Shorthand start at any of the recognized protocols are the ones shown at: Section "Known URL protocols".absolutely anywhere if not escaped, e.g.:renders something like:To prevent expansion, you have to escape the protocol with a backslash Empty domains like:don't becomes links however. But this one does:
a <a href="">
, e.g.:\
Shorthand links end when any shorthand link termination character is found.
As a consequence, to have an shorthand link followed immediately by a punctuation like a period you should use an empty argument as in:otherwise the punctuation will go in it. Another common use case is:
Check out this website:[].
which renders as:
Check out this website:
As mentioned on the tutorial ([see this link]).
which renders as:
As mentioned on the tutorial (see this link).
If you want your link to include one of the terminating characters, e.g.
, all characters can be escaped with a backslash, e.g.:Hello\]a\}b\\c\ d world.
which renders as:
Hello]a}b\c d world.
Note that the
inside \a[]
only works because we do some post-processing magic that prevents its expansion, otherwise the link would expand twice:\P[]
which renders as:
This magic can be observed with --help-macros
by seeing that the href
argument of the a
macro has the property:"elide_link_only": true,