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Wikimedia Commons is another great possibility to upload your images to:
which renders as:
OurBigBook likes Wikimedia Commons so much that we automatically parse the image URL and if it is from Wikimedia Commons, automatically deduce the source for you. So the above image renders the same without the source argument:
which renders as:
And like for non-Wikimedia images, you can automatically generate a title from the src by setting the titleFromSrc boolean argument or if title-from-src is set as the default media provider for the media type:
which renders as:
Figure 34.
Gel electrophoresis insert comb.
And a quick test for a more complex thumb resized URL:
which renders as:
If you really absolutely want to turn off the source, you can explicitly set:
which renders as:
but you don't want to do that for the most commonly Wikimedia Commons used license of CC BY+, do you? :-)
Upsides of using Wikimedia Commons for your images:
  • makes it easier for other writers to find and reuse your images
  • automatically generates resized versions of the uploaded images into several common dimensions so you can pick the smallest one that fits your desired image height to reduce bandwidth usage
  • if you have so many images that they would blow even the size of a separate media repository, this will still work
  • forces you to use the Creative Commons license
  • requires the content to be educational in nature
  • uploading a bunch of images to Wikimedia Commons does feel a bit more laborious than it should because you have to write down so much repeated metadata for them

Ancestors (5)

  1. Where to store images
  2. Image
  3. Macro
  4. OurBigBook Markup
  5. Home