#!/usr/bin/env node
const now = performance.now.bind(performance)
const china_dictatorship = require('china-dictatorship');
if (!china_dictatorship.get_data().includes("Tiannmen Square protests")) throw 0;
const child_process = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
// This library is terrible, too much magic, hard to understand interface,
// does not do some obvious basics.
const commander = require('commander');
const is_installed_globally = require('is-installed-globally');
const readCb = require('read');
const { Liquid } = require('liquidjs');
const { DataTypes, Op, Sequelize } = require('sequelize')
const ourbigbook = require('ourbigbook');
const ourbigbook_nodejs = require('ourbigbook/nodejs');
const ourbigbook_nodejs_front = require('ourbigbook/nodejs_front');
const ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe = require('ourbigbook/nodejs_webpack_safe');
const { ARTICLE_HASH_LIMIT_MAX, articleHash, WebApi, read_include } = require('ourbigbook/web_api');
const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_BASENAME = 'ourbigbook.liquid.html';
const OURBIGBOOK_TEX_BASENAME = 'ourbigbook.tex';
const LOG_OPTIONS = new Set([
const SASS_EXT = '.scss';
const MESSAGE_PREFIX_EXTRACT_IDS = 'extract_ids'
const MESSAGE_PREFIX_RENDER = 'render'
const MESSAGE_SKIP_BY_TIMESTAMP = `skipped by timestamp`
class DbProviderDbAdapter {
constructor(nonOurbigbookOptions) {
function addUsername(idNoUsername, username) {
if (idNoUsername !== null && idNoUsername !== undefined) {
if (idNoUsername === '') {
return `${ourbigbook.AT_MENTION_CHAR}${username}`
} else {
return `${ourbigbook.AT_MENTION_CHAR}${username}/${idNoUsername}`
return null
function assertApiStatus(status, data) {
//console.log(require('child_process').execSync(`printf 'count '; sqlite3 /home/ciro/bak/git/ourbigbook/web/db.sqlite3 "select to_id_index,from_id,to_id,defined_at from Ref where from_id = '@barack-obama' and type = 0 order by to_id_index" | wc -l`).toString())
//console.log(require('child_process').execSync(`sqlite3 /home/ciro/bak/git/ourbigbook/web/db.sqlite3 "select to_id_index,from_id,to_id,defined_at from Ref where from_id = '@barack-obama' and type = 0 order by to_id_index"`).toString())
if (status !== 200) {
console.error(`HTTP error status: ${status}`);
console.error(`Error messages from server:`);
const errors = data.errors
if (errors instanceof Array) {
for (const error of data.errors) {
} else {
if (errors === undefined) {
} else {
async function read(opts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// TODO allow program to exit on Ctrl + C, currently ony cancels read
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24037545/how-to-hide-password-in-the-nodejs-console
readCb(opts, (err, line) => {
resolve([err, line])
// Like read, but:
// * Ctrl + C works and quits program
// * no password support
async function readStdin(opts) {
const chunks = [];
for await (const chunk of process.stdin) chunks.push(chunk);
return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8');
// Reconcile the database with information that depends only on existence of Ourbigbook files, notably:
// - remove any IDs from deleted files https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/125
async function reconcile_db_and_filesystem(input_path, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions) {
const sequelize = nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize
if (sequelize) {
const newNonOurbigbookOptions = ourbigbook.cloneAndSet(
nonOurbigbookOptions, 'ourbigbook_paths_converted_only', true)
await convert_directory(
const inputRelpath = path.relative(nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_json_dir, input_path)
let pathPrefix
if (inputRelpath) {
pathPrefix = inputRelpath + path.sep
} else {
pathPrefix = ''
pathPrefix += '%'
const { File, Id, Ref, Render } = sequelize.models
const ourbigbook_paths_converted = newNonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_paths_converted
const [,,,file_rows] = await Promise.all([
// Delete IDs from deleted files.
// It is possible in pure SQL, but not supported in sequelize:
// https://cirosantilli.com/delete-with-join-sql
// so we do a double query for now.
attributes: ['id'],
include: [
model: File,
as: 'idDefinedAt',
where: {
path: {
[Op.not]: ourbigbook_paths_converted,
[Op.like]: pathPrefix,
attributes: [],
}).then(ids => Id.destroy({ where: { id: ids.map(id => id.id ) } })),
// Delete Refs from deleted files.
attributes: ['id'],
include: [
model: File,
as: 'definedAt',
where: {
path: {
[Op.not]: ourbigbook_paths_converted,
[Op.like]: pathPrefix,
attributes: [],
}).then(ids => Ref.destroy({ where: { id: ids.map(id => id.id ) } })),
// Delete deleted Files
where: {
path: {
[Op.not]: ourbigbook_paths_converted,
[Op.like]: pathPrefix,
where: { path: ourbigbook_paths_converted },
include: [{
model: Render,
where: {
type: Render.Types[nonOurbigbookOptions.renderType],
// We still want to get last_parsed from non-rendered files.
required: false,
const file_rows_dict = {}
for (const file_row of file_rows) {
file_rows_dict[file_row.path] = file_row
nonOurbigbookOptions.file_rows_dict[nonOurbigbookOptions.renderType] = file_rows_dict
// Do various post conversion checks to verify database integrity:
// - duplicate IDs
// - https://docs.ourbigbook.com/x-within-title-restrictions
// - check that all files are included except for the index file
// Previously these were done inside ourbigbook.convert. But then we started skipping render by timestamp,
// so if you e.g. move an ID from one file to another, a common operation, then it would still see
// the ID in the previous file depending on conversion order. So we are moving it here instead at the end.
// Having this single query at the end also be slightly more efficient than doing each query separately per file conversion.
async function check_db(nonOurbigbookOptions) {
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.checkDb) {
const t1 = now();
const sequelize = nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize
if (sequelize && (nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.render || nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.checkDb)) {
const error_messages = await ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.check_db(
options: nonOurbigbookOptions.options,
perf: false,
if (error_messages.length > 0) {
console.error(error_messages.map(m => 'error: ' + m).join('\n'))
console.log(`check_db: ${finished_in_ms(now() - t1)}`)
function chomp(s) {
return s.replace(/(\r\n|\n)$/, '')
/** Report an error with the CLI usage and exit in error. */
function cli_error(message) {
if (message !== undefined) {
console.error(`error: ${message}`)
async function convert_directory_callback(input_path, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions, cb) {
nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_paths_converted = []
for (const onePath of walk_directory_recursively(
)) {
await cb(onePath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions)
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
* @param {String} input_path - path to a directory to convert files in
async function convert_directory(input_path, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions) {
return convert_directory_callback(input_path, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions, convert_path_to_file)
/** Extract IDs from all input files into the ID database, without fully converting. */
async function convert_directory_extract_ids(input_path, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions) {
await convert_directory(
ourbigbook.cloneAndSet(ourbigbook_options, 'render', false),
async function convert_directory_extract_ids_and_render(input_dir, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions) {
await reconcile_db_and_filesystem(input_dir, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions)
await convert_directory_extract_ids(input_dir, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions)
if (!nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
// Auto-generate a {file} page for each file in the project that does not have one already.
// Auto-generate source, and convert it on the fly, a bit like for _dir conversion.
const ourbigbook_paths_converted = nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_paths_converted
await convert_directory_callback(
async (onePath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions) => {
const messagePrefix = 'file'
if (
// TODO move dir conversion here, remove this check:
// https://docs.ourbigbook.com/todo/show-directory-listings-on-file-headers
) {
const inputPathRelativeToOurbigbookJson = path.relative(nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_json_dir, onePath);
const outpath = path.join(nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir, ourbigbook.FILE_PREFIX, inputPathRelativeToOurbigbookJson + '.' + ourbigbook.HTML_EXT)
const msgRet = convert_path_to_file_print_starting(ourbigbook_options, onePath, messagePrefix)
let skip
if (
fs.existsSync(outpath) &&
fs.statSync(onePath).mtime <= fs.statSync(outpath).mtime &&
) {
skip = true
} else {
const sequelize = nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize
if (
// Without --split-headers, we create a dummy {file} for the file even if it has a .bigb ID.
// This allows _dir listings and the bigb section to link to it to see full txt if too large.
!ourbigbook_options.split_headers ||
!sequelize ||
await ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.get_noscopes_base_fetch_rows(
[ourbigbook.FILE_PREFIX + ourbigbook.URL_SEP + inputPathRelativeToOurbigbookJson]
).length === 0
) {
const pathSplit = inputPathRelativeToOurbigbookJson.split(ourbigbook.URL_SEP)
const src = `${ourbigbook.SHORTHAND_HEADER_CHAR} ${ourbigbook.ourbigbookEscapeNotStart(pathSplit[pathSplit.length - 1])}\n{file}\n`
const inputPath = ourbigbook.FILE_PREFIX + ourbigbook.URL_SEP + inputPathRelativeToOurbigbookJson + '.' + ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT
const newOptions = {
auto_generated_source: true,
split_headers: false,
hFileShowLarge: true,
const newNonOurbigbookOptions = { ...nonOurbigbookOptions }
newNonOurbigbookOptions.input_path = inputPath
const output = await convert_input(src, newOptions, newNonOurbigbookOptions);
if (newNonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
throw new Error(`src: ${src}`)
if (newOptions.render) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outpath), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(outpath, output)
} else {
skip = 'skipped ID already exists'
convert_path_to_file_print_finish(ourbigbook_options, onePath, outpath, { skip, message_prefix: messagePrefix, t0: msgRet.t0 })
// Not ideal, but we'll do it simple for now. This needs to be restored or a test fails.
nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_paths_converted = ourbigbook_paths_converted
if (
!nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error &&
ourbigbook_options.render ||
path.relative(nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_json_dir, input_dir) === ''
) {
await check_db(nonOurbigbookOptions)
if (
nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.render &&
) {
const newNonOurbigbookOptions = ourbigbook.cloneAndSet(nonOurbigbookOptions, 'is_render_after_extract', true)
await convert_directory(
nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error = newNonOurbigbookOptions.had_error
/** Convert input from a string to output and return the output as a string.
