- Reorder convert to move Article.destroySideEffect before File.destroy
- Nested set index corruption
- Add an option to add a prefix to every ID of rendered output to avoid conflicts across comments and issue
- Add button on web to move article to trash on web
- Add sibling/add child buttons next to headers owned by the current user
- Add sibling/add child buttons next to toc entries of articles owned by the current user
- Allow creating new pages under scope on web
- Allow disambiguate and id header arguments on web
- Allow showing article body on article lists
- Allow user to edit other user's articles
- Article create and update slow on web
- At mention and topics locally
- At mention and topics on web
on navbar gets pushed down half way at a specific page width just above mobile shift- Cannot link from comment to article
- Capture link clicks to headers in current page and don't change page
- Clicking on the comment header does not highlight the header line
- Comment autogenerated IDs are wrong when there is header in the comment
- Comment h1 has empty metadata line where likes would be placed
- Comment h1 self link is empty and thus refreshes the page
- Delete article
- Don't move to a separate page when clicking link to image to another header that is already visible on current page on web
- Don't move to a separate page when clicking toc links in a page that has scope on web
- Don't skip parent/previous sibling updates on --web uploads
- Donate button on web
- Empty Latest Followed shows as There are no articles on this website yet
- Enable web math defines default on non-web
- Enable web math defines on web editor
- Encrypted client hello
- Firefox tab lists don't wrap
- First on-hover heder self link after table of content activates table of contents instead of header
- Fix ToC links on web, missing scope
- Follow topic
- Following and followed tabs are swapped
- Forbid uppercase IDs on web and CLI by default
- Fragment redirects not working on web
- H1 arguments broken on web
- H2 on hover self links are empty on Web
- Handle email replies to notification@ourbigbook.com
- Handle web upload after local article renaming with synonym redirection set
- Headers under scope don't have scope on ID leads to ID conflicts and a link misses on Web
- Hide unconfirmed users
- Include should work transparently with README in subdirectory
- Inject React header metadata on each header separately
- Like and unlike requests are very slow
- Like comments
- Links to synonym header have fragment
- Live error checking as you type on editor if chosen previous sibling is not a child of the selected parent article
- Load more articles
- Load more ToC entrie
- Make articles removed locally empty on web upload
- Make rendered issue and comment fragments as short as possible
- Monaco editor requires web
- Move articles deleted locally to under a trash article on web
- Multiheader editing
- Option to add view on ourbigbook link on header metadata of CLI static renders
- ParentId dropdown autocomplete
- Pass previousSiblingId on web upload
- Prefix unnumbered IDs with the parent header's ID
- Prevent full page reload on links using our existing link capture
- Progress spinner after submit
- Prop dangerouslySetInnerHtml did not match on some pages
- Reach the same performance as static website with dynamic tree
- Remove @ from toc IDs
- Remove synonym from JSON, use Ref.type = synonym instead
- Remove the path parameter from the article creation API
- Remove word count on web
- Render ancestors, incoming links and tagged on web
- Second meta line showing up on index page even if empty
- Separate lines with field label for parent and previous sibling on web editor
- Shorthand block quotes
- Show like and follow date on user like follow lists
- Show likers list on article page
- Skip absolute link exit check on web
- Skip re-render from API if article was unchanged
- Start a basic notification system
- Statically render links to issues and topic under each header for better SEO
- Store SHA of each article + descendants and skip API re-renders for entire subtrees
- Synonym redirects on web
- Tags show up twice under scopes
- Test scope 2 appears after Test scope 1 on generated data
- ToC Js folding broken on Web
- Use same parent title if the current user has a matching article when clicking "Create my own version of article"
- View article and issue likers and followers
- View article source on web
- Allow creation of multiple headers in one go on web
- Move all header metadata from source to HTML in Web
- Wiki link on same line as parent link on web h1
- Word count on web