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Going to close it for now as irreproducible. Worked around it by fixing data manualy with the new nested-set CLI tool. Will try to debug further if it shows up again in the future.
On web now:
We can only reproduce locally by copying the database, we haven't managed to reach such state by a clean sequence of pure API calls, clean naive web/bin/generate-demo-data -C -u1 didn't reproduce either.
Upon quickly inspectig the DB we see that the nested set indexes are wrong:
[ 'barack-obama', 0, 36 ],
[ 'barack-obama/mathematics', 1, 9 ],
[ 'barack-obama/fundamental-theorem-of-calculus', 9, 11 ],
barack-obama/mathematics should stop something larger than 9 to include barack-obama/fundamental-theorem-of-calculus and other children.
The question is now if this is still reachable, of if it was due to a previous bug.

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