If the target
argument contains a link from either another internal links or a regular external hyperlink, OurBigBook automatically prevents that link from rendering as a link when no explicit body is given.This is done because nested links are illegal in HTML, and the result would be confusing.
This use case is most common when dealing with media such as images. For example in:the and not:
= afds
== qwer
{title=aa \x[zxcv][zxcv] \a[http://example.com][lolol] bb}
== zxcv
renders something like:<a href="#image-aa-zxcv-lolol-bb">aa zxcv lolol bb</a>
<a href="#image-aa-zxcv-lolol-bb">aa <a href="zxcv">zxcv</a> <a href="http://example.com">lolol</a> bb</a>
Live example:
This is a nice image: \x[image-aa-zxcv-lolol-bb].
{title=aa \x[internal-link-title-link-removal][zxcv] \a[http://example.com][lolol] bb}
which renders as:
This is a nice image: Figure 44. "aa zxcv lolol bb".