {
      this.toplevelChildModifier = opts.toplevelChildModifier
    } else {
      this.toplevelChildModifier = (ast, context, out) => out
  new OutputFormat(
      ext: HTML_EXT,
      toplevelChildModifier: function(ast, context, out) {
        let href
        if (ast) {
          href = xHref(ast, context)
        } else {
          href = ''
        return htmlToplevelChildModifierByHref(out, href)
      convert_funcs: {
        [Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let [href, content] = linkGetHrefContent(ast, context);
          if (ast.validation_output.ref.boolean) {
            content = `${HTML_REF_MARKER}`;
          const external = ast.validation_output.external.given ? ast.validation_output.external.boolean : undefined
          let attrs = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context);
          if (context.options.ourbigbook_json.openLinksOnNewTabs) {
            attrs += ' target="_blank"'
          return getLinkHtml({
            source_location: ast.args.href.source_location,
        'b': htmlRenderSimpleElem('b'),
        'br': function(ast, context) { return '<br>' },
        [Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase()]: function(ast, context) {
          const { title_and_description, multiline_caption } = htmlTitleAndDescription(ast, context)
          let ret = `<div class="code${multiline_caption}"${htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context)}>`
          ret += htmlCode(renderArg(ast.args.content, context))
          ret += title_and_description
          ret += `</div>`
          return ret
        [Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME]: htmlRenderSimpleElem('code'),
        [Macro.OURBIGBOOK_EXAMPLE_MACRO_NAME]: unconvertible,
        'Comment': function(ast, context) { return ''; },
        'comment': function(ast, context) { return ''; },
        [Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context, opts={}) {
          if (opts.extra_returns === undefined) {
            opts.extra_returns = {}
          if (context.in_header) {
            // Previously was doing an infinite loop when rendering the parent header.
            // But not valid HTML, so I don't think it is worth allowing at all:
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17363465/is-nesting-a-h2-tag-inside-another-header-with-h1-tag-semantically-wrong/71130770#71130770
            const message = `cannot have a header inside another`;
            renderError(context, message, ast.source_location);
            return errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
          const context_old = context
          context = cloneAndSet(context, 'in_header', true)
          const children = ast.args[Macro.HEADER_CHILD_ARGNAME]
          const tags = ast.args[Macro.HEADER_TAG_ARGNAME]
          if (ast.validation_output.synonym.boolean) {
            if (children !== undefined) {
              const message = `"synonym" and "child" are incompatible`;
              renderError(context, message, children.source_location);
              return errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
            if (tags !== undefined) {
              const message = `"synonym" and "tags" are incompatible`;
              renderError(context, message, tags.source_location);
              return errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
            return '';
          let level_int = ast.header_tree_node.get_level();
          if (typeof level_int !== 'number') {
            throw new Error('header level is not an integer after validation');
          let custom_args;
          const level_int_output = level_int - context.header_tree_top_level + 1;
          const is_top_level = level_int === context.header_tree_top_level
          let level_int_capped;
          if (level_int_output > 6) {
            custom_args = {'data-level': new AstArgument([new PlaintextAstNode(
              level_int_output.toString(), ast.source_location)], ast.source_location)};
            level_int_capped = 6;
          } else {
            custom_args = {};
            level_int_capped = level_int_output;
          let attrs = htmlRenderAttrs(ast, context, [], custom_args)
          let id_attr = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context);
          let ret = '';
          ret += context.renderBeforeNextHeader.map(s => htmlToplevelChildModifierById(s)).join('')
          context_old.renderBeforeNextHeader = []
          let hasToc = false
          if (
            level_int !== context.header_tree_top_level ||
            context.header_tree.children.length > 1 &&
          ) {
            let render_toc_ret = renderToc(context)
            if (render_toc_ret !== '') {
              opts.extra_returns.render_pre = htmlToplevelChildModifierById(render_toc_ret, Macro.TOC_ID) 
              hasToc = true
          // Div that contains h + on hover span.
          let first_header = (
            // May fail in some error scenarios.
            context.toplevel_ast !== undefined &&
            ast.id === context.toplevel_ast.id
          ret += `<div class="h${first_header ? ' top' : ''}"${id_attr}${hasToc && context.options.add_test_instrumentation ? ' data-has-toc="1"' : ''}>`;

          // Self link.
          let self_link_context
          let self_link_ast
          if (context.options.split_headers) {
            if (ast.from_include && !context.options.embed_includes) {
              self_link_ast = context.db_provider.get(ast.id, context)
              self_link_context = context
            } else {
              self_link_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'to_split_headers', true)
              self_link_ast = ast
          } else {
            self_link_context = context
            self_link_ast = ast
          ret += `<div class="notnav"><h${level_int_capped}${attrs}><a${xHrefAttr(self_link_ast, self_link_context)}>`;

          let x_text_options = {
            show_caption_prefix: false,
            style_full: true,
          const x_text_base_ret = xTextBase(ast, context, x_text_options);
          if (context.toplevel_output_path) {
            const rendered_outputs_entry = context.extra_returns.rendered_outputs[context.toplevel_output_path]
            if (
              // So that when we are rendering h2Render we don't overwrite the "real" output.
              !context.skipOutputEntry &&
              // Can fail due to splits, which could overwrite nonsplit values.
              rendered_outputs_entry !== undefined &&
              rendered_outputs_entry.title === undefined
            ) {
              rendered_outputs_entry.title = x_text_base_ret.inner;
              const title_arg = ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME]
              rendered_outputs_entry.titleSource = renderArg(
                cloneAndSet(context, 'options',
                  cloneAndSet(context.options, 'output_format', OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK)
              rendered_outputs_entry.titleSourceLocation = title_arg.source_location
          ret += x_text_base_ret.full;
          ret += `</a>`;
          ret += `</h${level_int_capped}>`;

          const web_meta = []
          if (context.options.h_web_metadata) {
            const web_html = `<div class="web${first_header ? ' top' : ''}"></div>`
            if (first_header) {
            } else {
              ret += web_html

          // On hover metadata.
          let link_to_split;
          let parent_links;
            const items = []
            if (
              context.options.split_headers &&
            ) {
              link_to_split = linkToSplitOpposite(ast, context);
              if (link_to_split) {
            let descendant_count = getDescendantCountHtml(context, ast.header_tree_node, { long_style: true });
            if (descendant_count !== undefined) {

            if (!first_header) {
              ret += `<span class="hover-meta"> ${items.join('')}</span>`
          // .notnav
          ret += '</div>'