* Wraps ourbigbook.convert with CLI usage convenience.
* @param {String} input
* @param {Object} options - options to be passed to ourbigbook.convert
* @param {Object} nonOurbigbookOptions - control options for this function,
* not passed to ourbigbook.convert. Also contains some returns:
* - {bool} had_error
* - {Object} extra_returns
* @return {String}
async function convert_input(input, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions={}) {
const new_options = { ...ourbigbook_options }
if ('input_path' in nonOurbigbookOptions) {
new_options.input_path = nonOurbigbookOptions.input_path
if ('title' in nonOurbigbookOptions) {
new_options.title = nonOurbigbookOptions.title
new_options.extra_returns = {}
// If we don't where the output will go (the case for stdout) or
// the user did not explicitly request full embedding, inline all CSS.
// Otherwise, include and external CSS to make each page lighter.
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.embedResources) {
new_options.template_vars.style = fs.readFileSync(
new_options.template_vars.post_body = `<script>${fs.readFileSync(
ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_JS_PATH, ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING)}</script>\n`
} else {
let includes_str = ``;
let scripts_str = ``;
let includes = [];
let scripts = [];
let includes_local = [];
let scripts_local = [];
let template_includes_relative = [];
let template_scripts_relative = [];
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.publish) {
} else {
if (
ourbigbook_options.outfile !== undefined &&
) {
for (const include of includes_local) {
includes.push(path.relative(path.dirname(ourbigbook_options.outfile), include));
for (const script of scripts_local) {
scripts.push(path.relative(path.dirname(ourbigbook_options.outfile), script));
} else {
for (const include of includes) {
includes_str += `@import "${include}";\n`;
for (const script of scripts) {
scripts_str += `<script src="${script}"></script>\n`
new_options.template_vars.style = `\n${includes_str}`
new_options.template_vars.post_body = `${scripts_str}`
new_options.template_styles_relative = template_includes_relative;
new_options.template_scripts_relative = template_scripts_relative;
// Finally, do the conversion!
const output = await ourbigbook.convert(input, new_options, new_options.extra_returns);
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.post_convert_callback) {
await nonOurbigbookOptions.post_convert_callback(nonOurbigbookOptions.input_path, new_options.extra_returns)
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.log.ast) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(new_options.extra_returns.ast, null, 2));
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.log['ast-simple']) {
// Remove duplicate messages due to split header rendering. We could not collect
// errors from that case at all maybe, but do we really want to run the risk of
// missing errors?
for (const error_string of ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.remove_duplicates_sorted_array(
new_options.extra_returns.errors.map(e => e.toString()))) {
nonOurbigbookOptions.extra_returns = new_options.extra_returns;
if (new_options.extra_returns.errors.length > 0) {
nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error = true;
ourbigbook.perfPrint(new_options.extra_returns.context, 'convert_input_end')
return output;
/** Convert filetypes that ourbigbook knows how to convert, and just copy those that we don't, e.g.:
* * .bigb to .html
* * .scss to .css
* @param {string} input_path - path relative to the base_path, e.g. `./ourbigbook subdir` gives:
* base_path: "subdir" and input_path "index.bigb" amongst other files.
* The output file name is derived from the input file name with the output extension.
async function convert_path_to_file(input_path, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions={}) {
let msg_ret
let output, first_output_path;
let skip = false
const is_directory = fs.lstatSync(input_path).isDirectory()
let full_path = path.resolve(input_path);
let input_path_parse = path.parse(input_path);
let input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json;
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_json_dir !== undefined) {
input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json = path.relative(nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_json_dir, input_path);
let new_options
const isbigb = input_path_parse.ext === `.${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT}` && !is_directory
if (is_directory || isbigb) {
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_paths_converted_only) {
new_options = {
let showFinish = false
let message_prefix
const ignore_convert_path = do_ignore_convert_path(
if (isbigb) {
if (!ignore_convert_path) {
showFinish = true
msg_ret = convert_path_to_file_print_starting(ourbigbook_options, input_path)
message_prefix = msg_ret.message_prefix
let newNonOurbigbookOptions = { ...nonOurbigbookOptions }
let input = fs.readFileSync(full_path, newNonOurbigbookOptions.encoding);
if (input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json) {
const file_row_type = nonOurbigbookOptions.file_rows_dict[nonOurbigbookOptions.renderType]
if (
// Can not be present on single file (non directory) conversion. In that case we always convert.
) {
const file_row = file_row_type[input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json]
if (
// File has previously been rendered.
file_row !== undefined
) {
const file_row_render = file_row.Render
if (
) {
if (file_row_render) {
skip = !nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.forceRender &&
!file_row_render.outdated &&
// TODO add a Render magic format for this use case. Or maybe
// start tracking output paths as well in Render to also cover -o.
// But lazy now, just never use timestamp for --format-source.
} else {
skip = file_row.last_parse !== null && file_row.last_parse > fs.statSync(input_path).mtime
if (!skip && file_row_render) {
// We are going to update the parse, so mark as outdated here.
// This way we don't need to fetch from DB again.
file_row_render.outdated = true
if (!skip) {
newNonOurbigbookOptions.input_path = input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json;
// Convert.
const new_options_main = { ...new_options }
let ourbigbook_json = new_options_main.ourbigbook_json
if (ourbigbook_json === undefined) {
ourbigbook_json = {}
} else {
ourbigbook_json = { ...ourbigbook_json }
new_options_main.ourbigbook_json = ourbigbook_json
let lint = ourbigbook_json.lint
if (lint === undefined) {
lint = {}
} else {
lint = { ...lint }
ourbigbook_json.lint = lint
if (lint.startsWithH1Header === undefined) {
lint.startsWithH1Header = true
output = await convert_input(input, new_options_main, newNonOurbigbookOptions);
if (newNonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error = true;
const extra_returns = newNonOurbigbookOptions.extra_returns
if (
nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.formatSource &&
) {
if (!newNonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
fs.writeFileSync(full_path, output);
first_output_path = full_path
} else {
// Write out the output the output files.
for (const outpath in extra_returns.rendered_outputs) {
const output_path = path.join(nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir, outpath);
if (output_path === full_path) {
cli_error(`output path equals input path: "${outpath}"`);
if (first_output_path === undefined) {
first_output_path = output_path
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(output_path), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(output_path, extra_returns.rendered_outputs[outpath].full);
if (
new_options.split_headers &&
ourbigbook_options.output_format === ourbigbook.OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML
) {
for (const header_ast of extra_returns.context.synonym_headers) {
const new_options_redir = { ...nonOurbigbookOptions.options }
new_options_redir.db_provider = extra_returns.context.db_provider;
await generate_redirect(new_options_redir, header_ast.id, header_ast.synonym, nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir);
const context = extra_returns.context;
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.log.headers) {
// Update the Sqlite database with results from the conversion.
ourbigbook.perfPrint(context, 'convert_path_pre_sqlite')
if ('sequelize' in nonOurbigbookOptions && !nonOurbigbookOptions.options.embed_includes) {
await ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.update_database_after_convert({
db_provider: new_options.db_provider,
had_error: nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error,
is_render_after_extract: nonOurbigbookOptions.is_render_after_extract,
renderType: nonOurbigbookOptions.renderType,
path: input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json,
render: ourbigbook_options.render,
sequelize: nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize,
} else {
console.log(`ignoreConvert: ${input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json}`)
if (
) {
// I should use callbacks instead of doing this. But lazy.
let output_path_noext = path.join(
is_directory ? ourbigbook.DIR_PREFIX : ourbigbook.RAW_PREFIX,
if (is_directory) {
output_path_noext = path.join(output_path_noext, 'index')
if (ourbigbook_options.outfile === undefined) {
output_path_noext = path.join(nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir, output_path_noext);
} else {
output_path_noext = ourbigbook_options.outfile;
const forceRender = nonOurbigbookOptions.input_path_is_file || nonOurbigbookOptions.cli.forceRender
const convertNonBigb = ourbigbook_options.output_format === ourbigbook.OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML
if (ourbigbook_options.render) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(output_path_noext), { recursive: true });
if (convertNonBigb && !ignore_convert_path) {
// Convert non-OurBigBook files and directories.
let isSass = false
let knownType = true
if (is_directory) {
first_output_path = path.join(output_path_noext + '.' + ourbigbook.HTML_EXT)
message_prefix = 'dir'
} else {
if (input_path_parse.ext === SASS_EXT) {
isSass = true
first_output_path = output_path_noext + '.css'
message_prefix = 'scss'
} else {
knownType = false
if (knownType) {
showFinish = true
if (
fs.existsSync(first_output_path) &&
fs.statSync(input_path).mtime <= fs.statSync(first_output_path).mtime &&
) {
skip = true
} else {
if (knownType) {
msg_ret = convert_path_to_file_print_starting(ourbigbook_options, input_path, message_prefix)
if (is_directory) {
// TODO get rid of this, move it entirely to the same code path as {file} generation:
// https://docs.ourbigbook.com/todo/show-directory-listings-on-file-headers
// Generate bigb source code for a directory conversion and render it on the fly.
// TODO move to render https://docs.ourbigbook.com/todo/remove-synthetic-asts
// Not asts, but source code generation here. Even worse! We did it like this to be
// able to more easily reuse the ourbigbook.liquid.html template and style.
