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Ciro Santilli is the founder and Absolute Magnanimous All Powerful Eternal Ruler (AMAPER) of the OurBigBook Project.
Ciro is a passionate about
  • free education that allows learners to progress as fast as they want
  • User Generated Content, which allows anyone to be the teacher
His motivations for starting the OurBigBook Project can be seen at: ourbigbook.com/cirosantilli/ourbigbook-com/philosophy
Ciro is a big Stack Overflow contributor, having reached top 50 yearly reputation leagues for several consecutive years in the early 2020's: ourbigbook.com/cirosantilli/ciro-santilli-s-stack-overflow-contributions and he has a few 1k+ star educational GitHub repositories: github.com/search?o=desc&q=user%3Acirosantilli&s=stars&type=Repositories.
Figure 68.

Ancestors (4)

  1. Team
  2. Project governance
  3. Developing OurBigBook
  4. Home