          // Metadata that shows on separate lines below toplevel header.
          let wiki_link;
          if (ast.validation_output.wiki.given) {
            let wiki = renderArg(ast.args.wiki, context);
            if (wiki === '') {
              wiki = (renderArg(ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME], context)).replace(/ /g, '_');
              if (ast.validation_output[Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME].given) {
                wiki += '_(' + (renderArg(ast.args[Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME], context)).replace(/ /g, '_')  + ')'
            wiki_link = `<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/${htmlEscapeAttr(wiki)}" class="wiki"></a>`;

          let ourbigbookLink
          if (context.options.ourbigbook_json.web.linkFromStaticHeaderMetaToWeb) {
            // Same procedure that can be done from ourbigbook.json to redirect every link out.
            const newContext = { ...context }
            const newOptions = { ...context.options }
            const newOurbigbookJson = { ...context.options.ourbigbook_json }
            newContext.options = newOptions
            newOptions.ourbigbook_json = newOurbigbookJson
            newContext.to_split_headers = true
            newOptions.htmlXExtension = false
            newOurbigbookJson.xPrefix = ``
            let logoPath
            if (newContext.options.publish) {
              // Relative path.
              logoPath = `${newContext.options.template_vars.root_relpath}${newContext.options.logoPath}`
            } else {
              // Absolute path to local resource.
              logoPath = newContext.options.logoPath
            let p
            if (context.options.isindex && ast.is_first_header_in_input_file) {
              p = ''
            } else {
              p = `${URL_SEP}${ast.id}`
            ourbigbookLink = `<a href="${context.webUrl}${context.options.ourbigbook_json.web.username}${p}"><img src="${logoPath}" class="logo" /> ${newContext.options.ourbigbook_json.web.hostCapitalized}</a>`;

          // file handling 1
          // Calculate file_link_html
          let fileLinkHtml, fileContent
          const fileProtocolIsGiven = protocolIsGiven(ast.file)
          const renderPostAstsContext = cloneAndSet(context, 'validateAst', true)
          renderPostAstsContext.source_location = ast.source_location
          if (ast.file) {
            if (ast.file.match(media_provider_type_youtube_re)) {
            } else {
              const readFileRet = context.options.read_file(ast.file, context)
              if (readFileRet) {
                ;({ content: fileContent } = readFileRet)
            // This section is about.
            const pathArg = []
            if (fileProtocolIsGiven) {
                new AstNode(AstType.MACRO,
                    href: new AstArgument([
                      new PlaintextAstNode(ast.file)
            } else {
              let curp = ''
                new PlaintextAstNode(' '),
                new AstNode(AstType.MACRO,
                    content: new AstArgument([
                      new PlaintextAstNode(FILE_ROOT_PLACEHOLDER)
                    href: new AstArgument([
                      new PlaintextAstNode(URL_SEP)
              for (const p of ast.file.split(URL_SEP)) {
                pathArg.push(new PlaintextAstNode(' ' + URL_SEP + ' '))
                if (curp !== '') {
                  curp += URL_SEP
                curp += p
                const astNodeArgs = {
                  content: new AstArgument([
                    new PlaintextAstNode(p)
                  href: new AstArgument([
                    new PlaintextAstNode(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR + curp)
                if (context.options.add_test_instrumentation) {
                  astNodeArgs[Macro.TEST_DATA_ARGUMENT_NAME] = [new PlaintextAstNode(ast.id + Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX + Macro.RESERVED_ID_PREFIX + curp)]
                pathArg.push(new AstNode(AstType.MACRO, Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME, astNodeArgs))
            fileLinkHtml = new AstNode(AstType.MACRO, 'b', {
              content: new AstArgument(pathArg)

          // Calculate tag_ids_html
          const tag_ids_html_array = [];
          let tag_ids_html
          const showTags = !ast.from_include || context.options.embed_includes
          if (showTags) {
            const new_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'validateAst', true);
            // This is needed because in case of an an undefined \\x with {parent},
            // the undefined target would render as a link on the parent, leading
            // to an error that happens on the header, which is before the actual
            // root cause.
            new_context.ignore_errors = true;
            new_context.source_location = ast.source_location;
            const target_tag_asts = context.db_provider.get_refs_to_as_asts(
              REFS_TABLE_X_CHILD, ast.id, new_context, { current_scope: ast.scope });
            for (const target_id of target_tag_asts.map(ast => ast.id).sort()) {
              const x_ast = new AstNode(
                  'href': new AstArgument(
                      new PlaintextAstNode(target_id),
                  'c': new AstArgument(),
                  scope: ast.scope,
            tag_ids_html = `<span class="tags"> tags: ${tag_ids_html_array.join(', ')}</span>`

          let toc_link_html;
            if (
              context.forceHeadersHaveTocLink ||
                !is_top_level &&
            ) {
              let id = ast.id
              const fixedScopeRemoval = context.options.fixedScopeRemoval
              if (fixedScopeRemoval !== undefined) {
                // This is hacky, maybe we shouldn't overload fixedScopeRemoval for this...
                // it is used only on web so... lazy to think now.
                id = id.slice(fixedScopeRemoval)
              const toc_href = htmlAttr('href', '#' + htmlEscapeAttr(tocId(id)));
              toc_link_html = `<a${toc_href} class="toc"></a>`