//const title = `Directory: ${input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json}`
//const arr = [`<!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta charset=utf-8><title>${title}</title></head><body><h1>${title}</h1><ul>`]
//function push_li(name, isdir) {
// const target = `${name}${isdir ? '/' : ''}`
// arr.push(`<li><a href=${target + (isdir ? 'index.html' : '')}>${target}</a></li>`)
//fs.writeFileSync(output_path, arr.join('') + '</ul></body></html>')
const dirents = fs.readdirSync(full_path, { withFileTypes: true });
const dirs = []
const files = []
for (const dirent of dirents) {
const name = dirent.name
if (!ignore_path(
path.join(input_path, name)
)) {
if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
} else {
const dirArr = []
const crumbArr = []
let breadcrumbDir = input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json
let upcount = 0
if (breadcrumbDir === '.') {
breadcrumbDir = ''
const new_options_dir = { ...new_options }
const pref = ourbigbook.FILE_PREFIX
new_options_dir.auto_generated_source = true
if (input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json === '') {
new_options_dir.title = ourbigbook.FILE_ROOT_PLACEHOLDER
} else {
new_options_dir.title = input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json
const newNonOurbigbookOptions = { ...nonOurbigbookOptions }
// Needed the path to be able to find the relatively placed CSS under _raw.
// notindex.bigb instead of index.bigb because this will be placed at subdir/index.html, unlike the .bigb
// convention that places subdir/index.bigb at subdir.html rather than subdir/index.html so a different
// number of up levels is needed.
newNonOurbigbookOptions.input_path = path.join(pref, input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json, 'notindex.bigb');
const htmlXExtension = newNonOurbigbookOptions.options.htmlXExtension
const indexHtml = htmlXExtension ? 'index.html' : ''
while (true) {
const breadcrumbParse = path.parse(breadcrumbDir)
let bname = breadcrumbParse.name
if (breadcrumbDir === '') {
bname = ourbigbook.FILE_ROOT_PLACEHOLDER
if (upcount === 0) {
} else {
if (breadcrumbDir === '') {
breadcrumbDir = breadcrumbParse.dir
// Root.
dirArr.push(...[...crumbArr].reverse().join(` ${ourbigbook.URL_SEP} `))
dirArr.push(` ${ourbigbook.URL_SEP}`)
if (files.length || dirs.length) {
function push_li(name, isdir) {
const target = `${name}`
let targetHref
if (isdir) {
targetHref = target
if (indexHtml) {
targetHref += ourbigbook.URL_SEP + indexHtml
} else {
targetHref = path.join(
path.relative(input_path_relative_to_ourbigbook_json, '..'),
) + (htmlXExtension ? '.' + ourbigbook.HTML_EXT : '')
dirArr.push(`* \\a[${ourbigbook.ourbigbookEscapeNotStart(targetHref)}][${ourbigbook.ourbigbookEscapeNotStart(target)}${isdir ? ourbigbook.URL_SEP : ''}]{external}\n`)
for (const name of [...dirs].sort()) {
push_li(name, true)
for (const name of [...files].sort()) {
push_li(name, false)
output = await convert_input(dirArr.join(''), new_options_dir, newNonOurbigbookOptions);
if (newNonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
throw new Error()
fs.writeFileSync(first_output_path, output)
} else {
if (isSass) {
data: fs.readFileSync(input_path, nonOurbigbookOptions.encoding),
outputStyle: 'compressed',
includePaths: [
if (!nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error && (isbigb || convertNonBigb)) {
if (showFinish) {
convert_path_to_file_print_finish(ourbigbook_options, input_path, first_output_path, { message_prefix, skip, t0: msg_ret ? msg_ret.t0 : undefined })
if (convertNonBigb) {
// Copy the raw file over into _raw.
if (!is_directory && ourbigbook_options.render) {
const output_path = output_path_noext + input_path_parse.ext;
if (output_path !== path.resolve(input_path)) {
let skip_str
if (
fs.existsSync(output_path) &&
fs.statSync(input_path).mtime <= fs.statSync(output_path).mtime &&
) {
skip_str = ` (${MESSAGE_SKIP_BY_TIMESTAMP})`
} else {
skip_str = ''
console.log(`copy: ${path.relative(process.cwd(), input_path)} -> ${path.relative(process.cwd(), output_path)}${skip_str}`)
if (!skip_str) {
fs.copyFileSync(input_path, output_path)
if (ourbigbook_options.perf) {
console.error(`perf convert_path_to_file_end ${now()}`);
return output;
function convert_path_to_file_print_starting(ourbigbook_options, input_path, message_prefix) {
if (message_prefix === undefined) {
if (ourbigbook_options.render) {
message_prefix = MESSAGE_PREFIX_RENDER;
} else {
const message = `${message_prefix}: ${path.relative(process.cwd(), input_path)}`;
const t0 = now()
return { message_prefix, t0 };
function convert_path_to_file_print_finish(ourbigbook_options, input_path, output_path, opts={}) {
const { message_prefix, skip, t0 } = opts
// Print conversion finished successfully info.
let t1 = now();
let output_path_str
if (
ourbigbook_options.render &&
// Happens if:
// - conversion to .tex
output_path !== undefined
) {
output_path_str = ` -> ${path.relative(process.cwd(), output_path)}`
} else {
output_path_str = ''
let skipMsg
if (skip === true) {
} else if (skip) {
skipMsg = skip
let doneStr
if (skipMsg) {
doneStr = `(${skipMsg})`
} else {
doneStr = finished_in_ms(t1 - t0)
console.log(`${message_prefix}: ${path.relative(process.cwd(), input_path)}${output_path_str} ${doneStr}`);
async function create_db(ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions) {
perfPrint('create_db_begin', ourbigbook_options)
const sequelize = await ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.createSequelize(
{ force: cli.clearDb },
nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize = sequelize;
ourbigbook_options.db_provider = new ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.SqlDbProvider(sequelize);
perfPrint('create_db_end', ourbigbook_options)
function do_ignore_convert_path(p, ignore_convert_path_regexps, dont_ignore_convert_path_regexps) {
for (const re of ignore_convert_path_regexps) {
if (re.test(p)) {
for (const re2 of dont_ignore_convert_path_regexps) {
if (re2.test(p)) {
return false
return true
return false
function finished_in_ms(ms) {
return `(finished in ${Math.floor(ms)} ms)`
async function generate_redirect(ourbigbook_options, redirect_src_id, redirect_target_id, outdir) {
ourbigbook_options = { ...ourbigbook_options }
ourbigbook_options.input_path = redirect_src_id;
const outpath_basename = redirect_src_id + '.' + ourbigbook.HTML_EXT
const outpath = path.join(outdir, outpath_basename);
ourbigbook_options.outfile = outpath_basename;
const redirect_href = await ourbigbook.convertXHref(redirect_target_id, ourbigbook_options);
if (redirect_href === undefined) {
cli_error(`redirection target ID "${redirect_target_id}" not found`);
generate_redirect_base(outpath, redirect_href)
function generate_redirect_base(outpath, redirect_href) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outpath), {recursive: true})
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10178304/what-is-the-best-approach-for-redirection-of-old-pages-in-jekyll-and-github-page/36848440#36848440
`<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="canonical" href="${redirect_href}"/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=${redirect_href}" />
<a href="${redirect_href}">Click here if you are not redirected.</a>
/** Return Set of branches in the repository. Hax. */
function git_branches(input_path) {
const str = runCmd('git', ['branch', '-a']).replace(/\n$/, '')
const arr = (str === '') ? [] : str.split('\n');
return new Set(arr.map(s => s.substring(2)));
function git_has_commit(input_path) {
try {
runCmd('git', ['-C', input_path, 'log'], { showCmd: false, throwOnError: true })
return true
} catch(err) {
return false
* Check if path ourbigbook_json_dir is in a git repository and not ignored.
* @return boolean
function git_is_in_repo(ourbigbook_json_dir) {
const extra_returns = {}
runCmd('git', ['-C', ourbigbook_json_dir, 'check-ignore', ourbigbook_json_dir], {
throwOnError: false, showCmd: false, extra_returns })
// Exit statuses:
// - 0: is ignored
// - 1: is not ignored
// - 128: not in git repository
return extra_returns.out.status === 1
* @return Array[String] list of all non gitignored files and directories
function git_ls_files(input_path) {
const ret = runCmd(
['-C', input_path, 'ls-files'],
showCmd: false,
throwOnError: true
ret.replace(/\n$/, '')
if (ret === '') {
return []
} else {
return ret.split('\n')
* @return {String} full Git SHA of the source.
function gitSha(input_path, srcBranch) {
const args = ['-C', input_path, 'log', '-n1', '--pretty=%H'];
if (srcBranch !== undefined) {
return chomp(runCmd('git', args, {showCmd: false, throwOnError: true}))
function git_toplevel(input_path) {
return chomp(runCmd('git', ['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], {
showCmd: false,
throwOnError: true
function handleWebApiErr(err) {
if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
cli_error('could not connect to server');
} else {
throw err
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37521893/determine-if-a-path-is-subdirectory-of-another-in-node-js
function is_subpath(parent, child) {
const relative = path.relative(parent, child);
return relative && !relative.startsWith('..') && !path.isAbsolute(relative);
function perfPrint(name, ourbigbook_options) {
if (ourbigbook_options === undefined || ourbigbook_options.log.perf) {
console.error(`perf ${name} t=${now()}`);
function relpathCwd(p) {
let ret = path.relative(process.cwd(), p)
if (ret === '')
ret = '.'
