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Same as \x child argument but in the opposite direction, e.g.:
== Mammal

=== Bat

=== Cat

== Flying animal
is equivalent in every way to:
== Mammal

=== Bat

=== Cat

== Flying animal
Naming rationale:
  • parent as the opposite of child is already taken to be then "main parent" via the "\H parent argument"
  • we could have renamed the \H child argument to tags as in "this header tags that one", but it would be a bit confusing tags vs tag
So child vs tag it is for now.
You generally want to use tag instead of the \H child argument because otherwise some very large header categories are going to contain Huge lists of children, which is not very nice when editing.
It is possible to enforce the \H child argument or the \H tag argument in a given project with the lint h-tag option.


  1. \H arguments
  2. Header
  3. Macro
  4. OurBigBook Markup
  5. OurBigBook Project
