# For these snippets, you have to first copy the header text to the clipboard.
# The expansion result then calculates the ID for that header and injects it.
snippet {c
snippet {d
snippet \I
snippet {p
snippet {t
snippet \V
snippet \x
\\x[`substitute(substitute(tolower(@+), '[^a-z0-9]\\+', '-', 'g'), '^-\\|-$', '', 'g')`]
snippet <
<`substitute(substitute(tolower(@+[0]) . @+[1:], '[<> ]\\+', ' ', 'g'), '^ \\| $', '', 'g')`>
snippet >
<`substitute(substitute(@+, '[<> ]\\+', ' ', 'g'), '^ \\| $', '', 'g')`>
# Standard format for the web archive of something which must be present in the clipboard, e.g.
# ``
# see this link: (http/[archive])
# ``
snippet arch