return ret
/** Render a template file from under template/ */
function renderTemplate(templateRelpath, outdir, env) {
const template = fs.readFileSync(
path.join(ourbigbook_nodejs.PACKAGE_PATH, 'template', templateRelpath),
const out = (new Liquid()).parseAndRenderSync(
strictFilters: true,
strictVariables: true,
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outdir, templateRelpath), out);
function runCmd(cmd, args=[], options={}) {
if (!('dry_run' in options)) {
options.dry_run = false
if (!('env_extra' in options)) {
options.env_extra = {}
if (!('extra_returns' in options)) {
options.extra_returns = {}
if (!('showCmd' in options)) {
options.showCmd = true
let { ignoreStdout } = options
if (ignoreStdout === undefined) {
ignoreStdout = false
let out
const cmd_str = ([cmd].concat(args)).join(' ')
if (options.showCmd) {
if (!options.dry_run) {
const spawnOpts = {
cwd: options.cwd,
env: { ...process.env, ...options.env_extra },
if (ignoreStdout) {
spawnOpts.stdio = 'ignore'
out = child_process.spawnSync(cmd, args, spawnOpts)
let ret
if (options.dry_run) {
ret = ''
} else {
if (out.status != 0 && options.throwOnError) {
let msg = `Command failed with status: ${out.status}\ncmd: ${cmd_str}\n`
if (!ignoreStdout) {
if (out.stdout !== null) {
msg += `stdout: \n${out.stdout.toString(ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING)}\n`
if (out.stderr !== null) {
msg += `stderr: \n${out.stderr.toString(ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING)}\n`
throw new Error(msg)
if (!ignoreStdout) {
ret = out.stdout.toString(ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING)
options.extra_returns.out = out
return ret
/** Skip path from ourbigbook conversion. */
function ignore_path(
) {
for (const re of dont_ignore_path_regexps) {
if (re.test(_path)) {
return false
if (
ignore_paths.has(_path) ||
return true
for (const re of ignore_path_regexps) {
if (re.test(_path)) {
return true
return false
/** @alicearmstrong/mathematics.bigb -> mathematics */
function pathNoUsernameNoext(inpath) {
const nousername = inpath.split(ourbigbook.URL_SEP).slice(1).join(ourbigbook.URL_SEP)
return nousername.substr(0, nousername.length - ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT.length - 1)
/** mathematics -> @alicearmstrong/mathematics.bigb */
function pathUsernameAndExt(username, inpath) {
if (inpath === '') {
inpath = ourbigbook.INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT
return `${ourbigbook.AT_MENTION_CHAR}${username}${ourbigbook.Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR}${inpath}.${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT}`
// Paths that we have determined during ID extraction phase are not modified, so no need for a render stage.
function printStatus({
}={}) {
let pref
if (render) {
if (cleanupDeleted) {
pref = 'delete'
} else {
} else {
msg = `web_${pref}: ${i}: ${title ? `${title} ` : ''}${inpath ? `(${inpath})` : ''}`
if (t0 !== undefined) {
msg += ` ${finished_in_ms(t1 - t0)}`
async function tryCreateOrUpdate(webApi, articleArgs, extraArgs) {
let tries = 0
let ret
while (true) {
let retry = false
try {
return webApi.articleCreateOrUpdate(
} catch(err) {
if (tries < WEB_MAX_RETRIES || (
// Happens if the server is restarted in the middle of a conversion after it was killed by nodemon.
tries === 0 && err.code === 'ECONNRESET' &&
// Here we are waiting for the server to get up again.
tries > 0 && err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED'
)) {
retry = true
console.error(`connection error, retry: ${tries}`)
} else {
if (!retry) {
// Give the server some time to restart after update.
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500))
async function updateNestedSet(webApi, username) {
const t1 = now()
await webApi.articleUpdatedNestedSet(username)
console.log(`nested_set: ${finished_in_ms(now() - t1)}`)
* Walk directory recursively.
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5827612/node-js-fs-readdir-recursive-directory-search
* @param {Set} skip_basenames
* @param {Set} ignore_paths
function* walk_directory_recursively(
) {
if (!ignore_path(
path.relative(ourbigbook_json_dir, file_or_dir),
)) {
yield file_or_dir;
if (fs.lstatSync(file_or_dir).isDirectory()) {
const dirents = fs.readdirSync(file_or_dir, {withFileTypes: true});
for (const dirent of dirents) {
yield* walk_directory_recursively(
path.join(file_or_dir, dirent.name),
async function webCreateOrUpdate({
}) {
const render = extraArgs.render
printStatus({ i, cleanupDeleted, inpath, render })
const t0 = now()
if (!webDry) {
// Retry the transaction a few times. This designed to work well during development when nodemon
// restarts the server after a file update that adds some logging, often for perf. This way
// you can just turn logs on and off during a large conversion and it will just keep running fine.
;({ data, status } = await tryCreateOrUpdate(
list: true,
assertApiStatus(status, data)
//if (render && i % 100 == 0) {
// runCmd('bin/pg', ['bin/normalize', '-c', '-u', 'cirosantilli', 'nested-set'], {
// cwd: path.join(__dirname, 'web'),
// throwOnError: true,
// })
const t1 = now()
printStatus({ i, title, inpath, render, cleanupDeleted, t0, t1 })
return { nestedSetNeedsUpdate: data.nestedSetNeedsUpdate }
// CLI options.
const cli_parser = commander.program
// Optional arguments.
cli_parser.option('--add-test-instrumentation', 'For testing only', false);
cli_parser.option('--body-only', 'output only the content inside the HTLM body element', false);
cli_parser.option('--check-db-only', `only check the database, don't do anything else: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#check-db`, false);
cli_parser.option('--china', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#china', false);
cli_parser.option('--clear-db', 'clear the database before running', false);
cli_parser.option('--dry-run', "don't run most external commands https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook#dry-run", false);
cli_parser.option('--dry-run-push', "don't run git push commands https://github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook#dry-run-push", false);
cli_parser.option('--embed-includes', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#embed-include', false);
cli_parser.option('--embed-resources', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#embed-resources', false);
// Originally added for testing, this allows the test filesystems to be put under the repository itself,
// otherwise they would pickup our toplevel ourbigbook.json.
cli_parser.option('--fakeroot <fakeroot>', 'Stop searching for ourbigbook.json at this directory rather than at the filesystem root');
cli_parser.option('--generate <name>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#generate', false);
cli_parser.option('--help-macros', 'print the metadata of all macros to stdout in JSON format. https://docs.ourbigbook.com#help-macros', false);
cli_parser.option('-l, --log <log...>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#log');
cli_parser.option('--no-check-db', 'Skip the database sanity check that is normally done after conversions https://docs.ourbigbook.com#no-check-db');
cli_parser.option('--no-html-x-extension <bool>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#no-html-x-extension', undefined);
cli_parser.option('--no-db', 'ignore the ID database, mostly for testing https://docs.ourbigbook.com#internal-cross-file-references-internals');
cli_parser.option('--no-render', "only extract IDs, don't render: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#no-render");
cli_parser.option('--no-web-render', "same as --no-render, but for --web upload step: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#no-web-render");
cli_parser.option('-F, --force-render', "don't skip render by timestamp: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#no-render-timestamp", false);
cli_parser.option('--outdir <outdir>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#outdir');
cli_parser.option('-o, --outfile <outfile>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#outfile');
cli_parser.option('-O, --output-format <output-format>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#output-format', 'html');
cli_parser.option('-p --publish', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#publish', false);
cli_parser.option('--publish-no-convert', 'Attempt to publish without converting. Implies --publish: conversion https://docs.ourbigbook.com#publish-no-convert', false);
cli_parser.option('-P, --publish-commit <commit-message>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#publish-commit');
cli_parser.option('--publish-target <target>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#publish-target', 'github-pages');
cli_parser.option('--format-source', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#format-source');
cli_parser.option('-S, --split-headers', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#split-headers');
cli_parser.option('--stdout', 'also print output to stdout in addition to saving to a file https://docs.ourbigbook.com#stdout', false);
cli_parser.option('--template <template>', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#template');
cli_parser.option('--title-to-id', `read tiles from stdin line by line, output IDs to stdout only, don't do anything else: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#title-to-id`, false);
cli_parser.option('-w, --watch', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#watch', false);
cli_parser.option('-W, --web', 'sync to ourbigbook web https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web', false);
cli_parser.option('--web-ask-password', 'Ask the password in case it had some default https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-ask-password');
cli_parser.option('--web-dry', 'web dry run, skip any --web operations that would interact with the server https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-dry', false);
cli_parser.option('--web-force-id-extraction', "Force ID extraction on Web: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-force-id-extraction");
cli_parser.option('--web-force-render', "same as --force-render but for --web upload: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-force-render");
cli_parser.option('--web-id <id>', 'Upload only the selected ID. It must belong to a file being converted. https://docs.ourbigbook.com/#web-id');
cli_parser.option('--web-max-renders <n>', 'stop after <n> articles are rendered: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-max-renders', ourbigbook_nodejs.cliInt);
cli_parser.option('--web-nested-set', `only update the nested set index, don't do anything else. Implies --web: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-nested-set-option`, false);
cli_parser.option('--no-web-nested-set-bulk', `only update the nested set index after all articles have been uploaded: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-nested-set-bulk`);
cli_parser.option('--web-password <password>', 'Set password from CLI. Really bad idea for non-test users due e.g. to Bash history: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-user');
cli_parser.option('--web-test', 'Convenient --web-* defaults local development: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-test', false);
cli_parser.option('--web-url <url>', 'Set a custom sync URL for --web: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-url');
cli_parser.option('--web-user <username>', 'Set username from CLI: https://docs.ourbigbook.com#web-user');
cli_parser.option('--unsafe-ace', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#unsafe-ace');
cli_parser.option('--unsafe-xss', 'https://docs.ourbigbook.com#unsafe-xss');
// Positional arguments.
cli_parser.argument('[input_path...]', 'file or directory to convert http://docs.ourbigbook.com#ourbigbook-executable. If the first path is a file, all others must also be files (and not directories) as an optimization limitation. And they must lie in the same OurBigBook project.');
// Parse CLI.
let [inputPaths] = cli_parser.processedArgs
const cli = cli_parser.opts()
// main action.
