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If a non-toplevel macro has the title argument is present but no explicit id argument is given, an Element ID is created automatically from the title, by applying the following transformations:
  • do a id output format conversion on the title to remove for example any HTML tags that would be present in the conversion output
  • convert all characters to lowercase. This uses JavaScript case conversion. Note that this does convert non-ASCII characters to lowercase, e.g. É to é.
  • if id normalize latin is true (the default) do Latin normalization. This converts e.g. é to e.
  • if id normalize punctuation is true (the default) do Punctuation normalization. This converts e.g. + to plus.
  • convert consecutive sequences of all non a-z0-9 ASCII characters to a single hyphen -. Note that this leaves non-ASCII characters untouched.
  • strip leading or trailing hyphens
Note how those rules leave non-ASCII Unicode characters untouched, except for:
  • capitalization changes wher applicable, e.g. É to é
as capitalization and determining if something "is a letter or not" in those cases can be tricky.
For toplevel headers, see: the ID of the first header is derived from the filename.
So for example, the following automatic IDs would be generated: Table 2. "Examples of automatically generated IDs".
Table 2.
Examples of automatically generated IDs
titleidlatin normalizationpunctuation normalizationcomments
My favorite titlemy-favorite-title
Ciro's markdown is awesomeciro-s-markdown-is-awesome' is an ASCII character, but it is not in a-z0-9, therefore it gets converted to a hyphen -
The Latin acute accented e, É, is converted to its lower case form é as per the JavaScript case conversion.
Then, due to Latin normalization, é is converted to e.
The Chinese character is left untouched as Chinese characters have no case, and no ASCII analogue.
É你é你falseSame as the previous, but é is not converted to e since Latin normalization is turned off.
C++ is greatc-plus-plus-is-greattrueThis is the effect of Punctuation normalization.
I love dogs.i-love-dogslove is extracted from the italic tags <i>love</i> with id output format conversion.
β Centauribeta-centauriOur Latin normalization is amazing and knows Greek!
For the toplevel header, its ID is derived from the basename of the OurBigBook file without extension instead of from the title argument.


  1. \H title argument
  2. \H synonym argument
  3. \H arguments
  4. Header
  5. Macro
  6. OurBigBook Markup
  7. OurBigBook Project