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In order to give more immediate topic value to readers, and to better highlight the topics feature, we now show a few articles on the same topic at the bottom of every article page, essentially acting as a preview of the corresponding topic page.
For example, if you visit the "Calculus" article by user Barack Obama: ourbigbook.com/barack-obama/calculus then at the bottom of the page you can see a section "Articles by others on the same topic (3)" which displays up to the 5 most highly upvoted articles in the same topic written by other users, much like the topic page for the "Calculus" topic: ourbigbook.com/go/topic/calculus.
By comparison, the topic page shows more articles by default (20), supports pagination, and allows for other forms of sorting such as viewing the latest articles in a topic. We are initially not adding those options to the article page itself as there is already enough stuff going on there.

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