;(async () => {
if (cli.helpMacros) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(ourbigbook.macroList(), null, 2));
} else if (cli.china) {
} else {
let input;
let output;
let publish = cli.publish || cli.publishCommit !== undefined || cli.publishNoConvert
let htmlXExtension;
let publishTargetIsWebsite
let input_dir;
const web = cli.web || cli.webTest || cli.nestedSet
if (inputPaths.length === 0) {
if (web || publish || cli.watch || cli.generate || cli.checkDbOnly || cli.webNestedSet) {
inputPaths = ['.'];
} else {
if (cli.generate) {
cli_error('cannot give an input path with --generate');
// Determine the ourbigbook.json file by walking up the directory tree.
let input_path_is_file;
let inputPath
if (inputPaths.length === 0) {
// Input from stdin.
input_dir = undefined;
input_path_is_file = false;
} else {
inputPathCwd = relpathCwd(inputPaths[0])
inputPath = inputPaths[0]
input_path_is_file = fs.lstatSync(inputPath).isFile();
if (input_path_is_file) {
input_dir = path.dirname(inputPath);
} else {
input_dir = inputPath;
for (const inputPath of inputPaths) {
if (!fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {
cli_error('input path does not exist: ' + inputPath);
if (input_path_is_file && !fs.lstatSync(inputPath).isFile()) {
cli_error(`the first input path is a file, but one of the other ones isn't: "{inputPath}"`);
// Initialize ourbigbook.json and directories determined from it if present.
let ourbigbook_json_dir
let ourbigbook_json = {}
if (inputPaths.length === 0) {
ourbigbook_json_dir = '.'
} else {
let curdir = path.resolve(inputPath);
if (input_path_is_file) {
curdir = path.dirname(curdir)
ourbigbook_json_dir = ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.findOurbigbookJsonDir(
{ fakeroot: cli.fakeroot === undefined ? undefined : path.resolve(cli.fakeroot) },
if (ourbigbook_json_dir === undefined) {
// No ourbigbook.json found.
const cwd = process.cwd();
if (is_subpath(cwd, inputPath)) {
ourbigbook_json_dir = cwd
} else {
if (input_path_is_file) {
ourbigbook_json_dir = path.dirname(inputPath)
} else {
ourbigbook_json_dir = inputPath
} else {
Object.assign(ourbigbook_json, JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(
path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_JSON_BASENAME), ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING)))
if (web) {
let jsonH = ourbigbook_json.h
if (jsonH === undefined) {
jsonH = {}
ourbigbook_json.h = jsonH
jsonH.splitDefault = true
if (
!('template' in ourbigbook_json)
) {
ourbigbook_json.template = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_BASENAME
let split_headers, publish_uses_git;
// Content will become publicly visible after publishing. For example:
// - publish to github pages: yes
// - publish a local file to then ZIP: no
let publishIsPublic
const publish_create_files = {}
const publish_target = cli.publishTarget
if (publish) {
switch (publish_target) {
case 'github-pages':
htmlXExtension = false;
split_headers = true;
publish_uses_git = true;
publishTargetIsWebsite = true
publishIsPublic = true
// Otherwise _* paths are not added to the website, notably _raw/* and _file/*.
publish_create_files['.nojekyll'] = ''
const cname_path = path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, 'CNAME')
if (fs.existsSync(cname_path)) {
publish_create_files['CNAME'] = fs.readFileSync(cname_path, ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING)
case 'local':
htmlXExtension = true;
publish_uses_git = false;
publishTargetIsWebsite = false
publishIsPublic = false
cli_error(`unknown publish target: ${publish_target}`)
if (split_headers === undefined) {
if (cli.splitHeaders === true) {
split_headers = cli.splitHeaders
} else {
split_headers = ourbigbook_json.splitHeaders
if (htmlXExtension === undefined) {
if (cli.htmlXExtension === false) {
htmlXExtension = cli.htmlXExtension
} else {
htmlXExtension = ourbigbook_json.htmlXExtension
// Options that will be passed directly to ourbigbook.convert().
if (!(cli.outputFormat in ourbigbook.OUTPUT_FORMATS)) {
cli_error(`unknown output format: ${cli.outputFormat}`)
const output_format = (cli.formatSource || web) ? ourbigbook.OUTPUT_FORMAT_OURBIGBOOK : cli.outputFormat
const ourbigbook_options = {
add_test_instrumentation: cli.addTestInstrumentation,
body_only: cli.bodyOnly,
embed_includes: cli.embedIncludes,
fs_exists_sync: (my_path) => fs.existsSync(path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, my_path)),
outfile: cli.outfile,
path_sep: path.sep,
read_include: read_include({
exists: (inpath) => fs.existsSync(path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, inpath)),
read: (inpath) => fs.readFileSync(path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, inpath), ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING),
path_sep: ourbigbook.Macro.HEADER_SCOPE_SEPARATOR,
read_file: (readpath, context) => {
readpath = path.join(path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, readpath))
if (
// Let's prevent path transversal a bit by default.
path.resolve(readpath).startsWith(path.resolve(ourbigbook_json_dir)) &&
) {
if (fs.lstatSync(readpath).isFile()) {
return {
type: 'file',
content: fs.readFileSync(readpath, ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING),
} else {
return {
type: 'directory',
} else {
return undefined
render: cli.render,
split_headers: split_headers,
template_vars: {
publishTargetIsWebsite: false,
unsafeXss: cli.unsafeXss,
// Resolved options.
const options = ourbigbook.convertInitOptions(ourbigbook_options)
ourbigbook_options.log = {};
const nonOurbigbookOptions_log = {};
if (cli.log !== undefined) {
for (const log of cli.log) {
if (ourbigbook.LOG_OPTIONS.has(log)) {
ourbigbook_options.log[log] = true;
} else if (LOG_OPTIONS.has(log)) {
nonOurbigbookOptions_log[log] = true;
} else {
cli_error('unknown --log option: ' + log);
if (inputPath !== undefined) {
let template_path;
if (cli.template !== undefined) {
template_path = cli.template;
} else if ('template' in ourbigbook_json && ourbigbook_json.template !== null) {
template_path = path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, ourbigbook_json.template);
if (template_path === undefined) {
ourbigbook_options.template = undefined;
} else {
ourbigbook_options.template = fs.readFileSync(template_path).toString();
if (inputPath !== undefined) {
try {
ourbigbook_options.template_vars.git_sha = gitSha(input_dir);
} catch(error) {
// Not in a git repo.
let outdir;
if (cli.outdir === undefined) {
if (cli.generate) {
outdir = '.'
} else {
outdir = ourbigbook_json_dir;
} else {
outdir = cli.outdir;
if (cli.generate) {
let generate = cli.generate
if (generate === 'subdir') {
outdir = path.join(outdir, 'docs')
fs.mkdirSync(outdir, {recursive: true});
// Generate package.json.
const package_json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(
const package_json_str = `{
"dependencies": {
"ourbigbook": "${package_json.version}"
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outdir, 'package.json'), package_json_str);
// Generate .gitignore. Reuse our gitignore up to the first blank line.
let gitignore_new = '';
const gitignore = fs.readFileSync(
for (const line of gitignore.split('\n')) {
if (line === '') {
gitignore_new += line + '\n';
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outdir, '.gitignore'), gitignore_new);
let title = 'Ourbigbook Template';
let multifile
if (generate === 'default') {
renderTemplate(`not-index.${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT}`, outdir, {});
multifile = true
} else {
title += ' ' + generate
multifile = false
renderTemplate('README.md', outdir, {})
renderTemplate(`${ourbigbook.INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT}.${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT}`, outdir, {
version: package_json.version,
if (multifile) {
fs.copyFileSync(path.join(ourbigbook_nodejs.PACKAGE_PATH, DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_BASENAME),
path.join(outdir, DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_BASENAME));
fs.copyFileSync(path.join(ourbigbook_nodejs.PACKAGE_PATH, 'main.scss'),
path.join(outdir, 'main.scss'));
fs.copyFileSync(ourbigbook_nodejs.LOGO_PATH, path.join(outdir, ourbigbook_nodejs.LOGO_BASENAME));
JSON.stringify({}, null, 2) + '\n'
let tmpdir, renderType
const outputOutOfTree = ourbigbook_json.outputOutOfTree !== false || web
if (
// Possible on intput from stdin.
outdir !== undefined
) {
tmpdir = path.join(outdir, ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.TMP_DIRNAME);
if (
cli.outdir === undefined &&
) {
let subdir
if (web) {
subdir = ourbigbook.RENDER_TYPE_WEB
} else {
subdir = output_format
outdir = path.join(tmpdir, subdir)
if (web) {
renderType = ourbigbook.RENDER_TYPE_WEB
} else {
renderType = output_format
// Options that are not directly passed to ourbigbook.convert
// but rather used only by this ourbigbook executable.
const nonOurbigbookOptions = {
ourbigbook_paths_converted: [],
ourbigbook_paths_converted_only: false,
db_options: {},
dont_ignore_path_regexps: options.ourbigbook_json.dontIgnore.map(p => RegExp(`^${p}$`)),
dont_ignore_convert_path_regexps: options.ourbigbook_json.dontIgnoreConvert.map(p => RegExp(`^${p}($|${path.sep})`)),
file_rows_dict: {},
encoding: ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.ENCODING,
external_css_and_js: false,
had_error: false,
is_render_after_extract: false,
ignore_path_regexps: options.ourbigbook_json.ignore.map(p => RegExp(`^${p}($|${path.sep})`)),
ignore_convert_path_regexps: options.ourbigbook_json.ignoreConvert.map(p => RegExp(`^${p}($|${path.sep})`)),
ignore_paths: new Set(),
log: nonOurbigbookOptions_log,
// Resolved options.
out_css_path: ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_CSS_PATH,
out_js_path: ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_JS_PATH,
post_convert_callback: undefined,
if (publish) {
ourbigbook_options.logoPath = ourbigbook_nodejs.LOGO_ROOT_RELPATH
} else {
ourbigbook_options.logoPath = ourbigbook_nodejs.LOGO_PATH
// CLI options
const cmdOpts = {
dry_run: cli.dryRun,
env_extra: {},
throwOnError: true,
const cmdOptsNoDry = { ...cmdOpts }
cmdOptsNoDry.dry_run = false
// Commands that retrieve information and don't change state.
const cmdOptsInfo = { ...cmdOptsNoDry }
cmdOptsInfo.showCmd = false
const cmdOptsInfoNothrow = { ...cmdOptsInfo }
cmdOptsInfoNothrow.throwOnError = false
// We've started using this variatnt for commands that might blow spawnSync stdout buffer size.
