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Here is an image without a description but with an ID so we can link to it: Figure 26.
Have a look at this amazing image: \x[image-my-test-image-2].

which renders as:
Have a look at this amazing image: Figure 26.
This works because full is the default internal link style for Image, otherwise the link text would be empty since there is no title, and OurBigBook would raise an error.
OurBigBook can optionally deduce the title from the basename of the src argument if the titleFromSrc boolean argument is given, or if title-from-src is set as the default media provider for the media type:
Have a look at this amazing image: \x[image-tank-man-standing-in-front-of-some-tanks].

which renders as:
Have a look at this amazing image: Figure 27. "Tank man standing in front of some tanks.".
Figure 27.
Tank man standing in front of some tanks.

Ancestors (4)

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  2. Macro
  3. OurBigBook Markup
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