          // Calculate header_meta and header_meta
          let header_meta = [];
          let header_meta_ancestors = [];
          let header_meta_file = [];
          if (fileLinkHtml !== undefined) {
          if (first_header) {
            if (!context.options.h_web_metadata) {
              const ancestors = ast.ancestors(context)
              const nAncestors = ancestors.length
              if (nAncestors) {
                const nearestAncestors = ancestors.slice(0, ANCESTORS_MAX).reverse()
                const entries = []
                for (const ancestor of nearestAncestors) {
                  const href = xHrefAttr(ancestor, context)
                  const content = renderArg(ancestor.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME], context)
                  entries.push({ href, content })
                header_meta_ancestors.push(htmlAncestorLinks(entries, nAncestors));
          } else {
            const parent_asts = ast.get_header_parent_asts(context)
            parent_links = [];
            for (const parent_ast of parent_asts) {
              const parent_href = xHrefAttr(parent_ast, context);
              const parent_content = renderArg(parent_ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME], context);
              // .u for Up
              parent_links.push(`<a${parent_href} class="u"> ${parent_content}</a>`);
            parent_links = parent_links.join('');
            if (parent_links) {
          if (first_header) {
            if (checkHasToc(context)) {
              header_meta.push(`<a${htmlAttr('href', `#${context.options.tocIdPrefix}${Macro.TOC_ID}`)} class="toc"></a>`);
          } else {
            if (toc_link_html) {
          if (wiki_link !== undefined) {
          if (ourbigbookLink !== undefined) {
          if (tag_ids_html_array.length) {
          if (first_header) {
            if (link_to_split !== undefined) {
            let descendant_count_html = getDescendantCountHtml(context, ast.header_tree_node, { long_style: true });
            if (descendant_count_html !== undefined) {

          const metas = [
            [web_meta, ''],
            [header_meta_ancestors, 'ancestors'],
            [header_meta, ''],
            [header_meta_file, 'file'],
          const header_has_meta = metas.some((m) => m[0].length > 0)
          if (header_has_meta) {
            ret += `<nav class="h-nav h-nav-toplevel">`;
          if (context.options.h_web_ancestors && first_header && !context.options.isindex) {
            ret += `<div class="nav ancestors"></div>`
          let i = 0
          for (const [meta, cls] of metas) {
            if (meta.length > 0) {
              ret += `<div class="nav${cls ? ` ${cls}` : ''}">${meta.join('')}</div>`;
          if (header_has_meta) {
            ret += `</nav>`;
          ret += `</div>`;
          if (showTags) {
            if (children !== undefined) {
              ret += headerCheckChildTagExists(ast, context, children, 'child')
            if (tags !== undefined) {
              ret += headerCheckChildTagExists(ast, context, tags, 'tag')
          // Variables we want permanently modify the context.
          context_old.toc_was_rendered = context.toc_was_rendered

          // file handling 2
          const renderPostAsts = []
          if (ast.file) {
            const absPref = fileProtocolIsGiven ? '' : URL_SEP
            if (IMAGE_EXTENSIONS.has(pathSplitext(ast.file)[1])) {
              renderPostAsts.push(new AstNode(
                  'src': new AstArgument(
                      new PlaintextAstNode(absPref + ast.file)
            } else if (
              VIDEO_EXTENSIONS.has(pathSplitext(ast.file)[1]) ||
            ) {
              renderPostAsts.push(new AstNode(
                  'src': new AstArgument(
                      new PlaintextAstNode(absPref +  ast.file)
            } else {
              // Plaintext file. Possibly embed into HTML.
              const protocol = protocolGet(ast.file)
              if (protocol === null || protocol === 'file') {
                if (fileContent !== undefined) {
                  // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677644/detect-non-printable-characters-in-javascript
                  const bold_file_ast = new AstNode(AstType.MACRO, 'b', {
                    content: new AstArgument([
                      new PlaintextAstNode(`${ast.file}`),
                  let no_preview_msg
                  if (/[\x00]/.test(fileContent)) {
                    no_preview_msg = ` it is a binary file (contains \\x00) of unsupported type (e.g. not an image).`
                  } else if (
                    fileContent.length > FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE &&
                    !context.in_split_headers &&
                  ) {
                    no_preview_msg = `it is too large (> ${FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE} bytes)`
                  if (no_preview_msg) {
                    context_old.renderBeforeNextHeader.push(new AstNode(AstType.MACRO, Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME, {
                      content: new AstArgument([
                        new PlaintextAstNode(` was not rendered because ${no_preview_msg}`),
                  } else {
                    context_old.renderBeforeNextHeader.push(new AstNode(AstType.MACRO, Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME, {
                      content: new AstArgument([
                    context_old.renderBeforeNextHeader.push(new AstNode(
                      Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase(), {
                        content: new AstArgument([ new PlaintextAstNode(fileContent)]),
          if (renderPostAsts.length) {
            opts.extra_returns.render_post = renderPostAsts.map(a => htmlToplevelChildModifierById(a.render(renderPostAstsContext))).join('')

          return ret;
        [Macro.INCLUDE_MACRO_NAME]: unconvertible,
        [Macro.LIST_ITEM_MACRO_NAME]: htmlRenderSimpleElem('li'),
        [Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase()]: function(ast, context) {
          let katex_output = htmlKatexConvert(ast, context)
          let ret = ``
          if (ast.validation_output.show.boolean) {
            const { href, multiline_caption, title_and_description } = htmlTitleAndDescription(ast, context)
            ret += `<div class="math${multiline_caption}"${htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context)}>`
            ret += `<div class="equation">`
            ret += `<div>${katex_output}</div>`
            ret += `<div class="number"><a${href}>(${context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.get_number(ast, context)})</a></div>`
            ret += `</div>`
            ret += title_and_description
            ret += `</div>`
          return ret
        [Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          // KaTeX already adds a <span> for us.
          return htmlKatexConvert(ast, context);
        'i': htmlRenderSimpleElem('i'),
        'Image': macroImageVideoBlockConvertFunction,
        'image': function(ast, context) {
          let alt_arg;
          if (ast.args.alt === undefined) {
            alt_arg = ast.args.src;
          } else {
            alt_arg = ast.args.alt;
          let alt = htmlAttr('alt', htmlEscapeAttr(renderArg(alt_arg, context)));
          let rendered_attrs = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context, ['height', 'width']);
          let { error_message, media_provider_type, src } = macroImageVideoResolveParams(ast, context);
          const external = ast.validation_output.external.given ? ast.validation_output.external.boolean : undefined
          let { html: imgHtml } = htmlImg({ alt, ast, context, external, inline: true, media_provider_type, rendered_attrs, src })
          if (error_message) {
            imgHtml += errorMessageInOutput(error_message, context)
          return imgHtml
        'JsCanvasDemo': function(ast, context) {
          return htmlCode(
            renderArg(ast.args.content, context),
            { 'class': 'ourbigbook-js-canvas-demo' }
        'Ol': htmlRenderSimpleElem('ol', UL_OL_OPTS),
        [Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME]: htmlRenderSimpleElem(
            attrs: {'class': 'p'},
        [Macro.PLAINTEXT_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          return htmlEscapeContext(context, ast.text);
        'passthrough': function(ast, context) {
          return renderArgNoescape(ast.args.content, context);
        'Q': htmlRenderSimpleElem('blockquote'),
        'sub': htmlRenderSimpleElem('sub'),
        'sup': htmlRenderSimpleElem('sup'),
        [Macro.TABLE_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let attrs = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context);
          let content = renderArg(ast.args.content, context);
          let ret = ``;
          let { description, force_separator, multiline_caption } = getDescription(ast.args.description, context)
          ret += `<div class="table${multiline_caption}"${attrs}>`;
          // TODO not using caption because I don't know how to allow the caption to be wider than the table.
          // I don't want the caption to wrap to a small table size.
          // If we ever solve that, re-add the following style:
          // caption {
          //   color: black;
          //   text-align: left;
          // }
          //Caption on top as per: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3243/why-should-a-table-caption-be-placed-above-the-table */
          let href = htmlAttr('href', '#' + htmlEscapeAttr(ast.id));
          if (ast.index_id || ast.validation_output.description.given) {
            const { full: title, inner } = xTextBase(ast, context, {
              href_prefix: href,
            const title_and_description = getTitleAndDescription({ title, description, inner })
            ret += `<div class="caption">${title_and_description}</div>`;
          ret += `<table>${content}</table>`;
          ret += `</div>`;
          return ret;
        [Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME]: htmlRenderSimpleElem('td'),
        [Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let title = ast.args[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME];
          if (title === undefined) {
            let text_title;
            if (Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME in context.options) {
              text_title = context.options[Macro.TITLE_ARGUMENT_NAME];
            } else if (context.header_tree.children.length > 0) {
              text_title = renderArg(
                cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true)
            } else {
              text_title = 'dummy title because title is mandatory in HTML';
            title = new AstArgument([
              new PlaintextAstNode(text_title, ast.source_location)],
          let body = renderArg(ast.args.content, context);