// This is not ideal as it prevents obtaining the error messages from stdout/stderr for debug purposes.
// A better solution might instead be to have an async readline variant:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63796633/spawnsync-bin-sh-enobufs/77420941#77420941
const cmdOptsNoStdout = { ...cmdOpts }
cmdOptsNoStdout.ignoreStdout = true
const isInGitRepo = git_is_in_repo(ourbigbook_json_dir)
if (isInGitRepo && inputPath !== undefined) {
const inputRelpath = path.relative(ourbigbook_json_dir, input_dir)
nonOurbigbookOptions.ignore_paths = new Set([
'git', ['-C', input_dir, 'ls-files', '--ignored', '--others', '--exclude-standard', '--directory'], cmdOptsInfo
).split('\n').slice(0, -1).map(s => s.replace(/\/$/, '')).map(s => path.join(inputRelpath, s))
ourbigbook_options.outdir = path.relative(outdir, ourbigbook_json_dir)
if (!nonOurbigbookOptions_log.db) {
// They do not like true, has to be false or function.
// And setting undefined is also considered true.
nonOurbigbookOptions.db_options.logging = false;
let input_git_toplevel;
let subdir_relpath;
let publish_tmpdir;
// Load built-in math defines.
const katex_macros = {}
ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.preload_katex_from_file(ourbigbook_nodejs.DEFAULT_TEX_PATH, katex_macros)
ourbigbook_options.katex_macros = katex_macros
if (cli.titleToId) {
const readline = require('readline');
for await (const line of readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin })) {
if (inputPath === undefined) {
// Input from stdin.
title = 'stdin';
input = await readStdin();
output = await convert_input(input, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
} else {
if (!fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {
cli_error(`input_path does not exist: "${inputPath}"`);
let publishDir
let publishDirCwd
if (!input_path_is_file) {
if (cli.outfile !== undefined) {
cli_error(`--outfile given but multiple output files must be generated, maybe you want --outdir?`);
if (publish) {
input_git_toplevel = git_toplevel(inputPath);
subdir_relpath = path.relative(input_git_toplevel, inputPath);
publishDir = path.join(tmpdir, 'publish');
publishDirCwd = relpathCwd(publishDir)
publish_git_dir = path.join(publishDir, '.git');
if (fs.existsSync(publish_git_dir)) {
// This cleanup has to be done before the database initialization.
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishDirCwd, 'clean', '-x', '-d', '-f'], cmdOpts);
publish_tmpdir = path.join(publishDir, subdir_relpath, ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.TMP_DIRNAME);
if (publish_tmpdir === undefined) {
publish_tmpdir = tmpdir;
// ourbigbook.tex custom math defines.
let tex_path = path.join(ourbigbook_json_dir, OURBIGBOOK_TEX_BASENAME);
if (fs.existsSync(tex_path)) {
ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.preload_katex_from_file(tex_path, katex_macros)
// Setup the ID database.
if (cli.db) {
nonOurbigbookOptions.db_options.storage = path.join(publish_tmpdir, ourbigbook_nodejs_front.SQLITE_DB_BASENAME)
} else {
nonOurbigbookOptions.db_options.storage = ourbigbook_nodejs_webpack_safe.SQLITE_MAGIC_MEMORY_NAME
if (cli.checkDbOnly) {
await create_db(ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
await check_db(nonOurbigbookOptions)
} else if (web) {
let token
let webUrl
if (cli.webUrl) {
webUrl = cli.webUrl
} else if (cli.webTest) {
webUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'
} else {
let host
if (options.ourbigbook_json.web && options.ourbigbook_json.web.host) {
host = options.ourbigbook_json.web.host
} else {
host = ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_JSON_DEFAULT.web.host
webUrl = `https://${host}`
console.log(`Publishing to: ${webUrl}`)
const url = new URL(webUrl)
const host = url.host
await create_db(ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
// Get username, password and attempt login before anything else.
let username, webApi
if (cli.webUser) {
username = cli.webUser
} else {
if (cli.webTest) {
username = 'barack-obama'
const cliWhere = { host }
if (username) {
cliWhere.username = username
} else {
cliWhere.defaultUsernameForHost = true
const host_row = await nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize.models.Cli.findOne({ where: cliWhere })
if (username === undefined) {
if (host_row === null) {
;[err, username] = await read({ prompt: 'Username: ' })
} else {
username = host_row.username
console.log(`Using previous username: ${username}\n`);
webApi = new WebApi({
getToken: () => token,
https: url.protocol === 'https:',
port: url.port,
hostname: url.hostname,
validateStatus: () => true,
let tokenOk = true
if (host_row) {
token = host_row.token
let data, status
// Can fail with "jwt expired" if expered if you wait for a long time
// after the previous login. So we test the token first thing.
;({ data, status } = await webApi.min())
tokenOk = data.loggedIn
if (!host_row || !tokenOk) {
let err, password
// Password
if (cli.webPassword) {
password = cli.webPassword
} else {
if (cli.webTest && !cli.webAskPassword) {
password = 'asdf'
} else {
;[err, password] = await read({ prompt: 'Password: ', silent: true })
if (!cli.webDry) {
let data, status
try {
;({ data, status } = await webApi.userLogin({ username, password }))
} catch(err) {
if (status === 422) {
cli_error('invalid username or password');
} else if (status !== 200) {
cli_error(`error status: ${status}`);
token = data.user.token
await nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize.transaction(async (transaction) => {
await nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize.models.Cli.update(
defaultUsernameForHost: false
where: {
await nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize.models.Cli.upsert(
// Use the latest one by default.
defaultUsernameForHost: true
{ transaction }
if (cli.webNestedSet) {
await updateNestedSet(webApi, username)
// Do a local conversion that splits mutiheader files into single header files for upload.
ourbigbook_options.split_headers = true
ourbigbook_options.render_include = false
ourbigbook_options.forbid_multi_h1 = true
const titleRegex = new RegExp(`${ourbigbook.SHORTHAND_HEADER_CHAR} (.*)`)
// We create this quick and dirty separate database to store information for upload.
// Technically much of this information is part of Article, but factoring that would be risky/hard,
// it is not worth it.
// Adding this cache because I had an unminimizable error on the main document, and we have to save some time
// or else I can't minimize it, this way we can skip the initial bigb split render conversion and go
// straight to upload.
const sequelizeWeb = new Sequelize({
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: path.join(nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir, 'web.sqlite3'),
logging: false,
const sequelizeWebArticle = sequelizeWeb.define('Article', {
idid: { type: DataTypes.TEXT, unique: true },
title: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
body: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
inpath: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
parentId: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
source: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
definedAt: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
// Just to store the ID of the index.
const sequelizeWebIndexId = sequelizeWeb.define('IndexId', {
idid: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
// upsert helper.
uniqueHack: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, unique: true },
await sequelizeWeb.sync()
nonOurbigbookOptions.post_convert_callback = async (definedAt, extra_returns) => {
if (extra_returns.errors.length === 0) {
await sequelizeWebArticle.destroy({ where: { definedAt }})
const rendered_outputs = extra_returns.rendered_outputs
for (let inpath in rendered_outputs) {
const rendered_outputs_entry = rendered_outputs[inpath]
if (rendered_outputs_entry.split) {
// To convert:
// linux-kernel-module-cheat-split.bigb
// to:
// linux-kernel-module-cheat.bigb
// on:
// = Linux kernel module cheat
// {splitSuffix}
// otherwise the ID becomes linux-kernel-module-cheat and \x links fail.
let source = rendered_outputs_entry.full;
const lines = source.split('\n')
let title
if (lines.length) {
const line0 = lines[0]
const titleMatch = line0.match(titleRegex)
if (titleMatch && titleMatch.length >= 2) {
title = titleMatch[1]
if (title === undefined) {
cli_error(`every bigb must start with a "= Header" for --web upload, failed for: ${inpath}`)
const inpathParse = path.parse(inpath)
const pathNoext = path.join(inpathParse.dir, inpathParse.name)
if (rendered_outputs_entry.split_suffix) {
inpath = pathNoext.slice(0, -(rendered_outputs_entry.split_suffix.length + 1)) + `.${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT}`
let addId
let addSubdir
let isToplevelIndex = false
const header_ast = rendered_outputs_entry.header_ast
if (ourbigbook.INDEX_FILE_BASENAMES_NOEXT.has(inpathParse.name)) {
if (inpathParse.dir) {
const dirPathParse = path.parse(inpathParse.dir)
const titleId = ourbigbook.titleToId(title)
if (titleId !== dirPathParse.name) {
// This would be ideal, allowing us to store all information about the article in the body itself.
