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For some time we have been listing certain "cross article" metadata at the bottom of articles on both -W, --web and static.
For example, on both:you can see a list of articles tagged by the given articles at the end of the page.
Now, only on -W, --web, you can also see these article lists with the article content itself, for example:
The initial motivation for this was to be able to quickly browse through tagged articles, especially since the recent tagged headers show under non-toplevel headers.
Another motivation for this is the ability to be able to view such lists with pagination when a large number of items exists. While we don't currently limit tagged and incoming links listings, children listings are already useful as we currently limit dynamic article tree ToCs to 1000 entries, so that children listings open up a way to explore such large article trees.
This is the type of cute thing that can only be done efficiently on -W, --web, where we can use an actual database to build up a precise response as requested. On static websites, this would either require lots of repetition on pre-rendered HTML, or making several JavaScript requests to fetch individual articles from the server, which could risk overloading the server.

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