          // Footer metadata.
          if (context.options.render_metadata) {
            body += renderToc(context)
          body += context.renderBeforeNextHeader.map(s => htmlToplevelChildModifierById(s)).join('')
          if (
            context.toplevel_ast !== undefined &&
          ) {
              const target_ids = context.db_provider.get_refs_to_as_ids(
                REFS_TABLE_X_CHILD, context.toplevel_ast.id, true);
              body += createLinkList(context, ast, TAGGED_ID_UNRESERVED, `${TAGS_MARKER} Tagged`, target_ids)

            // Ancestors
              const ancestors = context.toplevel_ast.ancestors(context)
              if (ancestors.length !== 0) {
                // TODO factor this out more with real headers.
                body += htmlToplevelChildModifierById(`<h2 id="${ANCESTORS_ID}"><a href="#${ANCESTORS_ID}">${HTML_PARENT_MARKER} Ancestors</a></h2>`, ANCESTORS_ID)
                const ancestor_id_asts = [];
                for (const ancestor of ancestors) {
                  //let counts_str;
                  //if (ancestor.header_tree_node !== undefined) {
                  //  counts_str = getDescendantCountHtml(ancestor.header_tree_node, false);
                  //} else {
                  //  counts_str = '';
                  ancestor_id_asts.push(new AstNode(
                      'content': new AstArgument(
                          new AstNode(
                              'href': new AstArgument(
                                  new PlaintextAstNode(ancestor.id),
                              'c': new AstArgument(),
                          //new AstNode(
                          //  AstType.MACRO,
                          //  'passthrough',
                          //  {
                          //    'content': new AstArgument(
                          //      [
                          //        new PlaintextAstNode(counts_str),
                          //      ],
                          //    ),
                          //  },
                          //  undefined,
                          //  {
                          //    xss_safe: true,
                          //  }
                const ulArgs = {
                  'content': new AstArgument(ancestor_id_asts)
                if (context.options.add_test_instrumentation) {
                  ulArgs[Macro.TEST_DATA_ARGUMENT_NAME] = [new PlaintextAstNode(ANCESTORS_ID_UNRESERVED)]
                const incoming_ul_ast = new AstNode(
                const new_context = cloneAndSet(context, 'validateAst', true);
                new_context.source_location = ast.source_location;
                body += htmlToplevelChildModifierById(incoming_ul_ast.render(new_context))

              const target_ids = context.db_provider.get_refs_to_as_ids(REFS_TABLE_X, context.toplevel_ast.id);
              body += createLinkList(context, ast, INCOMING_LINKS_ID_UNRESERVED, `${INCOMING_LINKS_MARKER} Incoming links`, target_ids)
              const target_ids = context.db_provider.get_refs_to_as_ids(REFS_TABLE_SYNONYM, context.toplevel_ast.id);
              body += createLinkList(context, ast, SYNONYM_LINKS_ID_UNRESERVED, `${SYNONYM_LINKS_MARKER} Synonyms`, target_ids)

          let ret
          if (context.options.body_only) {
            ret = body;
          } else {
            let template;
            if (context.options.template !== undefined) {
              template = context.options.template;
            } else {
              template = `<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<style>{{ style }}</style>
{{ head }}</head>
<body class="ourbigbook">
{{ body }}
{{ post_body }}</body>

            let root_page;
            if (context.options.htmlXExtension) {
              context.options.template_vars.html_ext = '.html';
              context.options.template_vars.html_index = '/index.html';
              root_page = context.options.template_vars.root_relpath + INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT + '.' + HTML_EXT;
            } else {
              context.options.template_vars.html_ext = '';
              context.options.template_vars.html_index = '';
              if (context.options.template_vars.root_relpath === '') {
                root_page = '.'
              } else {
                root_page = context.options.template_vars.root_relpath;
            if (root_page === context.toplevel_output_path) {
              root_page = '';
            const render_env = {
              title: renderArg(title, context),
            if (context.options.auto_generated_source) {
              render_env.input_path = ''
            } else {
              render_env.input_path = context.options.input_path
            const github_prefix = githubProviderPrefix(context)
            if (github_prefix) {
              render_env.github_prefix = github_prefix
            Object.assign(render_env, context.options.template_vars);