// But it was hard to implement, since now the input path is an important input of conversion.
// So to start with we will just always provide the input path as a separate parameter.
// {id= for toplevel was ignored as of writing, which is bad, should be either used or error.
//addId = dirPathParse.name
if (dirPathParse.dir) {
// Same as addId
//addSubdir = dirPathParse.dir
} else {
title = ''
// Hack source for subsequent hash calculation to match what we have on server, which
// currently forces "Index" (TODO "index" et al. are likely also possible and would break this hack).
// Ideally we should actually alter the file under _out/web/index.bigb
// but that would be slightly more involved (a new option to convert?) so lazy.
source = source.replace(titleRegex, `${ourbigbook.SHORTHAND_HEADER_CHAR} ${title}`)
await sequelizeWebIndexId.upsert({ idid: header_ast.id, uniqueHack: 0 })
isToplevelIndex = true
inpath = `${ourbigbook.INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT}.${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_EXT}`
} else {
const titleId = ourbigbook.titleToId(title)
if (titleId !== inpathParse.name) {
//addId = inpathParse.name
if (inpathParse.dir) {
//addSubdir = inpathParse.dir
let bodyStart
if (lines[1] === '' && !addId && !addSubdir) {
bodyStart = 2
} else {
bodyStart = 1
let body = ''
if (addId) {
// Restore this if we ever remove the separate path magic input.
// Also id of toplevel header is currently ignored as of writing:
//body += `{id=${addId}}\n`
if (addSubdir) {
// Restore this if we ever remove the separate path magic input.
//body += `{subdir=${addSubdir}}\n`
body += lines.slice(bodyStart).join('\n')
const parent_ast = rendered_outputs_entry.header_ast.get_header_parent_asts(extra_returns.context)[0]
const article = {
if (parent_ast) {
if (
parent_ast.id !== ourbigbook.INDEX_BASENAME_NOEXT &&
// Force every child of the topevel to add it as "@username" and instead of deducing it from title
// as done on CLI. This means that giving the toplevel a custom ID and using that ID will fail to upload...
// there is no solution to that. We should just force the toplevel to have no ID then on CLI for compatibility?
parent_ast.is_first_header_in_input_file &&
) {
parentId = `${parent_ast.id}`
} else {
parentId = ''
article.parentId = parentId
let id_to_article_key
if (isToplevelIndex) {
id_to_article_key = ''
} else {
id_to_article_key = header_ast.id
article.idid = id_to_article_key
await sequelizeWebArticle.upsert(article)
let treeToplevelId, treeToplevelFileId
if (input_path_is_file) {
await convert_path_to_file(inputPath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions)
treeToplevelFile = await nonOurbigbookOptions.sequelize.models.File.findOne({
where: { path: inputPath } })
treeToplevelFileId = treeToplevelFile.id
treeToplevelId = treeToplevelFile.toplevel_id
} else {
// TODO non toplevel directory not supported yet.
await convert_directory_extract_ids_and_render(
const index = (await sequelizeWebIndexId.findAll())[0]
if (index === undefined) {
cli_error('a toplevel index is mandatory for web uploads')
treeToplevelId = index.idid
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
let header_tree = []
if (input_path_is_file || cli.webId) {
let toPush
if (cli.webId) {
toPush = cli.webId
} else {
toPush = treeToplevelId
header_tree.push({ to_id: toPush })
} else {
// Fake an index entry at the end so that the index will get rendered.
// It is not otherwise present as it has no parents.
header_tree.push({ to_id: '' })
if (!cli.webId) {
header_tree = header_tree.concat(await ourbigbook_options.db_provider.fetch_header_tree_ids(
to_id_index_order: 'ASC',
definedAtFileId: treeToplevelFileId,
const dorender = [false]
if (cli.webRender) {
let data, status, i = 0
const webPathToArticle = {}
if (!cli.webDry) {
do {
;({ data, status } = await webApi.articlesHash({ author: username, offset: i }))
assertApiStatus(status, data)
const articles = data.articles
for (const article of articles) {
webPathToArticle[article.path] = article
i += articles.length
} while (data.articles.length === ARTICLE_HASH_LIMIT_MAX)
const idToArticleMeta = {}
const localArticles = await sequelizeWebArticle.findAll({ attributes: ['source', 'title', 'idid', 'inpath', 'parentId'] })
for (const article of localArticles) {
idToArticleMeta[article.idid] = article
let nestedSetNeedsUpdate = false
if (
// These are needed otherwise we were deleting every header that was not selected when doing
// ourbigbook --web myinput.bigb or ourbigbook --web-id myid
inputPath === '.' &&
) {
// https://docs.ourbigbook.com/todo/make-articles-removed-locally-empty-on-web-upload
const serverOnlyPaths = new Set(Object.keys(webPathToArticle))
for (const header_tree_entry of header_tree) {
serverOnlyPaths.delete(pathUsernameAndExt(username, header_tree_entry.to_id))
let i = 0
for (const path of serverOnlyPaths) {
if (webPathToArticle[path].cleanupIfDeleted) {
const ret = await webCreateOrUpdate({
inpath: path,
articleArgs: {
bodySource: '',
cleanupDeleted: true,
extraArgs: {
path: pathNoUsernameNoext(path),
render: true,
list: false,
i: i++,
updateNestedSetIndex: !cli.webNestedSetBulk,
webDry: cli.webDry,
if (ret.nestedSetNeedsUpdate) {
nestedSetNeedsUpdate = true
for (const render of dorender) {
let i = 0
// This ordering ensures parents come before children.
for (const header_tree_entry of header_tree) {
const id = header_tree_entry.to_id
const articleMeta = idToArticleMeta[id]
if (
// Can fail for synonyms.
) {
if (
// Do only once no norender pass or else lastChildArticleProcessed loops around and goes wrong on the render pass.
// Calculate previousSiblingId. This works because header_tree is guaranteed to be in-order transversed.
const parentArticle = idToArticleMeta[articleMeta.parentId]
if (parentArticle) {
const lastChildArticleProcessed = parentArticle.lastChildArticleProcessed
if (lastChildArticleProcessed) {
articleMeta.previousSiblingId = lastChildArticleProcessed.idid
parentArticle.lastChildArticleProcessed = articleMeta
const inpathParse = path.parse(articleMeta.inpath)
const articlePath = path.join(inpathParse.dir, inpathParse.name)
const webPathToArticleEntry = webPathToArticle[pathUsernameAndExt(username, articlePath)]
if (webPathToArticleEntry === undefined ) {
const articleHashProps = {
source: articleMeta.source,
list: true,
const parentId = addUsername(articleMeta.parentId, username)
if (parentId !== null) {
articleHashProps.parentId = parentId
const previousSiblingId = addUsername(articleMeta.previousSiblingId, username)
if (previousSiblingId !== null) {
articleHashProps.previousSiblingId = previousSiblingId
if (
webPathToArticleEntry === undefined ||
webPathToArticleEntry.hash !== articleHash(articleHashProps) ||
render &&
webPathToArticleEntry.renderOutdated ||
) ||
!render &&
) {
// OK, we are going to render this article, so fetch it fully now including the source.
const article = await sequelizeWebArticle.findOne({ where: { idid: id } })
let data, status
const articleArgs = {}
if (!render) {
articleArgs.titleSource = article.title
articleArgs.bodySource = article.body
const extraArgs = {
path: articlePath,
if (parentId) {
extraArgs.parentId = parentId
if (previousSiblingId) {
extraArgs.previousSiblingId = previousSiblingId
const ret = await webCreateOrUpdate({
title: article.title,
inpath: article.inpath,
i: i++,
updateNestedSetIndex: !cli.webNestedSetBulk,
webDry: cli.webDry,
if (render && ret.nestedSetNeedsUpdate) {
nestedSetNeedsUpdate = true
if (
render &&
cli.webMaxRenders !== undefined &&
i === cli.webMaxRenders
) {
if (cli.webNestedSetBulk) {
if (!nestedSetNeedsUpdate) {
;({ data, status } = await webApi.user(username))
assertApiStatus(status, data)
if (data.nestedSetNeedsUpdate) {
nestedSetNeedsUpdate = true
if (nestedSetNeedsUpdate) {
await updateNestedSet(webApi, username)
} else if (cli.watch) {
if (cli.stdout) {
cli_error('--stdout and --watch are incompatible');
if (publish) {
cli_error('--publish and --watch are incompatible');
await create_db(ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
if (!input_path_is_file) {
await reconcile_db_and_filesystem(inputPath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
await convert_directory_extract_ids(inputPath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
const watcher = require('chokidar').watch(inputPath, {ignored: DEFAULT_IGNORE_BASENAMES})
const convert = async (subpath) => {
await convert_path_to_file(subpath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
await check_db(nonOurbigbookOptions)
nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_paths_converted = []
watcher.on('change', convert).on('add', convert)
} else {
if (input_path_is_file) {
if (publish) {
cli_error('--publish must take a directory as input, not a file');
await create_db(ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
for (const inputPath of inputPaths) {
if (ignore_path(
)) {
console.error(`skipping conversion of "${inputPath}" because it is ignored`)
} else {
output = await convert_path_to_file(inputPath, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
if (!nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error && cli.render) {
await check_db(nonOurbigbookOptions)
} else {
if (cli.stdout) {
cli_error('--publish cannot be used in directory conversion');
let actualInputDir;
let publishBranch;
let publishOutPublishDir;
let publishOutPublishDirCwd;
let publishOutPublishDistDir;
let publishRemoteUrl;
let srcBranch;
if (publish) {
// Clone the source to ensure that only git tracked changes get built and published.
