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This directory is determined by first checking the presence of a ourbigbook.json file.
If a ourbigbook.json is found, then the project toplevel directory is the directory that contains that file.
For example, consider the file following file structure relative to the current working directory:
In this case:
  • if there is no ourbigbook.json file:
    • if we run ourbigbook .: the toplevel directory is the current directory ., and so notindex.bigb has ID path/to/notindex
    • if we run ourbigbook path: same
    • if we run ourbigbook path/to: same
    • if we run ourbigbook path/to/notindex.bigb: same
  • if there is a path/ourbigbook.json file:
    • if we run ourbigbook .: the toplevel directory is the current directory . because the ourbigbook.json is below the entry point and is not seen, and so notindex.bigb has ID path/to/notindex
    • if we run ourbigbook path: the toplevel directory is the directory with the ourbigbook.json, path, and so notindex.bigb has ID to/notindex
    • if we run ourbigbook path/to: same
    • if we run ourbigbook path/to/notindex.bigb: same

Ancestors (3)

  1. Index file
  2. OurBigBook CLI
  3. OurBigBook Project