            // Resolve relative styles and scripts.
            let relative_scripts = [];
            for (const script of context.options.template_scripts_relative) {
              relative_scripts.push(`<script src="${context.options.template_vars.root_relpath}${script}"></script>`);
            const toplevel_scope = context.toplevel_ast ? context.toplevel_ast.calculate_scope() : undefined
            const ourbigbook_redirect_prefix_raw = toplevel_scope ? `${toplevel_scope}${URL_SEP}` : ''
            const ourbigbook_redirect_prefix = JSON.stringify(ourbigbook_redirect_prefix_raw).replace(/</g, '\\u003c')
            const data_script = `<script>
window.ourbigbook_split_headers = ${context.options.split_headers};
window.ourbigbook_html_x_extension = ${context.options.htmlXExtension};
window.ourbigbook_redirect_prefix = ${ourbigbook_redirect_prefix};
            render_env.post_body = data_script + relative_scripts.join('') + render_env.post_body + "<script>ourbigbook_runtime.ourbigbook_runtime()</script>";
            let relative_styles = [];
            for (const style of context.options.template_styles_relative) {
              relative_styles.push(`@import "${context.options.template_vars.root_relpath}${style}";\n`);
            render_env.style = relative_styles.join('') + render_env.style
            render_env.is_index_article = !!(context.options.isindex && context.toplevel_ast.is_first_header_in_input_file && !toplevel_scope)

            const { Liquid } = require('liquidjs');
            ret = (new Liquid()).parseAndRenderSync(
                strictFilters: true,
                strictVariables: true,
          return ret;
        [Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME]: htmlRenderSimpleElem('th'),
        [Macro.TR_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let content_ast = ast.args.content;
          let content = renderArg(content_ast, context);
          let res = '';
          if (ast.args.content.get(0).macro_name === Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME) {
            if (
              ast.parent_argument_index === 0 ||
              ast.parent_argument.get(ast.parent_argument_index - 1).args.content.get(0).macro_name !== Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME
            ) {
              res += `<thead>`;
          if (ast.args.content.get(0).macro_name === Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME) {
            if (
              ast.parent_argument_index === 0 ||
              ast.parent_argument.get(ast.parent_argument_index - 1).args.content.get(0).macro_name !== Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME
            ) {
              res += `<tbody>`;
          res += `<tr${htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context)}>${content}</tr>`;
          if (ast.args.content.get(0).macro_name === Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME) {
            if (
              ast.parent_argument_index === ast.parent_argument.length() - 1 ||
              ast.parent_argument.get(ast.parent_argument_index + 1).args.content.get(0).macro_name !== Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME
            ) {
              res += `</thead>`;
          if (ast.args.content.get(0).macro_name === Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME) {
            if (
              ast.parent_argument_index === ast.parent_argument.length() - 1 ||
              ast.parent_argument.get(ast.parent_argument_index + 1).args.content.get(0).macro_name !== Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME
            ) {
              res += `</tbody>`;
          return res;
        'Ul': htmlRenderSimpleElem('ul', UL_OL_OPTS),
        [Macro.X_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let [href, content, target_ast] = xGetHrefContent(ast, context);
          let incompatible_pair
          if (ast.validation_output.full.given) {
            if (ast.validation_output.ref.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['full', 'ref']
            if (ast.validation_output.content.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['full', 'content']
            if (ast.validation_output.c.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['full', 'c']
            if (ast.validation_output.p.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['full', 'p']
          } else if (ast.validation_output.content.given) {
            if (ast.validation_output.ref.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['content', 'ref']
            if (ast.validation_output.c.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['content', 'c']
            if (ast.validation_output.p.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['content', 'p']
          } else if (ast.validation_output.ref.given) {
            if (ast.validation_output.c.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['ref', 'c']
            if (ast.validation_output.p.given) {
              incompatible_pair = ['ref', 'p']
          if (incompatible_pair) {
            const message = `"${incompatible_pair[0]}" and "${incompatible_pair[1]}" are incompatible`;
            renderError(context, message, ast.source_location);
            content = errorMessageInOutput(message, context);
          } else if (ast.validation_output.ref.boolean) {
            content = HTML_REF_MARKER;
          if (context.x_parents.size === 0) {
            // Counts.
            let counts_str;
            if (
              // Happens on error case of linking to non existent ID.
              target_ast === undefined ||
              // Happens for cross links. TODO make those work too...
              target_ast.parent_ast === undefined
            ) {
              counts_str = '';
            } else {
              const counts = getDescendantCount(target_ast.header_tree_node);
              for (let i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
                counts[i] = formatNumberApprox(counts[i]);
              counts_str = `\nword count: ${counts[0]}\ndescendant word count: ${counts[2]}\ndescendant count: ${counts[1]}`;
            const attrs = htmlRenderAttrsId(ast, context);

            // It would be cleaner to pass this up from xHrefParts. But lazy.
            let target = ''
            if (context.options.ourbigbook_json.openLinksOnNewTabs && href) {
              const splitFragment = href.split('#')
              let href_path, fragment
              if (splitFragment.length > 1) {
                ;[href_path, fragment] = splitFragment
              } else {
                href_path = href
              if (href_path !== '') {
                target = ' target="_blank"'

            return `<a${href}${attrs}${context.options.internalLinkMetadata ? htmlAttr('title', 'internal link' + counts_str) : ''}${target}>${content}</a>`;
          } else {
            return content;
        'Video': macroImageVideoBlockConvertFunction,
  new OutputFormat(
      ext: 'id',
      convert_funcs: {
        [Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          const [href, content] = linkGetHrefContent(ast, context);
          return content;
        'b': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'br': function(ast, context) { return '\n'; },
        [Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase()]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.OURBIGBOOK_EXAMPLE_MACRO_NAME]: unconvertible,
        'Comment': function(ast, context) { return ''; },
        'comment': function(ast, context) { return ''; },
        [Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.INCLUDE_MACRO_NAME]: unconvertible,
        [Macro.LIST_ITEM_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase()]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'i': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'Image': function(ast, context) { return ''; },
        'image': function(ast, context) { return ''; },
        'JsCanvasDemo': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'Ol': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.PLAINTEXT_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) { return ast.text },
        'passthrough': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'Q': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'sub': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'sup': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.TABLE_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.TR_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        'Ul': idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.X_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          if (ast.args.content) {
            return idConvertSimpleElem('content')(ast, context)
          } else {
            return idConvertSimpleElem('href')(ast, context)
        'Video': function(ast, context) { return ''; },