ourbigbook_options.template_vars.publishTargetIsWebsite = publishTargetIsWebsite
if (!isInGitRepo) {
cli_error('--publish must point to a path inside a git repository');
if (publish_uses_git) {
// TODO ideally we should use the default remote for the given current branch, but there doesn't seem
// to be a super easy way for now, so we just hardcode origin to start with.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/171550/find-out-which-remote-branch-a-local-branch-is-tracking
const opts = {}
const originUrl = chomp(runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], cmdOptsInfoNothrow))
if (cmdOptsInfoNothrow.extra_returns.out.status != 0) {
cli_error('a "origin" git remote repository is required to publish, configure it with something like "git remote add origin git@github.com:username/reponame.git"')
if (options.ourbigbook_json.publishRemoteUrl) {
publishRemoteUrl = options.ourbigbook_json.publishRemoteUrl
} else {
publishRemoteUrl = originUrl
if (!publishRemoteUrl) {
publishRemoteUrl = 'git@github.com:ourbigbook/ourbigbook.git';
srcBranch = chomp(runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], cmdOptsInfo))
const parsed_remote_url = require("git-url-parse")(publishRemoteUrl);
if (parsed_remote_url.source !== 'github.com') {
cli_error('only know how to publish to origin == github.com currently, please send a patch');
let remote_url_path_components = parsed_remote_url.pathname.split(path.sep);
if (remote_url_path_components[2].startsWith(remote_url_path_components[1] + '.github.io')) {
publishBranch = 'master';
} else {
publishBranch = 'gh-pages';
if (
publishRemoteUrl === originUrl &&
srcBranch === publishBranch
) {
cli_error(`source and publish branches are the same: ${publishBranch}`);
fs.mkdirSync(publishDir, { recursive: true });
if (cli.publishCommit !== undefined) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'add', '-u'], cmdOpts);
runCmd( 'git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'commit', '-m', cli.publishCommit], cmdOpts);
sourceCommit = gitSha(inputPath, srcBranch);
if (fs.existsSync(publish_git_dir)) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishDirCwd, 'checkout', '--', '.'], cmdOptsNoDry);
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishDirCwd, 'fetch'], cmdOptsNoDry);
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishDirCwd, 'checkout', sourceCommit], cmdOptsNoDry);
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishDirCwd, 'submodule', 'update', '--init'], cmdOptsNoDry);
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishDirCwd, 'clean', '-xdf'], cmdOptsNoDry);
} else {
runCmd('git', ['clone', '--recursive', '--depth', '1', input_git_toplevel, publishDirCwd],
ourbigbook.cloneAndSet(cmdOpts, 'dry_run', false));
// Set some variables especially for publishing.
actualInputDir = path.join(publishDir, subdir_relpath);
nonOurbigbookOptions.ourbigbook_json_dir = actualInputDir;
publishOutPublishDir = path.join(publish_tmpdir, publish_target);
publishOutPublishDirCwd = relpathCwd(publishOutPublishDir)
publish_out_publish_obb_dir = path.join(publishOutPublishDir, ourbigbook_nodejs.PUBLISH_OBB_PREFIX)
publishOutPublishDistDir = path.join(publishOutPublishDir, ourbigbook_nodejs.PUBLISH_ASSET_DIST_PREFIX)
nonOurbigbookOptions.out_css_path = path.join(publishOutPublishDistDir, ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_CSS_BASENAME);
nonOurbigbookOptions.out_js_path = path.join(publishOutPublishDistDir, ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_JS_BASENAME);
nonOurbigbookOptions.external_css_and_js = true;
// Remove all files from the publish diretory in case some were removed from the original source.
if (!cli.publishNoConvert) {
if (publish_uses_git) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(publishOutPublishDir, '.git'))) {
// git rm -rf . blows up on an empty directory.
// This check blows up for a very large directory. We could instead just get one line,
// but requires modifying the runCmd function: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63796633/spawnsync-bin-sh-enobufs/77420941#77420941
//if (git_ls_files(publishOutPublishDir).length > 0) {
// So instead I'm lazy and just throwOnError false here.
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'rm', '-r', '-f', '.'],
ourbigbook.cloneAndSet(cmdOpts, 'throwOnError', false))
} else {
fs.rmSync(publishOutPublishDir, { recursive: true, force: true })
// Clean database to ensure a clean conversion. TODO: this is dangerous, if some day we
// start adding more conversion state outside of db.sqlite3. Better would be to remove the
// entire _out/publish/_out. Te slight downside of that is that:
// - it deletes other publish targets
// - it forces re-fetch of git history on the gh-pages branch
fs.rmSync(path.join(publish_tmpdir, ourbigbook_nodejs_front.SQLITE_DB_BASENAME), { force: true })
fs.mkdirSync(publishOutPublishDir, { recursive: true })
} else {
actualInputDir = inputPath;
publishOutPublishDir = outdir;
publishOutPublishDirCwd = relpathCwd(publishOutPublishDir)
nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir = publishOutPublishDir;
if (!cli.publishNoConvert) {
await create_db(ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions);
// Do the actual conversion.
await convert_directory_extract_ids_and_render(actualInputDir, ourbigbook_options, nonOurbigbookOptions)
if (nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
// Generate redirects from ourbigbook.json.
for (let [from, to] of options.ourbigbook_json.redirects) {
if (
// TODO https://docs.ourbigbook.com/respect-ourbigbook-json-htmlxextension-on-ourbigbook-json-redirects
ourbigbook_options.htmlXExtension === false ? false : true &&
) {
to += '.' + ourbigbook.HTML_EXT
path.join(nonOurbigbookOptions.outdir, from + '.' + ourbigbook.HTML_EXT),
// Publish the converted output if build succeeded.
if (publish && !nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error) {
// Push the original source.
if (publishIsPublic && !cli.dryRunPush) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'push'], cmdOpts);
if (publish_uses_git) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'init'], cmdOpts);
const coreSshCommand = chomp(runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPath, 'config', '--get', 'core.sshCommand'], cmdOptsInfoNothrow))
if (coreSshCommand) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'config', 'core.sshCommand', coreSshCommand], cmdOpts)
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42871542/how-to-create-a-git-repository-with-the-default-branch-name-other-than-master
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'checkout', '-B', publishBranch], cmdOptsNoStdout);
try {
// Fails if remote already exists.
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'remote', 'add', 'origin', publishRemoteUrl], cmdOpts);
} catch(error) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'remote', 'set-url', 'origin', publishRemoteUrl], cmdOpts);
// Ensure that we are up-to-date with the upstream gh-pages if one exists.
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'fetch', 'origin'], cmdOpts);
['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'reset', `origin/${publishBranch}`],
// Fails on the first commit in an empty repository.
ourbigbook.cloneAndSet(cmdOpts, 'throwOnError', false)
// Generate special files needed for a given publish target.
for (const p in publish_create_files) {
const outpath = path.join(publishOutPublishDir, p)
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outpath), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(outpath, publish_create_files[p])
if ('prepublish' in options.ourbigbook_json) {
if (!cli.dryRun && !cli.dryRunPush && !cli.unsafeAce) {
cli_error('prepublish in ourbigbook.json requires running with --unsafe-ace');
const prepublish_path = options.ourbigbook_json.prepublish
if (!fs.existsSync(prepublish_path)) {
cli_error(`${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_JSON_BASENAME} prepublish file not found: ${prepublish_path}`);
try {
runCmd('./' + path.relative(process.cwd(), path.resolve(prepublish_path)), [relpathCwd(publishOutPublishDir)]);
} catch(error) {
cli_error(`${ourbigbook.OURBIGBOOK_JSON_BASENAME} prepublish command exited non-zero, aborting`);
// Copy runtime assets from _obb/ into the output repository.
const dir = fs.opendirSync(ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_PATH)
let dirent
while ((dirent = dir.readSync()) !== null) {
path.join(ourbigbook_nodejs.DIST_PATH, dirent.name),
path.join(publishOutPublishDistDir, dirent.name)
fs.mkdirSync(publish_out_publish_obb_dir, { recursive: true })
if (options.ourbigbook_json.web && options.ourbigbook_json.web.linkFromStaticHeaderMetaToWeb) {
path.join(publishOutPublishDir, ourbigbook_nodejs.LOGO_ROOT_RELPATH)
if (publish_uses_git) {
// Commit and push.
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'add', '.'], cmdOpts);
const args = ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'commit', '-m', sourceCommit]
if (git_has_commit(publishOutPublishDir)) {
const commitCmdOptions = { ...cmdOptsNoStdout }
const name = chomp(runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPath, 'config', '--get', 'user.name'], cmdOpts))
const email = chomp(runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPath, 'config', '--get', 'user.email'], cmdOpts))
if (name && email) {
commitCmdOptions.env_extra = {
args.push(...['--author', `${name} <${email}>`])
if (options.ourbigbook_json.publishCommitDate) {
args.push(...['--date', options.ourbigbook_json.publishCommitDate])
Object.assign(commitCmdOptions.env_extra, { GIT_COMMITTER_DATE: options.ourbigbook_json.publishCommitDate })
runCmd('git', args, commitCmdOptions);
if (!cli.dryRunPush) {
runCmd('git', ['-C', publishOutPublishDirCwd, 'push', '-f', 'origin', `${publishBranch}:${publishBranch}`], cmdOpts);
// Mark the commit with the `published` branch to make it easier to find what was last published.
runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'checkout', '-B', 'published'], cmdOpts);
runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'push', '-f', '--follow-tags'], cmdOpts);
runCmd('git', ['-C', inputPathCwd, 'checkout', '-'], cmdOpts);
if (
// Happens on empty input from stdin (Ctrl + D withotu typing anything)
output !== undefined &&
inputPath === undefined ||
) {
perfPrint('exit', ourbigbook_options)
if (!cli.watch) {
process.exit(nonOurbigbookOptions.had_error ? 1 : 0)
})().catch((e) => {