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Insane with * (asterisk space):
* a
* b
* c
which renders as:
  • a
  • b
  • c
Equivalent saner with implicit ul container:
which renders as:
  • a
  • b
  • c
Equivalent fully sane with explicit container:
which renders as:
  • a
  • b
  • c
The explicit container is required if you want to pass extra arguments properties to the ul list macro, e.g. a title and an ID: Ul 1:
which renders as:
  • a
  • b
  • c
This is the case because without the explicit container in an implicit ul list, the arguments would stick to the last list item instead of the list itself.
It is also required if you want ordered lists:
which renders as:
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
Insane nested list with two space indentation:
* a
  * a1
  * a2
  * a2
* b
* c
which renders as:
  • a
    • a1
    • a2
    • a2
  • b
  • c
The indentation must always be exactly equal to two spaces, anything else leads to errors or unintended output.
Equivalent saner nested lists with implicit containers:
which renders as:
  • a
    • a1
    • a2
    • a2
  • b
  • c
Insane list item with a paragraph inside of it:
* a
* I have

  Multiple paragraphs.

  * And
  * also
  * a
  * list
* c
which renders as:
  • a
  • I have
    Multiple paragraphs.
    • And
    • also
    • a
    • list
  • c
Equivalent sane version:
I have

Multiple paragraphs.

which renders as:
  • a
  • I have
    Multiple paragraphs.
    • And
    • also
    • a
    • list
  • c
Insane lists may be escaped with a backslash as usual:
\* paragraph starting with an asterisk.
which renders as:
* paragraph starting with an asterisk.
You can also start insane lists immediately at the start of a positional or named argument, e.g.:
\P[* a
* b
* c
which renders as:
  • a
  • b
  • c
And now a list outside of \OurBigBookExample to test how it looks directly under the \Toplevel implicit macro:

Ancestors (3)

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