function ourbigbookCodeMathInline(c) {
  return function(ast, context) {
    const content = renderArg(ast.args.content, cloneAndSet(context, 'in_literal', true))
    if (content.indexOf(c) === -1) {
      return `${c}${content}${c}`
    } else {
      return ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)

function ourbigbookCodeMathBlock(c) {
  return function(ast, context) {
    context = cloneAndSet(context, 'in_literal', true)
    const content = renderArg(ast.args.content, context)
    let delim = c + c
    while (content.indexOf(delim) !== -1) {
      delim += c
    const newline = '\n'.repeat(ourbigbookAddNewlinesAfterBlock(ast, context))
    const attrs = ourbigbookConvertArgs(ast, context, { skip: new Set(['content']) }).join('')
    return `${delim}
${delim}${attrs === '' ? '' : '\n'}${attrs}${newline}`

/** Get the preferred x href for the ourbigbook output format of an \x. */
function ourbigbookGetXHref({
}) {
  href = href.replaceAll(ID_SEPARATOR, ' ')
  if (p) {
    const href_plural = pluralizeWrap(href, 2)
    let target_ast_plural = context.db_provider.get(magicTitleToId(href_plural), context)
    if (
      // When we have \x without magic to a destination that exists
      // in both plural and singular, we can't use the magic plural,
      // or it will resolve to plural rather than the correct singular.
      !magic &&
      target_ast &&
    ) {
      return { override_href: `<${href}>${ourbigbookConvertArgs(ast, context, { skip: new Set(['c', 'href', 'magic']) }).join('')}` }
    href = href_plural
    if (target_ast_plural) {
      target_ast = target_ast_plural
  if (!target_ast) {
    return { override_href: `${ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)} ${renderErrorXUndefined(ast, context, target_id)}` }
  let was_magic_plural, was_magic_uppercase
  if (magic && !for_header_parent) {
    const href_singular = pluralizeWrap(href, 1)
    if (!target_ast.args[Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME] && href !== href_singular) {
      was_magic_plural = true
    const components = href.split(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
    const c = components[components.length - 1][0]
    was_magic_uppercase = c === c.toUpperCase()
  const href_from_id = href
  if (!(
      target_ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
  )) {
    const macro = context.macros[target_ast.macro_name];
    const title_arg = macro.options.get_title_arg(target_ast, context);
    href = renderArg(title_arg, cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true));
    href = href.replaceAll(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR, ' ')
    let was_pluralized
    let disambiguate
    const disambiguate_arg = target_ast.args[Macro.DISAMBIGUATE_ARGUMENT_NAME];
    if (disambiguate_arg) {
      disambiguate = renderArg(disambiguate_arg, cloneAndSet(context, 'id_conversion', true))
    } else {
      disambiguate = ''
    const explicit_id = target_ast.first_toplevel_child || (
      target_ast.validation_output[Macro.ID_ARGUMENT_NAME] &&
    if (macro.options.id_prefix) {
      href = `${macro.options.id_prefix} ${href}`
    } else {
      const first_ast = title_arg.get(0);
      if (!(
          target_ast.macro_name === Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME &&
        ) ||
          first_ast &&
          first_ast.node_type !== AstType.PLAINTEXT
        ) ||
      )) {
        if (c || was_magic_uppercase) {
          href = href[0].toUpperCase() + href.substring(1)
        } else {
          href = href[0].toLowerCase() + href.substring(1)
      if (
        was_magic_plural ||
      ) {
        const href_plural = pluralizeWrap(href, 2)
        let disambiguate_sep
        if (disambiguate) {
          disambiguate_sep = ID_SEPARATOR + disambiguate
        } else {
          disambiguate_sep = ''
        let target_scope = target_ast.scope
        if (target_scope) {
          target_scope = `${target_scope}${Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR}`
        } else {
          target_scope = ''
        const plural_id = `${target_scope}${magicTitleToId(href_plural, context)}${disambiguate_sep}`
        const plural_target = context.db_provider.get(plural_id, context)
        if (!plural_target || plural_target.id !== target_ast.id) {
          const singular_id = `${target_scope}${magicTitleToId(pluralizeWrap(href, 1), context)}${disambiguate_sep}`
          const singular_target = context.db_provider.get(singular_id, context)
          if ((!singular_target || singular_target.id !== target_ast.id) && !explicit_id) {
            // This can happen due to pluralize bugs:
            // https://github.com/plurals/pluralize/issues/172
            // Just bail out in those cases.
            return { override_href: ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context) }
        href = href_plural
        was_pluralized = true
    if (explicit_id && magicTitleToId(href, context) !== target_ast.id) {
      href = href_from_id
    } else {
      if (disambiguate_arg) {
        if (was_pluralized) {
          // TODO https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/244
          return { override_href: ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context) }
        href = `${href} (${disambiguate})`;
      let target_scope = target_ast.scope
      if (target_scope) {
        if (ast.scope) {
          const target_scope_split = target_scope.split(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
          const scope_split = ast.scope.split(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
          let last_common = 0
          while (
            last_common < target_scope_split.length &&
            last_common < scope_split.length
          ) {
            if (target_scope_split[last_common] !== scope_split[last_common]) {
          target_scope = target_scope_split.slice(last_common).join(Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
        if (target_scope) {
          target_scope = `${target_scope}${Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR}`
        target_scope = target_scope.replaceAll(ID_SEPARATOR, ' ')
        href = `${target_scope}${href}`
    if (isAbsoluteXref(target_id, context)) {
      href = target_id[0] + href
  return { href, override_href: undefined }

function ourbigbookLi(marker) {
  return function(ast, context) {
    if (!ast.args.content || Object.keys(ast.args).length !== 1) {
      return ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)
    } else {
      let newline_before
      if (
        ast.parent_argument_index === 0 &&
          INSANE_STARTS_MACRO_NAMES.has(ast.parent_ast.parent_ast.macro_name) &&
          ast.parent_ast.parent_argument_index === 0
        ) &&
        // This feels hacky, but I can't find a better way.
        context.last_render &&
        context.last_render[context.last_render.length - 1] !== '\n'
      ) {
        newline_before = '\n'
      } else {
        newline_before = ''
      const content = renderArg(ast.args.content, context)
      const content_indent = content.replace(/\n(.)/g, '\n  $1')
      const newline = ast.is_last_in_argument() ? '' : '\n'
      let marker_eff
      if (!content_indent) {
        marker_eff = marker.substring(0, marker.length - 1)
      } else {
        marker_eff = marker
      return `${newline_before}${marker_eff}${content_indent}${newline}`

