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Anything you want, as long as it is legal. This notably includes not violating copyright, see also: OurBigBook.com content license.
It doesn't have to be about STEM in any way.
And it doesn't even have to be useful.
Just beward of the following:
  • if you automatically mass upload a bunch of useless automatically generated content, you might get blocked
  • if you create a bunch of accounts and upvote one another, i.e. voting fraud, you might get blocked. Ideally one day we want to have a robust ranking system that is immune to manual vote fraud, much like PageRank. However we still don't have anywhere enough users and data to make that worth it or feasible at this time, so we are starting simple and doing it manually
  • SPAM: if you are clearly trying to promote goods or services with a large number of posts of accounts because you were paid to do so. There is a fine line between SPAM and non spam, which our admins will do their best to judge. E.g. talking at length about your projects is not SPAM, and it is greatly encouraged. But e.g. using a large number of unrelated topics to promote your stuff is Here's a nice example: github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/346
At some distant point in the future we could start letting people self tag content that is illegal in certain countries or for certain age groups, and we could then block this content to satisfy the laws of each country.

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