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E.g. in:
= x86

== Sample code

== x86 paging

=== Sample code
both Sample code headers have id="sample-code", which would lead to ID conflicts on the same page.
Also, as a result, the toc link from x86 intended to go to x86-paging/sample-code misses and opens on a separate page.
I don't know how to solve this besides always including scopes on every ID... This does however lead to ugly local IDs on individual pages which is a bit of a shame... oh cruel life.
We could also have two versions of every page, scoped and non scoped, but things likely go exponential when we start dealing with subscope.
This could mean that a lot of toplevel scope removal work will go to the trash! :-( But what can you do, it is the inevitable outcome of dynamic page fetch?

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