function ourbigbookAddNewlinesAfterBlock(ast, context, options={}) {
  const { auto_parent } = options
  if (
    !context.macros[ast.macro_name].options.phrasing &&
    !ast.is_last_in_argument() &&
      // It is a bit sad that we have to use this "am I on toplevel" checks processing here.
      // It would be saner if indented blocks were exactly the same as toplevel.
      // But it just intuitively feels that the "no loose on toplevel, but loose in subelements"
      // sound good, so going for it like that now... I think this is implemented by always adding
      // a PARAGRAPH Token on toplevel in case we ever want to dump that.
      ast.parent_ast.macro_name === Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME ||
          ast.parent_ast.macro_name === Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME &&
          ast.parent_ast.parent_ast.macro_name === Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME
        ) &&
        ast.parent_ast.macro_name !== Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME &&
          ( ast.parent_argument.has_paragraph ) ||
          ( !ast.parent_argument.has_paragraph && !ast.parent_argument.not_all_block )
  ) {
    let n = 2
    if (auto_parent) {
      if (context.last_render) {
        if (context.last_render[context.last_render.length - 1] === '\n') {
          if (context.last_render[context.last_render.length - 2] === '\n') {
    return n
  } else {
    return 0

function ourbigbookUl(ast, context) {
  if (!ast.args.content || Object.keys(ast.args).length !== 1) {
    return ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)
  } else {
    const argstr = renderArg(ast.args.content, context)
    const newline = '\n'.repeat(ourbigbookAddNewlinesAfterBlock(ast, context, { auto_parent: true }))
    return `${argstr}${newline}`

function ourbigbookPreferLiteral(ast, context, ast_arg, arg, open, close) {
  let rendered_arg
  let delim_repeat
  let has_newline
  const argname = arg.name
  if (
    ast_arg.asts.length === 1 &&
    ast_arg.asts[0].node_type === AstType.PLAINTEXT
  ) {
    const rendered_arg_non_literal = renderArg(ast_arg, context)
    if (
      // Prefer literals if any escapes would be needed.
      arg.ourbigbook_output_prefer_literal ||
      rendered_arg_non_literal !== ast_arg.asts[0].text
    ) {
      rendered_arg = ast_arg.asts[0].text
      delim_repeat = 2
      while (
        rendered_arg.indexOf(open.repeat(delim_repeat)) !== -1 ||
        rendered_arg.indexOf(close.repeat(delim_repeat)) !== -1
      ) {
      has_newline = rendered_arg.indexOf('\n') !== -1
      if (
        rendered_arg[0] === open &&
      ) {
        rendered_arg = ESCAPE_CHAR + rendered_arg
      if (
        rendered_arg[rendered_arg.length - 1] === close &&
      ) {
        rendered_arg = rendered_arg.substring(0, rendered_arg.length - 1) + ESCAPE_CHAR + close
  if (!rendered_arg) {
    // Not a literal.
    delim_repeat = 1
    rendered_arg = renderArg(ast_arg, context)
    has_newline = rendered_arg.indexOf('\n') !== -1
  return { delim_repeat, has_newline, rendered_arg }

function ourbigbookConvertArgs(ast, context, options={}) {
  const ret = options.ret || []
  const skip = options.skip || new Set()
  const modify_callbacks = options.modify_callbacks || {}
  const macro = context.macros[ast.macro_name]
  const named_args = Macro.COMMON_ARGNAMES.concat(macro.options.named_args.map(arg => arg.name)).filter(
    (argname) => !skip.has(argname) && ast.validation_output[argname].given
  const ret_args = []
  for (const arg of macro.positional_args) {
    const ret_arg = []
    const argname = arg.name
    if (!skip.has(argname) && ast.validation_output[argname].given) {
      let { delim_repeat, has_newline, rendered_arg } = ourbigbookPreferLiteral(
        ast, context, ast.args[argname], arg, START_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR, END_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_CHAR)
      if (argname in modify_callbacks) {
        rendered_arg = modify_callbacks[argname](ast, context, rendered_arg)
      if (arg.remove_whitespace_children) {
      } else {
        if (has_newline) {
          if (rendered_arg[0] !== '\n') {
      if (
        has_newline &&
          rendered_arg.length === 0 ||
          rendered_arg[rendered_arg.length - 1] !== '\n'
      ) {
    if (ret_arg.length) {
  for (const argname of named_args) {
    const arg = macro.named_args[argname]
    const validation_output = ast.validation_output[argname]
    let ast_args
    if (arg.multiple) {
      ast_args = ast.args[argname].asts.map(ast => ast.args.content)
    } else {
      ast_args = [ast.args[argname]]
    for (const ast_arg of ast_args) {
      const ret_arg = []
      const macro_arg = macro.name_to_arg[argname]
      let { delim_repeat, has_newline, rendered_arg } = ourbigbookPreferLiteral(
        ast, context, ast_arg, arg, START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR, END_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR)
      if (argname in modify_callbacks) {
        rendered_arg = modify_callbacks[argname](ast, context, ast_arg, rendered_arg)
      let skip_val = false
      if (macro_arg.boolean) {
        const argstr_default = macro_arg.default === undefined ? '0' : '1'
        const argstr_eff = validation_output.boolean ? '1' : '0'
        if (argstr_default === argstr_eff) {
        skip_val = validation_output.boolean
      } else if(rendered_arg === '') {
        skip_val = true
        START_NAMED_ARGUMENT_CHAR.repeat(delim_repeat) +
      if (!skip_val) {
        if (has_newline && rendered_arg[0] !== '\n') {
        if (
          has_newline &&
            rendered_arg.length === 0 ||
            rendered_arg[rendered_arg.length - 1] !== '\n'
        ) {
      if (ret_arg.length) {
  let i = 0
  for (const ret_arg of ret_args) {
    if (!macro.options.phrasing && i !== ret_args.length - 1) {
  return ret

function ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context) {
  const ret = []
  ret.push(ESCAPE_CHAR + ast.macro_name)
  const macro = context.macros[ast.macro_name]
  ourbigbookConvertArgs(ast, context, { ret })
  ret.push('\n'.repeat(ourbigbookAddNewlinesAfterBlock(ast, context)))
  return ret.join('')

  new OutputFormat(
      ext: OURBIGBOOK_EXT,
      convert_funcs: {
        [Macro.LINK_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          const href = renderArg(ast.args.href, context)
          if (protocolIsKnown(href)) {
            return `${href}${ourbigbookConvertArgs(ast, context, { skip: new Set(['href']) }).join('')}`
          } else {
            return ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)
        'b': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'br': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        [Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase()]: ourbigbookCodeMathBlock(INSANE_CODE_CHAR),
        [Macro.CODE_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookCodeMathInline(INSANE_CODE_CHAR),
        [Macro.OURBIGBOOK_EXAMPLE_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'Comment': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'comment': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        [Macro.HEADER_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          const newline = ast.is_last_in_argument() ? '' : '\n\n'
          function modifyCallback(ast, context, arg, rendered_arg) {
            const { target_ast, target_id } = xGetTargetAstBase({
              do_magic_title_to_id: true,
              do_singularize: false,
              scope: ast.scope,
              target_id: rendered_arg,
            if (!target_ast) {
              return `${rendered_arg} ${renderErrorXUndefined(ast, context, rendered_arg, { source_location: arg.source_location })}`
            const href = ourbigbookGetXHref({
              href: rendered_arg,
              c: false,
              p: false,
              magic: true,
              scope: ast.scope,
              for_header_parent: true,
            // Return only some whitelisted characters to prevent creating new elements
            // or breaking out of parent=} argument. Maybe one day we can force parent=
            // to be always literal. But this would require changing the tokenizer somehow,
            // not sure it would be super easy.
            return href.replace(MUST_ESCAPE_CHARS_REGEX_CHAR_CLASS_REGEX, ' ').replace(MUST_ESCAPE_CHARS_AT_START_REGEX_CHAR_CLASS_REGEX, '$1').replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/^ | $/g, '')
          let level = ast.header_tree_node.get_level() - context.header_tree_top_level + 1;
          let output_level
          if (
            ast.validation_output.parent.given ||
          ) {
            output_level = 1
          } else {
            output_level = level
          const skip = new Set(['level', 'title'])
          if (level === 1) {
            // Happens on split headers.
          const args_string = ourbigbookConvertArgs(
              modify_callbacks: {
                'child': modifyCallback,
                'parent': modifyCallback,
                'tag': modifyCallback,
          return `${INSANE_HEADER_CHAR.repeat(output_level)} ${renderArg(ast.args.title, context)}${args_string ? '\n' : '' }${args_string}${newline}`
        [Macro.INCLUDE_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let newline
          if (
            context.last_render.length &&
            context.last_render[context.last_render.length - 1] !== '\n') {
            newline = '\n'
          } else {
            newline = ''
          return newline + ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)
        [Macro.LIST_ITEM_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookLi(INSANE_LIST_START),
        [Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME.toUpperCase()]: ourbigbookCodeMathBlock(INSANE_MATH_CHAR),
        [Macro.MATH_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookCodeMathInline(INSANE_MATH_CHAR),
        'i': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'Image': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'image': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'JsCanvasDemo': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'Ol': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        [Macro.PARAGRAPH_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          if (!ast.args.content || Object.keys(ast.args).length !== 1) {
            return ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)
          } else {
            const rendered_arg = renderArg(ast.args.content, context)
            const newline = ast.is_last_in_argument() ? '' : '\n\n'
            return `${rendered_arg}${newline}`
        [Macro.PLAINTEXT_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          const text = ast.text
          if (context.in_literal) {
            return text
          } else {
            return escapeNotStart(text).replace(MUST_ESCAPE_CHARS_AT_START_REGEX_CHAR_CLASS_REGEX, '$1\\$2')
        'passthrough': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'Q': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'sub': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        'sup': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,
        [Macro.TABLE_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookUl,
        [Macro.TD_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookLi(INSANE_TD_START),
        [Macro.TOPLEVEL_MACRO_NAME]: idConvertSimpleElem(),
        [Macro.TH_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookLi(INSANE_TH_START),
        [Macro.TR_MACRO_NAME]: ourbigbookUl,
        'Ul': ourbigbookUl,
        [Macro.X_MACRO_NAME]: function(ast, context) {
          let href = renderArg(ast.args.href, context)
          if (ast.validation_output.topic.boolean) {
            for (const c of href) {
              if (INSANE_LINK_END_CHARS.has(c)) {
                return `${INSANE_X_START}${INSANE_TOPIC_CHAR}${href}${INSANE_X_END}`
            return `${INSANE_TOPIC_CHAR}${href}`
          //if (AstType.PLAINTEXT === ast.args.href[0] === INSANE_TOPIC_CHAR) {
          //  return `<${href}>`
          // Remove any > from the ref. There's currently no way to escape them, would cut argument short.
          let { target_id, target_ast } = xGetTargetAst(ast, context)
          const magic = ast.validation_output.magic.boolean
          if (!magic && href !== magicTitleToId(href, context)) {
            // Explicit IDs with weird characters weird cannot be converted to insane, e.g.
            // = Dollar
            // {{id=$}}
            // \x[[$]]
            return ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem(ast, context)
          let override_href
          ;({ href, override_href } = ourbigbookGetXHref({
            c: ast.validation_output.c.boolean,
            p: ast.validation_output.p.boolean,
            scope: ast.scope,
          if (override_href) {
            return override_href
          href = href.replace(/[ >]+/g, ' ')
          return `<${href}>${ourbigbookConvertArgs(ast, context, { skip: new Set(['c', 'href', 'magic', 'p']) }).join('')}`
        'Video': ourbigbookConvertSimpleElem,

for (const output_format of OUTPUT_FORMATS_LIST) {
  OUTPUT_FORMATS[output_format.id] = output_format


  1. \H file argument demo
  2. \H file argument
  3. \H arguments
  4. Header
  5. Macro
  6. OurBigBook Markup
  7. OurBigBook Project