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2022-12: Letícia Maria Paz De Lima is awarded 10,000 Brazilian Real (~1,929 USD) to help her:
Focus on her quantum computing studies and research until 2023-06-30 (end of her third year), with the future intention of pursuing a PhD abroad in that area.
At the time of award, Letícia was a 3rd year student at the Molecular Sciences Course of the University of São Paulo and held a FAPESP Scientific Initiation Scholarship. She had become interested in Quantum Computing in the past year, and is passionate about working on that promising area of technology.
Her main mentors in the area have been professor Paulo Nussenzveig and Barbara Amaral of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo.

Ancestors (6)

  1. 2022
  2. OurBigBook.com Fellows
  3. OurBigBook.com Fellowship
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  6. OurBigBook Project