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Literal backticks and dollar signs can be produced witha backslash escape as in:
a \` \$ b
which renders as:
a ` $ b
It is not possible to escape backticks (`) inside an insane inline code, or dollar signs ($) in insane math.
The design reason for that is because multiple backticks produce block code.
The upside is that then you don't have to escape anything else, e.g. backslashes (\) are rendered literally.
The only way to do it is to use the sane syntax instead:
a \c[[b ` c]] d

a \m[[\sqrt{\$4}]] d
which renders as:
a b ` c d
a d
Within block code and math, you can just add more separators:
code with two backticks
which renders as:
code with two backticks


  1. Macro with insane shortcut
  2. Insane macro shortcut
  3. OurBigBook Markup syntax
  4. OurBigBook Markup
  5. OurBigBook Project