= tmp

Escape chars: \\, \[, \], \{, \}, \<, \`, \$

Escape at start of newline only:
\* *
\= =
\|| ||
\| |

Same in list indent:

* the list
  \* *
  \= =
  \|| ||
  \| |

Sane inline element: \i[qwer] after.

Sane inline element with named argument: \a[qwer]{external} after.

Sane inline element with positional and named argument: \a[qwer][zxcv]{external} after.

Insane link http://example.com after.

Insane link http://example.com[], with comma immediately following.

Insane ref: <black cat>.

Insane ref capital: <Black cat>.

Insane ref plural: <black cats>.

Insane ref full: <black cats>{full}.

Topic link with spaces: <#rare topic with spaces>.

Topic link without spaces: #RareTopic

Sane xref that cannot be converted to insane: \x[[$]]

Insane ref with greater than: <greater than>

Inline code block: `f(x + 1)[]` after.

Inline code block with backtick: \c[[a ` b]] after.

Inline code block with backtick and double open square brackets: \c[[[a ` [[ b]]] after.

Inline code block with backtick and double close square brackets: \c[[[a ` ]] b]]] after.

Inline code block with backtick and triple open square brackets: \c[[[[a ` [[[ b]]]] after.

\Q[Sane block with a single line.]

Sane block with a single line.

No, actually multiple lines.

\Q[\Q[Nested sane block]tight.]

Sane block together with paragraph:
\Q[To be]
and another:
\Q[or maybe not]
and finally.





Empty argument followed by paragraph:


and something after.

Argument ending in list:

* asdf

and something after.

Non-br macro without arguments\i
followed by a newline

Literal block that renders as sane:

\Q[[To be \i[or] maybe not.]]

Literal block with escaped leading and trailing:



Literal block with multiple lines starting in \[ and ending in \]:



Insane block together with paragraph:
x = 1
and another:
x = 2

Block code block:

x = 1
x = x + 1

Block code with double backtick:

x = 1
x = x + 1

Block code with triple backtick:

x = 1
x = x + 1

Insane code block with attribute:

x = 1
{description=My code}

Inline math: $\sqrt{2}$ after.

Block math:

\sqrt{2} \\

Block math single line:



* p1

  Sane block:

  \Q[To be]

  and another:

  \Q[or maybe not]
* p2

List with paragraph:

* p1

  p1 2

  p1 3
* p2

Nested list:

* p1
* p2
  * p2 1
  * p2 2
    * p2 2 1
  * p2 3
* p3
  * p3 1

Nested list with paragraph:

* p1
* p2
  * p2 p1

    p2 p2

    * p2 p2 1
    * p2 p2 2

    p2 p3
  * p2 2
  * p2 3
* p3
  * p3 1

List with ID:

* p1
* p2

Insane ordered list:

* p1
* p2

Thight list:
* aaa
* bbb
and another:
* ccc
* ddd

Nested and tight:
* aaa
  * bbb
  * ccc

* tight code in list without paragraph
* after

* tight quote in list without paragraph
* after

\Q[list after block tight]
* the list

List in paragraph with blocks with paragraph:
* \Q[first]


List in paragraph with block followed by nested list tight:
* \Q[first]

  * second

List immediately in list item:

* * first
  * second


|| header 1
|| header 2

| row 1 1
| row 1 2

| row 2 1
| row 2 2

Table with title:

|| header 1
|| header 2

| row 1 1
| row 1 2

| row 2 1
| row 2 2
{title=My table}

Table with paragraph and list:

|| header 1
|| header 2

| row 1 1

  row 1 1 1

  * row 1 1 1 1
  * row 1 1 1 2
    * row 1 1 1 2 1

  row 1 1 2
| row 1 2

| row 2 1
| row 2 2

Table with empty cell:

| row 1 1

| row 2 1
| row 2 2

{title=The title of my image.}
{description=The description of my image.}


== Dog


<code In OurBigBookExample>

<image Tank man standing in front of some tanks.>



{title=In OurBigBookExample}




== Black cat

== Black

== Black dog

== My \i[Tag]

== My tagged
{tag=My Tag}

== Dollar

== Greater > than

== My scope

=== h1

== Tank_man_standing_in_front_of_some_tanks.jpg

== Header with args

== Synonym main

= Synonym secondary