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TODO: get this working. Maybe we should also bake it into the ourbigbook CLI tool as well for greater portability. Starting like this as a faster way to prototype:
rm -rf _out/parallel
mkdir -p _out/parallel
# ID extraction.
git ls-files | grep -E '\.bigb$' | parallel -X ourbigbook --no-render --no-check-db --outdir '_out/parallel/{%}' '{}'
./merge-dbs _out/db.sqlite3 _out/parallel/*/db.sqlite3
ourbigbook --check-db
# Render.
git ls-files | grep -E '\.bigb$' | parallel -X ourbigbook --no-check-db '{}'
Observed --no-render speedup on 1k small files from the Wikipedia bot and 8 cores: 3x. So not bad.
Observed render speedup on 1k small files from the Wikipedia bot and 8 cores: none. TODO. Is this because of database contention?

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